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GB 11564-2024: Retro-reflective devices and markings for motor vehicles
GB 11564-2024
ICS 43.040.20
CCS T 38
Replacing GB 11564-2008, GB 19151-2003, GB 23254-2009, GB 25990-2010
Retro-reflective Devices and Markings for Motor Vehicles
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Requirements ... 10
5 Test Methods ... 24
6 Judgment of the Same Type ... 40
7 Inspection Rules ... 40
8 Equipment and Installation Requirements ... 46
9 Implementation of Standard ... 46
Appendix A (informative) CIE Co-ordinate System for Retro-reflection ... 47
Appendix B (normative) Requirements for the Shape and Dimensions of Retro-
reflective Area of Retro-reflective Device ... 48
Appendix C (normative) Requirements for the Test Device of Luminosity Properties
... 55
Appendix D (normative) Test Equipment and Method of Triangles ... 58
Appendix E (normative) Test Procedures of Type Inspection ... 60
Appendix F (normative) Pasting or Installation Requirements for Retro-reflective
Marking ... 66
Appendix G (normative) Installation Requirements for Marking Plate ... 80
Retro-reflective Devices and Markings for Motor Vehicles
1 Scope
This document stipulates the requirements, test methods, judgment of the same type, inspection
rules, equipment and installation requirements for the retro-reflective devices and markings for
motor vehicles.
This document is applicable to the design, production, inspection and installation of retro-
reflectors, retro-reflective markings of carriage, rear marking plate for vehicles and their trailers,
and warning triangles for motor vehicles installed, pasted or equipped on motor vehicles.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2423.1 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2: Test Methods
- Tests A: Cold
GB/T 2423.2 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2: Test Methods
- Tests B: Dry Heat
GB/T 2423.17 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2: Test
Methods - Test Ka: Salt Mist
GB/T 3681.2-2021 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Solar Radiation - Part 2: Direct
Weathering and Exposure behind Window Glass
GB/T 3978-2008 Standard Illuminants and Geometric Conditions
GB/T 3979 Methods for the Measurement of Object Color
GB 4785 Prescription for Installation of the External Lighting and Light-signaling Devices for
Motor Vehicles and Their Trailers
GB/T 8427 Textiles - Tests for Color Fastness - Color Fastness to Artificial Light: Xenon Arc
Fading Lamp Test
GB/T 10485 Road Vehicles - Lighting and Light-signaling Devices - Environmental Endurance
GB/T 16422.2 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc
After carrying out the solvent resistance test in accordance with the method specified in 5.7,
there shall be no obvious change or deformation in the retro-reflective area of the retro-
reflective device, and there shall be no adhesion between the triangles and their protective
devices. The nighttime color of the retro-reflector re-tested in accordance with the method
specified in 5.4.1 shall comply with the requirements of; the daytime color of other
retro-reflective devices re-tested in accordance with the method specified in 5.4.2 shall comply
with the requirements of Re-test the luminosity properties in accordance with the
method specified in 5.3.5, and the coefficient of luminous intensity of the triangles shall not be
less than 80% of the value specified in Table 4. Other retro-reflective devices shall comply with
the requirements of 4.1.3.
4.1.7 Temperature resistance
After carrying out the temperature resistance performance test in accordance with the method
specified in 5.8, the retro-reflective area of the retro-reflector shall have no obvious cracks,
deformation and other defects; the retro-reflective sheeting and fluorescent materials shall have
no wrinkles, bubbles, peeling and other defects; the protective devices for the triangles shall be
easy to open and not stick or tear. After the high-temperature resistance test, the retro-reflector
shall be tested for luminosity properties in accordance with the method specified in 5.3.1, and
shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.3; other retro-reflective devices shall be re-tested for
luminosity properties in accordance with the method specified in 5.3.5; the coefficient of
luminous intensity of the triangles shall not be less than 80% of the value specified in Table 4;
other retro-reflective devices shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.3.
4.1.8 Salt spray corrosion resistance
After carrying out the salt spray corrosion test in accordance with the method specified in 5.9,
the retro-reflective device (except the triangles) shall have no trace of corrosion. The luminosity
properties re-tested in accordance with the method specified in 5.3.5 shall comply with the
requirements of 4.1.3. The nighttime color of the retro-reflector re-tested in accordance with
the method specified in 5.4.1 shall comply with the requirements of, and the daytime
color of other retro-reflectors re-tested in accordance with the method specified in 5.4.2 shall
comply with the requirements of; the retro-reflective sheeting and fluorescent materials
shall be free of softening, wrinkles, bubbles, discoloration and other defects, and the 180 peel
strength of the backing adhesive shall be not less than 20 N/50 mm.
4.1.9 Impact resistance
After carrying out the impact resistance test in accordance with the method specified in 5.10,
the retro-reflective area of Class IV A retro-reflector and retro-reflector for the markings of
carriage shall manifest no cracks; the retro-reflective sheeting for the markings of carriage and
the marking plate shall have no cracks, interlayer detachment or other damage outside the
circular area with the impact point as the center and a radius of 6 mm.
4.2 Special Requirements
4.2.1 Retro-reflector Structure
The structure of the retro-reflector shall comply with the following requirements:
a) The retro-reflector has a stable structure and its constituent parts are not easy to
b) The retro-reflecting optical units of the retro-reflector cannot be replaced, but for
Class III A or Class III B retro-reflectors whose retro-reflective area is composed of
independent retro-reflecting optical units, each independent retro-reflecting optical
unit is allowed to be replaced with a Class I A retro-reflector;
c) The inner surface of the retro-reflecting optical unit cannot be in direct contact;
d) When it is composed of an optical unit and a color filter, the required color of the
color filter shall not be obtained by painting. Wear resistance of mirror back
The mirror back of the retro-reflector is open or detachable, and the mirror back test of the
retro-reflecting optical u...
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