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GB 15083-2019: Strength requirement and test method of automobile seats, their anchorages and any head restraints
GB 15083-2019
ICS 43.040.60
T 26
Replacing GB 15083-2006
Strength requirement and test method of automobile
seats, their anchorages and any head restraints
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative references ... 5 
3 Terms and definitions ... 6 
4 Technical requirements ... 9 
5 Test methods ... 16 
6 Date of implementation ... 21 
Annex A (normative) Energy absorption test procedures ... 22 
Annex B (normative) Test method for luggage displacement passenger
protection device ... 25 
Annex C (normative) Test methods for seat anchorage, adjustment system,
locking system and displacement system ... 30 
Annex D (normative) Detailed description of measurement during test ... 32 
Annex E (normative) Determinations of height and width of head restraint ... 34 
Annex F (normative) Determination of clearance size of head restraint “a” ... 36 
Annex G (informative) Test groups ... 38 
Strength requirement and test method of automobile
seats, their anchorages and any head restraints
1 Scope
This Standard specifies terms and definitions, technical requirements and test
methods for automobile seats, their anchorages and any head restraints.
This Standard is applicable to:
a) Types M1 and N automobile seats, their anchorages and any head
b) Types M2 and M3 automobile seats, their anchorages and any head
restraints not involved in GB 13057;
c) Design of seat backrest parts of type M1 automobile as well as design of
the device that is to prevent occupant from causing injury due to
movement of luggage in frontal collision.
This Standard is not applicable to rearward-facing seats as well as the head
restraints that are mounted on them.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 3730.1, Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions
GB 11551-2014, The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal
collision for motor vehicle
GB 11552, The interior fittings of passenger car
GB 13057, Strength of the seats and their anchorages of passenger vehicles
GB/T 15089, Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
ISO 6487, Road vehicles - Measurement techniques in impact tests -
angle between the symmetrical vertical plane of the seat and the symmetrical
vertical plane of the vehicle is 90°±10°.
3.3 bench seat
A ride facility that is for more than one adult occupants, that has complete skin.
3.4 folding seat
A backup seat that is designed for an adult occupant to use occasionally, that
is easy to operate and be able to self-lock during use. Usually, it is in a folded
3.5 walk-in seat
A seat that its backrest, cushion or overall is reversible, unloaded; that provides
convenience for passenger behind the seat to enter and leave the vehicle or
convenience for luggage placement.
3.6 anchorage
A device that fixes seat assembly on vehicle structure. It includes the
components that are affected on vehicle structure.
3.7 adjustment system
A device that can adjust the position of the seat or its components to suit the
occupant's seating posture. This device may have (but not limit to) the following
- longitudinal displacement;
- vertical displacement;
- angular displacement.
3.8 displacement system
The device that is easy for occupants to enter and exit behind the seat and
makes the seat or a part of it rotate or/and move. There is no fixation position
during the process when the seat or a part of it rotates or/and moves.
3.9 locking system
The device that keeps the seat and components in the position of use.
3.10 transverse plane
A vertical plane that is orthogonal to the longitudinal center plane of vehicle.
This requirement is not applicable to:
a) the components that the height of the convex surrounding surface is less
than 3.2mm, the protruding height is not more than half of its width, and
the edges are smooth;
b) the last row of seats, back-to-back seats or seats that comply with GB
c) the seat back components that are located below the horizontal plane
passing through the lowest ‘R’ point of each row of seats (if the height of
each row of seats is different, it shall start from the rear seats. This level
shall pass through the ‘R’ point of the front seat. A step shall be formed in
the vertical direction, high or low);
d) the components such as flexible net.
The surface within area 2 of 5.8.2, if it meets the energy absorption test in Annex
A, its radius of curvature is allowed to be less than 5mm, but not less than
2.5mm. The surface shall be padded to avoid direct contact between the
occupant's head and the seat skeleton.
For the components within the above areas, if the surface material Shore A
hardness is less than 50, except the requirements related to the energy
absorption test specified in Annex A, all requirements only apply to the rigid
4.2.5 During the process of the test performed according to the provisions of
5.2 and 5.3 or after the test, the seat skeleton, the anchorage, the adjustment
system, the displacement system as well as its locking system shall not fail. It
is allowed to have permanent deformation (including cracks) that does not
increase the degree of damage during a collision. And it can withstand the
specified load.
4.2.6 During the process of the tests specified in 5.3 and B.2.1 in Annex B, the
locking system must not loosen.
4.2.7 After the test, the displacement system that allows or facilitates the
occupant to pass shall be in working condition. And it shall at least ensure to
unlock once. It shall move the seat or a part of the seat as needed.
Other displacement system, adjustment system and its locking system are
allowed to have deformation, crack but not failure. It shall remain at the original
locking position.
For the seat with head restraint, during the test process of or after the
test, if the seat or the seat backrest does not have cracks, the strengths of the
b) There shall be no “position of use” in a height less than 750mm;
c) The head restraints of other seats excluding the front row of seats can be
adjusted to a position less than 750mm; but it needs to clearly indicate to
the occupants that this position is not the position of use of the head
d) For the front row of seats, if the head restraints can automatically go back
to the position of use during riding, it shall allow the head restraint, when
there is no occupant, to automatically lower to a position below 750mm.
4.6.4 To ensure sufficient clearance between the head restraint and the roof
trim surface, between the window and the structural components of the vehicle,
for the front row of seats, the size specified in 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 a) can be less
than 800mm, less than 750mm for other seats; but this clearance shall not
exceed 25mm. For the seats that are equipped with the displacement system
and/or the adjustment system, this provision is appl...
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