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GB 18280.2-2015: Sterilization of health care products -- Radiation -- Part 2: Establishing the sterilization dose
GB 18280.2-2015
Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Establishing the sterilization dose
ICS 11.080.01
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Partly replace GB 18280-2000
Radiation Sterilization of health care products
Part 2. Establish sterilization dose
Part 2. Establishingthesterilizationdose
(ISO 11137-2.2006, IDT)
Issued on. 2015-12-31
2017-07-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Preface Ⅰ
Introduction Ⅱ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 acronyms, terminology and definitions
4 dose setting, the definition of dose and the sterilization dose audit confirmed that the product family and for 4
5 establish and verify the sterilization dose selection and testing of products in 6
The method established dose 8
7 Method 1. use of biological load information set dose 8
8 Method 2. derived from the incremental dose of positive test score information to determine the dose extrapolation factor method of setting 15
9 VDmax method --- 25kGy or 15kGy as a sterilization dose of 21 confirmed
10 sterilization dose audit 29
11 Example 35
References 50
All technical content in this Part of GB 18280 is mandatory.
GB 18280 "Radiation Sterilization of health care products" is divided into the following sections.
--- GB 18280.1 Radiation Sterilization of health care products - Part 1. Development of medical equipment sterilization process, validation and routine control
System requirements;
--- GB 18280.2 Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Establish sterilization dose;
--- GB/T 18280.3 Radiation Sterilization of health care products - Part 3. dose measurement guide.
This is Part 2 GB 18280's.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This portion instead of GB 18280-2000 "Sterilization of health care products Requirements for validation and routine control of radiation sterilization", and
GB 18280-2000 compared, this section developed from GB 18280-2000 Appendix B, the main technical changes as follows.
--- Increase the definition of the product family;
--- Refine the method to establish the dose, more detailed description of Tier 1 and Tier 2 applications;
--- Increased VDmax method.
This section uses the translation method identical with ISO 11137-2.2006 "Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Create sterilization
The correspondence between the consistency of the international normative documents referenced in our country with the following documents.
--- GB/T 19973.1-2005 Sterilization of health care products - Microbiological methods - Part 1. The total number of microorganisms on the product assessment
Meter (ISO 11737-1.1994, IDT);
--- GB /learning methods - Part 2 T 19973.2-2005 microbial sterilization of medical devices. sterility test confirmed the sterilization process
(ISO 11737-2.1998, IDT).
This part is proposed by the China Food and Drug Administration.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee disinfection technology and equipment (SAC/TC200) centralized.
This section is drafted. Beijing Radiation Application Research Center, Shenzhen Jinpeng source of radiation Technology Co., Ltd., the State Food and Drug Administration
Administration of Guangzhou Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center.
The main drafters of this section. Hu Jinhui, Bao spear, Xu Honglei, Lin Naijie, Chen Qiang, SHEN Ling.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 18280-2000.
GB 18280 This section describes two ways according to GB 18280.1-2015 8.2 given in any one establishment sterilization
Dose approach. These methods are.
a) obtaining a method of setting product-specific dose;
b) for a pre-selected or 15kGy do 25kGy dose confirmed.
Foundation set dose method described in this section is mainly Talentire first proposed (Talentire, 1973 [17];
Talentire, DwyerandLey, 1971 [18]; TalentireandKhan, 1978 [19]). Thereafter, the dosage form of the draft standard setting
Methodological basis through AAMI recommended γ radiation sterilization practices (AAMI1984,1991 [4], [6]) to develop (Davisetal after thinning.,
1981 [8]; Davis, StrawdermanandWhitby, 1984 [9]).
Methods 1 and 2 and the relevant dose audit procedures use data derived from the natural state in the presence of microorganisms on products
body. Based on microbial population inactivation probability model. Since the bioburden of different microbial species composition, probabilistic model for each set
D10 value of individual species of microorganisms. In the model, when given with radiation dose, a product of the probability of a surviving microorganism is
Irradiated products before initial number of microorganisms and D10 values determined. The method comprises less than after the sterilization dose of radiation products, products that do not
Bacteria Test. Results of the tests used to predict the predetermined sterility assurance level of the dose required.
In the embodiment set dose trials, Tier 1 and Tier 2 can also be used to confirm the 25kGy to achieve a sterility assurance level of 10-6.
Confirmed 25kGy method, namely. VDmax method by KowalskiandTalentire (1999) [14] development. Thereafter, the basic principles
Li made the assessment, including the application of computer presentations, and laid a good foundation (Kowalski for this method, Aoshuangand
Talentire, 2000 [13]), the field test demonstrated VDmax method for a variety of methods for producing the assembly out of the sterilization and products are all
Efficiency (Kowalskietal., 2002 [16]).
Use VDmax method confirmed 25kGy sterilization dose as a standard procedure has been published in the AAMI technical report "Health Care
Radiation sterilized product was confirmed as the sterilization dose VDmax 25kGy method "(AAMITIR27.2001) [5], this document sets
The main principle VDmax methods. VDmax based on dose setting Method 1, it has a high security. VDmax dose provided similar
Setting Method 1, including After the sterilization dose lower than the dose of radiation products, products for sterility test. The results of the test for confirming 25kGy
To achieve a sterility assurance level of 10-6.
To represent VDmax proven method of pre-dose, the dose values will kGy units written in VDmax top right corner. Confirmed 25kGy,
He expressed as VDmax25.
Similarly, it was confirmed 15kGy expressed as VDmax15. Use VDmax15 test program is limited to the average bioburden ≤1.5 products, other
And VDmax25 same. Test results can be used to confirm 15kGy so that products meet a sterility assurance level of 10-6.
This section also describes the basis for Chapter 12 GB 18280.1-2015 embodiment dose audit approach. After the establishment of the sterilization dose,
Sterilization dose audit is a routine conventional procedures to ensure continuous sterilization dose needed to achieve a sterility assurance level.
Radiation Sterilization of health care products
Part 2. Establish sterilization dose
1 Scope
GB 18280 of the provisions of this part of the setting method and confirmed to meet the special requirements of sterile minimum dose of 25kGy or
15kGy as to achieve the 10-6 sterility assurance level (SAL) of the sterilization dose approach. This section also provides a dose audit approach to
As evidenced by sustained and effective sterilization dose.
This section defines for dose establish...
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