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GB 18871-2002: Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources
GB 18871-2002
National Standard of the People’s Republic of China
ICS 13.280
F 73
Replacing GB4792−1984, GB8703−1988
Basic Standards for Protection Against Ionizing Radiation and for
the Safety of Radiation Sources
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
of the People’s Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword..... 3
1 Scope ..... 4
2 Definitions .... 4
3 General Requirements ..... 4
4 Major Requirement for Practice ......... 7
5 Major Requirement for Intervention ....... 14
6 Control of Occupational Exposure .... 16
7 Control of Medical Exposure ...... 24
8 Control of Public Exposure ......... 32
9 Control of Potential Exposure -- Safety of Source ....... 37
10 Intervention of Emergency Exposure Condition ....... 43
11 Intervention of Prolonged Exposure Condition... 47
Appendix A (Normative) Exemptions ..... 50
Appendix B (Normative) Dose Limits and Control Level of Surface Contamination ..... 58
Appendix C (Normative) Classification of Working Spaces with Unsealed Sources ..... 194
Appendix D (Normative) Toxicity Grouping of Radionuclides ..... 195
Appendix E (Normative) Dose Level of Expected Intervention in Any Case and the Intervention
Level and Action Level Under Emergency Exposure Condition ......... 198
Appendix F (Normative) Sign and Warning Sign of Ionizing Radiation ... 201
Appendix G (Informative) Guidance Level for Medical Exposure of Radiodiagnosis and Nuclear
Medicine Diagnosis ..... 202
Appendix H (Informative) Action Level Under Prolonged Exposure Condition .... 206
Appendix J (Normative) Terms and Definitions ....... 207
Basic Standards for Protection Against Ionizing Radiation and for the
Safety of Radiation Sources
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic requirements of ionizing radiation protection and radiation
source safety (hereinafter referred to as “protection and safety”).
This standard is applicable to the protection of ionizing radiation exposure received by personnel
in practice and intervention as well as source safety in practice.
This standard is not applicable to the protection for detriment to personnel possibly caused by
nonionizing radiation (such as microwave, ultraviolet, visible light and infrared radiation).
2 Definitions
See Appendix J (Normative) for the terms and definitions adopted by this standard.
3 General Requirements
3.1 Application
3.1.1 Practice
The practice applicable to this standard shall include:
a) Source production and radiation or radioactive substance application in medical, industry,
agriculture or teaching and research, including various activities related to application involved or
possibly involved in radiation or radioactive substance exposure;
b) Generation of nuclear energy, including various activities involved or possibly involved in
radiation or radioactive substance exposure in nuclear fuel cycle;
c) Practice involved in natural source exposure and controlled according to regulatory authority
d) Other practices specified by regulatory authority.
3.1.2 Source The source applicable to the requirements of this standard for practice shall include:
a) Radioactive substance and component containing radioactive substance or generating radiation,
including consumer product, sealed source, unsealed source and radiation generator;
b) Device and facility with radioactive substance and equipment generating radiation, including
irradiation installations, mine or mill processing radioactive ores, installation processing radioactive
substances, nuclear installation and radioactive waste management facility;
c) Other sources specified by regulatory authority. The requirements of this standard shall be applied to each radiation source in device or
facility; if necessary, the requirements of this standard shall be applied to whole device or facility
considered as single source according to regulatory authority specification.
3.1.3 Exposure It shall be the exposure applicable to the requirements of this standard for practice, and shall
refer to occupational exposure, medical exposure or public exposure caused by relevant practice or
source in practice, including normal exposure and potential exposure. Under general condition, the natural source exposure shall be considered as a kind of prolonged
exposure; if necessary, the requirements for intervention of this standard shall be followed. Under the
following various conditions, the requirements for intervention of this standard shall be followed if it
is not eliminated or the relevant practice or source is not exempted:
a) Public exposure caused by discharge of effluent generated by practice of natural sources or
radioactive waste disposal;
b) Occupational exposure of worker caused by exposure of natural sources under the following
1) Radon exposure of worker owing to working demand or direct relation with working,
regardless if the exposure is higher or lower than the action level of remedial action under
prolonged exposure condition of radon in working space [see Appendix H (Informative)];
2) Though the radon exposure of worker during working is not regular, the exposure size
is higher than the action level of remedial action under prolonged exposure condition of
radon in working space [see Appendix H (Informative)];
3) Exposure of natural sources received by operating personnel during jet airplane flight
c) Exposure of other natural sources specified by regulatory authority and needed to follow the
requirements of this standard for practice.
3.1.4 Intervention The intervention conditions applicable to this standard shall be:
a) Emergency exposure condition requiring adopting protective action, including:
1) Accident conditions and emergency circumstances have implemented emergency plan
or emergence program;
2) Other any emergency exposure condition having the justifiable reason to carry out
intervention confirmed by regulatory authority or intervening organization;
b) Prolonged exposure condition requiring adopting remedial action, including:
1) Exposure of natural sources, such as radon exposure in building and working space;
2) Exposure of radioactive survivor caused by departed incident and exposure of radioactive
survivor caused by departed practice and source utilization without notification and
approval system control (see 4.2.1 and 4.2.2);
3) Other any prolonged exposure condition having the justifiable reason to carry out
intervention confirmed by regulatory authority or intervening organization.
3.2 Excluding
Any exposure condition essentially incapable control for size or possibility of exposure through
this standard requirement implementation, such as the exposure caused by 40K in human body and
cosmic ray reaching earth surface shall not be applicable this standard, and shall be excluded in the
application scope of this standard.
3.3 Responsible Party of Implementation and Responsibility
3.3.1 Responsible party The responsible party (hereinafter referred to as “main responsible party) undertaking main
responsibility for the implementation of this standard shall be:
a) Registrant and licensee;
b) Employer. Other related parties shall undertake the respective corr...
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