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GB 25990-2010: Rear-marking plates for vehicles and their trailers [including MODIFICATION 1 2015-XG]
GB 25990-2010
ICS 43.040.20
T 38
GB/T 25990-2010
Rear-marking plates for vehicles and their trailers
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative references ... 5 
3 Terms and definitions ... 6 
4 Different types of rear-marking plates ... 9 
5 Requirements ... 9 
6 Test methods ... 13 
7 Inspection rules ... 16 
Annex A (Informative) Optical coordinate system diagram ... 19 
Annex B (Normative) Rear-marking plate layout example ... 21 
Annex C (Normative) Test sequence for SMV rear-marking plate ... 24 
Annex D (Normative) Test sequence for rear-marking plates for heavy and long
vehicles ... 26 
Annex E (Normative) Installation regulations for SMV rear-marking plate ... 28 
Annex F (normative) Installation regulations for rear-marking plates for heavy
and long vehicles ... 29 
Amendment No. 1 of National Standard ... 31 
Rear-marking plates for vehicles and their trailers
1 Scope
This Standard specifies technical requirements, test methods and inspection
rules for rear-marking plates that are to increase the visibility of heavy and long
vehicles, slow-moving vehicles and their trailers.
This Standard is applicable to.
a) heavy and long vehicles including.
1) articulated Class-II and Class-III Category-M vehicles;
2) Category-N3 vehicles except semi-trailer;
3) Category-O1, O2 and O3 vehicles over 8.0m in length;
4) as well as Category-O4 vehicles.
b) slow-moving vehicle. for structural reasons, the Category-M, N, O vehicles
with the highest design speed of no more than 40km/h.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute the provisions of this Standard. For dated references,
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
versions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 3978, Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to artificial
light. Xenon arc fading lamp test
GB 4785, Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light
signaling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 8427-1998, Textiles-Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to
artificial light. Xenon arc fading lamp test (eqv ISO 105-B02.1994)
GB/T 10485-2007, Road vehicles - Lighting and light-signaling devices -
3.2.2 SMV rear-marking plate (class 2)
a rear-marking plate that only has retroreflective material or device, the shape
is a triangle with a truncated corner, for slow-moving vehicles
3.2.3 rear-marking plate for heavy vehicles (class 1)
a rear-marking plate that is alternatingly composed of red fluorescent material
and yellow retroreflective material, the shape is a rectangle
3.2.4 rear-marking plate for long vehicles (class 2)
a rear-marking plate that the frame is made of red fluorescent material, the
center is made of yellow retroreflective material, the shape is rectangular
3.2.5 rear-marking plate for heavy vehicles (class 3)
a rear-marking plate that is alternatingly composed of red and yellow
retroreflective materials, the shape is rectangular
3.2.6 rear-marking plate for long vehicles (class 4)
a rear-marking plate that the frame is made up of red retroreflective material,
and the center is made up of yellow retroreflective material, the shape is
3.3 Geometric definition
NOTE. See Figure A.1 of Annex A.
3.3.1 reference centre
retrieving a point on or near the reflective surface as the center of the
performance of the specified device
3.3.2 illumination axis
a connection line between the reference center and the light source
3.3.3 observation axis
a connection line between the reference center and the photometric probe
3.3.4 observation angle (symbol α)
an angle between the illumination axis and the viewing axis, usually positive;
for retroreflection, the viewing angle is limited to small angles; the maximum
range is 0≤α≤80°
luminous intensity I of the returning reflection region from the observation
direction, Illuminance that is perpendicular to the direction of the incident light
at the position of the return reflecting surface E┴ as well as the sample unit is
given by illuminated area A, i.e., R’=I/( E┴·A); the unit of the coefficient R' is
3.4.2 angular diameter of the retroreflector sample (symbol η)
reverberating the maximum size of the sample to the center of the illumination
source, or an angle to the center of the receiver
3.4.3 luminance factor
the ratio of the brightness of the object being studied TO the brightness of the
ideal diffuser, under the same illumination and observation conditions
4 Different types of rear-marking plates
Rear-marking plates with differences in the following main aspects.
a) trade name or trademark;
b) characteristics of retroreflective materials;
c) characteristics of fluorescent materials;
d) parts that affect the performance of retroreflective materials or devices.
However, the rear-marking plates used for heavy and long vehicles are different
in shape and size and do not constitute different types.
5 Requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 The rear-marking plate shall maintain its proper function under normal
conditions of use and work continuously. In addition, there shall be no defects
in design or manufacturing that affect its function.
5.1.2 The components of the rear-marking plate shall not be easily
5.1.3 The way the rear-marking plate is fixed to the rear of the vehicle shall be
stable and durable, for example using screws or riveting.
5.1.4 The outer surface of the rear-marking plate shall be easy to clean. The
surface shall not be rough. Any protrusions shall have no hindrance to cleaning.
- Bond strength test (for bonding materials);
- Water resistance test;
- Collision resistance test (except plastic three-corner reflector);
- Cleaning resistance test;
- Temperature resistance test;
- Ruggedness test.
6 Test methods
6.1 General requirements as well as shape, size and structural tests
The provisions of 5.1 and 5.2 are determined visually.
6.2 Chroma test of rear-marking plate
6.2.1 Visually compare the standard colorimetric template and the testing
sample unit or sample block under the illumination that is equivalent to a
standard light source specified in GB/T 3978. Qualitatively determine whether
it meets the requirements of light color.
6.2.2 If there is any objection to the qualitative determination by visual
comparison, take the most objectionable sample unit. Determine the
chromaticity coordinates using the quantitative method according to the
requirements of 5.3 to determine whether it meets the requirements.
6.3 Photometric test of rear-marking plate
6.3.1 The photometric test conditions of the rear-marking plate are shown in
Annex A, Figure A.2.
6.3.2 The angle of the light source to the sample unit shall be no more than 80'.
6.4 Environmental test of ref...
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