GB/T 17376-2008 English PDF (GBT17376-2008)
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GB/T 17376-2008: Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids
GB/T 17376-2008
Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids
ICS 67.200.10
National Standards of People's Republic of China
GB/T 17376-2008/ISO 5509.2000
Replacing GB/T 17376-1998
Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared
(ISO 5509.2000, IDT)
Posted 2008-11-04
2009-01-20 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
This standard is equivalent to ISO 5509 Implementation.2000, "Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared" (in English).
For ease of use, the standard ISO 5509.2000 includes the following editorial changes.
--- Delete foreword international standards;
--- "This International Standard" be replaced by "this standard";
--- With a decimal point "." Instead of a comma as the decimal point "."
This standard is GB/T 17376-1998 "Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared" amendments.
This standard and GB/T 17376-1998 main differences are as follows.
--- With iso-octane (HPLC grade) in place of heptane reagent;
--- With trimethyl hydrogen sulfur (TMSH) method instead of the original standard of "no alternative to boron trifluoride";
--- Transesterification method instead of the original standard "four carbon or special preparation of four or more carbon fatty acid methyl ester";
--- The sixth chapter of the methods commonly used to analyze some of the main program and the original standards in Appendix A;
--- Increase the informative Appendix B.
Since the implementation of this standard replaces GB/T 17376-1998.
Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix, Appendix B is an informative annex.
The standard proposed by the National Food Authority.
This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee OILS.
This standard is drafted by. National Grain Reserve Xi'an Oil Research and Design Institute.
Involved in the drafting of this standard. Shaanxi Province Product Quality Supervision, Inspection, Anhui Daping Trade and Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
Drafters of this standard. Meng Orange, Xiatian Wen, Chen Yong, WANG Hui-fang, xin ', Ren Chunming.
This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows.
--- GB/T 17376-1998.
GB/T 17376-2008/ISO 5509.2000
Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared
1 Scope
This standard specifies a method for preparing the fatty acid methyl ester.
This standard covers from animal fats, fatty acids and fatty acid salts of fatty acid methyl ester preparation method. It defines three methyl ester
a) boron trifluoride Act (see Chapter 3);
b) trimethyl hydrogen sulfur Act (see Chapter 4);
c) transesterification method (see Chapter 5).
This standard applies to gas chromatography, thin layer chromatography, infrared spectroscopy and other analysis required ester derivative.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard.
GB/T 6682 analytical laboratory use specifications and test methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696.2008, MOD)
GB/T 15687 animal and plant oils prepared sample (GB/T 15687-2008, ISO 661.2003, IDT)
3 boron trifluoride method (conventional method)
Warning. The method involves the use of hazardous reagents. Should take appropriate precautions to protect your eyes and avoid corrosive chemicals
Danger of burns. Boron trifluoride toxic, analysts recommend possible without methanol and boron trifluoride preparing methanol solution of boron trifluoride (see Appendix A
First A. Chapter 1).
3.1 Principle
Saponification glycerides, fatty acid salts, the resulting solution is reacted with boron trifluoride in methanol to methyl ester in methanol solution of sodium hydroxide. If you want to
AR fatty acids and fatty acid salts, you do not need saponification directly with boron trifluoride methyl esterification reaction.
3.2 Scope
This method is applicable to most oil and derivatives (fatty acids, fatty acid salts), does not apply creams and compounds containing the following groups.
--- Ci oxy compound (example. a ketone group, an epoxy group, a hydroxyl group, a hydroperoxy group);
--- Cyclopropane and cyclopropyl compound;
--- Acetylenic fatty acids.
If the oil contains only small amounts of these compounds (such as cottonseed oil), still the general method of Chapter 3 by esterification. Otherwise it will be taken
The method described in Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 used.
Gas chromatographic analysis using isooctane as solvent methyl ester obtained the highest recovery, but the recovery has only methyl
3.3 Reagents
Unless otherwise stated, only recognized as analytical reagents.
3.3.1 Water. should be consistent with GB/T 6682 water requirements of level 3.
3.3.2 Sodium hydroxide in methanol solution. about 0.5mol/L.
2g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 100mL water is not more than 0.5% methanol. When the solution was stored for a long time, it may form less
Quantity of white precipitate of sodium carbonate, but do not affect the preparation of the methyl ester.
GB/T 17376-2008/ISO 5509.2000
Methanol solution of boron trifluoride 3.3.3. mass fraction of 12% to 15% 1) (see Appendix A of Section A.1 chapter).
1) Optional 14%, 20%, (MerckNO.8.01663) and 50% commercial agent, this information is only for the convenience of users of this standard, and not
An endorsement of these products.
3.3.4 iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethyl pentane). chromatography (see Appendix A, Section A.2).
Warning. isooctane flammable, explosive limit in air is 1.1% to 6.0% (volume fraction). Isooctane toxic, not eating
Or inhaled, the operation should be carried out in a fume hood.
3.3.5 Sodium chloride. saturated aqueous solution.
3.3.6 over anhydrous sodium sulfate.
3.3.7 nitrogen. oxygen content less than 5mg/kg.
3.3.8 hexane. chromatographically pure, only for the preparation of esters dry. Can also be used with petroleum ether. boiling range 40 ℃ ~ 60 ℃, bromine value less than 1, no residue (see Appendix
Section A. A's Chapter 2).
3.3.9 Methyl red. 1g/L, dissolved in a volume fraction of 60% ethanol.
3.4 Instrument
Usual laboratory equipment, and the following instruments.
3.4.1 ground-necked flask. 50mL or 100mL, with stopper.
3.4.2 reflux condenser. effective length of 200mm ~ 300mm, has a ground-necked flask (3.4.1) with the ground joint.
3.4.3 zeolite. degreasing.
3.4.4 pipette or automatic dispenser. at least 10mL.
3.4.5 Glass. a screw cap, capacity of at least 4mL.
3.4.6 separating funnel. 250mL, for the preparation of dry resin.
3.4.7 rotary evaporator.
3.4.8 Analytical Balance. Indexing is 0.001g.
3.5 Sample Preparation
The sample should be dry and liquid, transparent, according to GB/T 15687 samples were prepared. For heating of the sample, is used just above the melting point
3.6 Procedure
Warning. toxic boron trifluoride, the following actions need to be in a fume hood, glassware after use, wash with water immediately.
3.6.1 Sample
Depending on the amount of sample required sample, according to Table 1 to select a suitable flask and the amount of reagents and solutions.
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GB/T 17376-2008: Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids
GB/T 17376-2008
Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids
ICS 67.200.10
National Standards of People's Republic of China
GB/T 17376-2008/ISO 5509.2000
Replacing GB/T 17376-1998
Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared
(ISO 5509.2000, IDT)
Posted 2008-11-04
2009-01-20 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
This standard is equivalent to ISO 5509 Implementation.2000, "Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared" (in English).
For ease of use, the standard ISO 5509.2000 includes the following editorial changes.
--- Delete foreword international standards;
--- "This International Standard" be replaced by "this standard";
--- With a decimal point "." Instead of a comma as the decimal point "."
This standard is GB/T 17376-1998 "Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared" amendments.
This standard and GB/T 17376-1998 main differences are as follows.
--- With iso-octane (HPLC grade) in place of heptane reagent;
--- With trimethyl hydrogen sulfur (TMSH) method instead of the original standard of "no alternative to boron trifluoride";
--- Transesterification method instead of the original standard "four carbon or special preparation of four or more carbon fatty acid methyl ester";
--- The sixth chapter of the methods commonly used to analyze some of the main program and the original standards in Appendix A;
--- Increase the informative Appendix B.
Since the implementation of this standard replaces GB/T 17376-1998.
Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix, Appendix B is an informative annex.
The standard proposed by the National Food Authority.
This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee OILS.
This standard is drafted by. National Grain Reserve Xi'an Oil Research and Design Institute.
Involved in the drafting of this standard. Shaanxi Province Product Quality Supervision, Inspection, Anhui Daping Trade and Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
Drafters of this standard. Meng Orange, Xiatian Wen, Chen Yong, WANG Hui-fang, xin ', Ren Chunming.
This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows.
--- GB/T 17376-1998.
GB/T 17376-2008/ISO 5509.2000
Animal and vegetable fats fatty acid methyl esters prepared
1 Scope
This standard specifies a method for preparing the fatty acid methyl ester.
This standard covers from animal fats, fatty acids and fatty acid salts of fatty acid methyl ester preparation method. It defines three methyl ester
a) boron trifluoride Act (see Chapter 3);
b) trimethyl hydrogen sulfur Act (see Chapter 4);
c) transesterification method (see Chapter 5).
This standard applies to gas chromatography, thin layer chromatography, infrared spectroscopy and other analysis required ester derivative.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard.
GB/T 6682 analytical laboratory use specifications and test methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696.2008, MOD)
GB/T 15687 animal and plant oils prepared sample (GB/T 15687-2008, ISO 661.2003, IDT)
3 boron trifluoride method (conventional method)
Warning. The method involves the use of hazardous reagents. Should take appropriate precautions to protect your eyes and avoid corrosive chemicals
Danger of burns. Boron trifluoride toxic, analysts recommend possible without methanol and boron trifluoride preparing methanol solution of boron trifluoride (see Appendix A
First A. Chapter 1).
3.1 Principle
Saponification glycerides, fatty acid salts, the resulting solution is reacted with boron trifluoride in methanol to methyl ester in methanol solution of sodium hydroxide. If you want to
AR fatty acids and fatty acid salts, you do not need saponification directly with boron trifluoride methyl esterification reaction.
3.2 Scope
This method is applicable to most oil and derivatives (fatty acids, fatty acid salts), does not apply creams and compounds containing the following groups.
--- Ci oxy compound (example. a ketone group, an epoxy group, a hydroxyl group, a hydroperoxy group);
--- Cyclopropane and cyclopropyl compound;
--- Acetylenic fatty acids.
If the oil contains only small amounts of these compounds (such as cottonseed oil), still the general method of Chapter 3 by esterification. Otherwise it will be taken
The method described in Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 used.
Gas chromatographic analysis using isooctane as solvent methyl ester obtained the highest recovery, but the recovery has only methyl
3.3 Reagents
Unless otherwise stated, only recognized as analytical reagents.
3.3.1 Water. should be consistent with GB/T 6682 water requirements of level 3.
3.3.2 Sodium hydroxide in methanol solution. about 0.5mol/L.
2g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 100mL water is not more than 0.5% methanol. When the solution was stored for a long time, it may form less
Quantity of white precipitate of sodium carbonate, but do not affect the preparation of the methyl ester.
GB/T 17376-2008/ISO 5509.2000
Methanol solution of boron trifluoride 3.3.3. mass fraction of 12% to 15% 1) (see Appendix A of Section A.1 chapter).
1) Optional 14%, 20%, (MerckNO.8.01663) and 50% commercial agent, this information is only for the convenience of users of this standard, and not
An endorsement of these products.
3.3.4 iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethyl pentane). chromatography (see Appendix A, Section A.2).
Warning. isooctane flammable, explosive limit in air is 1.1% to 6.0% (volume fraction). Isooctane toxic, not eating
Or inhaled, the operation should be carried out in a fume hood.
3.3.5 Sodium chloride. saturated aqueous solution.
3.3.6 over anhydrous sodium sulfate.
3.3.7 nitrogen. oxygen content less than 5mg/kg.
3.3.8 hexane. chromatographically pure, only for the preparation of esters dry. Can also be used with petroleum ether. boiling range 40 ℃ ~ 60 ℃, bromine value less than 1, no residue (see Appendix
Section A. A's Chapter 2).
3.3.9 Methyl red. 1g/L, dissolved in a volume fraction of 60% ethanol.
3.4 Instrument
Usual laboratory equipment, and the following instruments.
3.4.1 ground-necked flask. 50mL or 100mL, with stopper.
3.4.2 reflux condenser. effective length of 200mm ~ 300mm, has a ground-necked flask (3.4.1) with the ground joint.
3.4.3 zeolite. degreasing.
3.4.4 pipette or automatic dispenser. at least 10mL.
3.4.5 Glass. a screw cap, capacity of at least 4mL.
3.4.6 separating funnel. 250mL, for the preparation of dry resin.
3.4.7 rotary evaporator.
3.4.8 Analytical Balance. Indexing is 0.001g.
3.5 Sample Preparation
The sample should be dry and liquid, transparent, according to GB/T 15687 samples were prepared. For heating of the sample, is used just above the melting point
3.6 Procedure
Warning. toxic boron trifluoride, the following actions need to be in a fume hood, glassware after use, wash with water immediately.
3.6.1 Sample
Depending on the amount of sample required sample, according to Table 1 to select a suitable flask and the amount of reagents and solutions.