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GB/T 29729-2022: Essential requirements for the safety of hydrogen systems
GB/T 29729-2022
ICS 27.010
CCS F 19
Replacing GB/T 29729-2013
Essential requirements for the safety of hydrogen systems
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 4
1 Scope... 6
2 Normative references... 6
3 Terms and definitions... 7
4 Types of hydrogen systems... 9
4.1 Hydrogen production system... 9
4.2 Hydrogen storage System... 10
4.3 Hydrogen transportation system... 10
4.4 Hydrogen application system... 10
5 Basic properties of hydrogen... 10
5.1 Thermophysical properties... 10
5.2 Combustion characteristics... 10
6 Hazard factors of hydrogen systems... 11
6.1 Leakage and seepage... 11
6.2 Hazards associated with combustion... 11
6.3 Stress-related risk factors... 12
6.4 Temperature-related risk factors... 12
6.5 Hydrogen attack and hydrogen embrittlement... 13
6.6 Physiological hazards... 13
7 Risk control... 13
7.1 Basic principles... 13
7.2 Risk control in design... 14
7.3 Hydrogen facility requirements... 23
7.4 Testing requirements... 27
7.5 Fire and explosion risk control... 27
7.6 Operation requirements... 29
7.7 Emergency... 31
Appendix A (Informative) Typical hydrogen production systems... 34
A.1 System of hydrogen production by water electrolysis... 34
A.2 System of hydrogen production by natural gas steam reforming... 35
A.3 System of hydrogen production by methanol reforming... 36
A.4 System of hydrogen production by coal gasification... 37
Essential requirements for the safety of hydrogen systems
1 Scope
This document specifies the categories of hydrogen systems, the basic characteristics
of hydrogen, the hazardous factors of hydrogen systems and the basic requirements for
risk control.
This document applies to the design and use of hydrogen production, storage,
transportation and application systems.
2 Normative references
The provisions of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this
document through normative references in this text. Among them, for referenced
documents with dates, only the versions corresponding to the dates are applicable to
this document; for referenced documents without dates, the latest versions (including
all amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 150(all parts) Pressure vessels
GB 2894 Safety signs and guideline for the use
GB 4962 Technical safety regulation for gaseous hydrogen use
GB/T 5099(all parts) Seamless steel gas cylinders
GB 5908 Flame arresters for petroleum tanks
GB 12014 Protective clothing - Static protective clothing
GB 12358 Gas monitors and alarms for workplace General technical requirements
GB/T 13347 Flame arresters for petroleum gas pipeline systems
GB 16808 Combustible gas alarm control units
GB/T 19773 Specification of hydrogen purification system on pressure swing
GB/T 19774 Specification of water electrolyte system for producing hydrogen
GB 21148 Foot protection - Safety footwear
GB/T 24499 Technology glossary for gaseous hydrogen, hydrogen energy and
hydrogen energy system
GB/T 33292 Metal hydride hydrogen storage system for fuel cells backup power
GB/T 33145 Large capacity seamless steel gas cylinders
GB/T 34542.2 Storage and transportation systems for gaseous hydrogen - Part 2.
Test methods for evaluating metallic material compatibility in hydrogen
GB/T 34542.3 Storage and transportation systems for gaseous hydrogen - Part 3.
Test method for determination of the susceptibility of metallic materials to
hydrogen gas embrittlement (HGE)
GB/T 34544 Safety test methods for onboard low pressure hydrogen storage
devices for small fuel cell vehicles
GB/T 35544 Fully-wrapped carbon fiber reinforced cylinders with an aluminum
liner for the on-board storage of compressed hydrogen as a fuel for land vehicles
GB 50058 Code for design of electrical installations in explosive atmospheres
GB 50156 Technical standard of fuelling station
GB 50177 Design code for hydrogen station
GB 50217 Standard for design of cables of electric power engineering
GB 50275 Code for construction and acceptance of fan, compressor and pump
GB 50516 Technical code for hydrogen fuelling station
JB 4732 Steel Pressure Vessels - Design by Analysis
NB/T 10354 Tube trailer
NB/T 10558 Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport
SH/T 3413 Specification for selection, inspection and acceptance of pipeline flame
arresters for petroleum gas in petrochemical industry
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 24499, GB 50156, GB 50516, and the
following apply to this document.
and other common fuels refers to Table C.2.
5.2.2 The detonation limit of hydrogen in air at normal temperature and pressure is
within the flammable limit range, and the detonation velocity is 1480 m/s~2150 m/s.
NOTE. Detonation limit refers to the concentration range of explosive gas mixtures that are formed by
flammable and explosive gases, vapors, or dust in air/oxygen and can cause detonation.
6 Hazard factors of hydrogen systems
6.1 Leakage and seepage
6.1.1 Hydrogen can easily leak through porous materials, assembly surfaces, or sealing
surfaces. After hydrogen leaks, it will spread rapidly, causing the flammable and
explosive areas to expand continuously, and the diffusion process is invisible to the
naked eye. The main factors affecting the spread of hydrogen leakage include the
leakage location, ambient temperature, ambient wind speed, ambient wind direction and
6.1.2 After a leak occurs in a liquid hydrogen or slush hydrogen system, the liquid
hydrogen will evaporate and diffuse rapidly, forming a visible explosive mist cloud,
which may cause negative pressure in the system and cause the surrounding air to enter
the system and condense into solid particles, which may clog the system's pipes, valves
and other components.
6.1.3 Hydrogen can easily penetrate into certain non-metallic materials and cause
hydrogen seepage. If hydrogen seepage occurs in a liquid hydrogen system, it may lead
to hydrogen loss or damage to the vacuum insulation layer.
6.2 Hazards associated with combustion
6.2.1 Leaked hydrogen can easily cause combustion or explosion. Hydrogen
combustion may cause the performance of hydrogen system materials to deteriorate and
may cause the hydrogen system to fail due to overpressure that results from a sharp
increase in internal temperature and pressure.
6.2.2 Hydrogen deflagration may lead to the rapid expansion of the combustion area
and the rapid increase of the pressure in the confined space. The high-speed detonation
wave generated by hydrogen detonation may have a huge impact on the environment
outside the combustion area, accompanied by the rapid spread of high-temperature gas.
6.2.3 Hydrogen flames are difficult to detect and shall be detected using ultraviolet
detectors or ultraviolet/infrared composite multi-band detectors.
6.3 Stress-related risk factors
6.3.1 Failure of the hydrogen system may result in the rapid release of stored energy in
the high-pressure hydrogen, forming a shock wave and damaging surrounding facilities.
6.3.2 Heat leakage in liquid hydrogen and slush hydrogen systems will cause thermal
stratification and hydrogen evaporation, resulting ...
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