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GB/T 41566-2022: General rules for consumer product safety information exchange
GB/T 41566-2022
ICS 03.120.99
CCS A 00
General rules for consumer product safety information
ISSUED ON: JULY 11, 2022
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Consumer product safety information ... 5
5 Data element ... 6
6 Data exchange interface ... 11
7 Security policy ... 12
Appendix A (Informative) Example of data exchange interface mode ... 13
References ... 16
General rules for consumer product safety information
1 Scope
This document specifies the information content, data element, exchange interface,
security policy, etc. of consumer product safety information exchange.
This document applies to all types of organizations conducting consumer product safety
information exchange activities.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this
document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the
version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references,
the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2312, Code of Chinese graphic character set for information interchange -
Primary set
GB/T 7408, Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange -
Representation of dates and times
GB/T 30135, Description specification on the risk information of consumer products
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
Consumer product
Products designed and produced for, mainly but not limited to, personal use.
Note: Including product components, parts and assemblies, accessories, instructions for
use and packaging.
[Source: GB/T 35248-2017, 2.2, modified]
Consumer product safety
The state of a consumer product exempt from unacceptable risk.
[Source: GB/T 28803-2012, 3.4]
A formalized representation of a fact, concept or instruction, which is appropriate for
communication, interpretation or processing in a manual or automatic manner.
[Source: GB/T 15191-2010, 3.7]
Data element
A data unit whose definition, identification, representation and allowable values are
specified by a set of attributes.
[Source: GB/T 18391.1-2009, 3.3.8]
Data type
A set of distinguishable values characterized by the properties of these values and the
operations on them.
[Source: GB/T 18391.1-2009, 3.3.11]
Data exchange
The process of providing data to each other between various entities.
[Source: GB/T 36107-2018, 3.1]
4 Consumer product safety information
Consumer product safety information can be divided into the following four categories:
a) basic information;
b) hazard information;
c) injury result information;
d) additional information.
The description of consumer product safety information shall comply with the
provisions in GB/T 30135.
5 Data element
5.1 Data information
Consumer product safety data information includes basic information, hazard
information, injury result information and additional information.
a) Basic information
Refers to basic information such as consumer product, user, and use environment,
among which basic information of consumer product includes product name,
manufacturer name, etc.; basic information of user includes user age, user gender,
etc.; basic information of use environment includes injury accident location,
accident activities, etc.
b) Hazard information
Refers to hazard information such as human factors, physical factors and
environmental factors, among which hazard information of human factor includes
psychological and physiological factors, behavioral factors, etc.; hazard
information of physical factors includes physical hazards, chemical hazards,
biohazards, etc.; hazard information of environmental factor includes indoor
environmental hazards, outdoor environmental hazards, etc.
c) Injury result information
Including contents such as injury type, injury degree and injury cause.
d) Additional information
Including contents such as hazards description, injury results description and
injury reasons description.
5.2 Data type
The data types and descriptions are shown in Table 1.

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