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GB/T 6893-2022 English PDF (GBT6893-2022)

GB/T 6893-2022 English PDF (GBT6893-2022)

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GB/T 6893-2022: Aluminium and aluminium alloys cold drawn (rolled) tubes
GB/T 6893-2022
Aluminium and aluminium alloys cold drawn (rolled) tubes
ICS 77.150.10
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB/T 6893-2010
Aluminum and aluminum alloy drawn (rolled) pipes
Published on 2022-03-09
2022-10-01 Implementation
State Administration for Market Regulation
Released by the National Standardization Administration
This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1.Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents"
This document replaces GB/T 6893-2010 "Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Drawing (Rolling) Seamless Pipes". Compared with GB/T 6893-2010, except the structure
In addition to adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows.
a) The seamed pipe is added in the scope of application (see Chapter 1, Chapter 1 of the.2010 edition);
b) the term "coil" was added to the "Terms and Definitions" chapter (see 3.1);
c) Added.2017AO,.2017AT3, 2024T3, 2D12O, 2D12T4, 2A14O, 2A14T6, 3003H12, 3003
H24, 3003H18, 3A21H12, 3026O, 3103O, 5B02O, 6061T8, 6082T4, 6082T6, 7A09T6,
7075T6 and other grades and conditions, with the.2017 grade removed, the T4 condition of the 2024 grade removed (see 4.1,.2010 edition of
d) Added quality assurance requirements (see Chapter 5);
e) Added the mechanical properties of new grades and states, changed the size range in which the mechanical properties were limited to "all" in the original standard, and added
Performance requirements for T42 and T62 pipes in O state (see Table 2, Table 2 of the.2010 edition);
f) Increased the flaring performance of 5B02 alloy pipes for aviation (see 6.4);
g) increased the compression performance of 1035 grades for aviation (see 6.5);
h) Increased the flattening properties of 5B02 alloy and 5A02 alloy O state for aviation (see 6.6);
i) Increased the bending properties of 5B02 alloy for aviation (see 6.7);
j) The air tightness requirements for seamed pipes are added (see 6.8);
k) changed the "microstructure" (see 6.9, 3.5 of the.2010 edition);
l) The low magnification requirements of 3A21 alloy for aviation are added (see 6.10);
m) the welding performance of seamed pipes is increased (see 6.11);
n) The salt spray corrosion performance of aluminum alloy pipes for automobiles is increased (see 6.12);
o) The intergranular corrosion requirements for 2D12 alloy and.2017A alloy have been added (see 6.13);
p) Changed "eddy current inspection" (see 6.14, 3.6 of the.2010 edition);
q) Changed "Appearance quality" (see 6.15, 3.7 of the.2010 edition).
Please note that some content of this document may be patented. The issuing agency of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents.
This document is proposed by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC243).
This document is drafted by. Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd., Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd., Asia Pacific Light Alloy (Nantong) Branch
Technology Co., Ltd., Nonferrous Metal Technology and Economic Research Institute Co., Ltd., Youyan Engineering Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Aviation Industry Chengdu Flying Co., Ltd.
Machinery Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., Northwest Aluminum Co., Ltd., National Standard (Beijing) Inspection and Certification Co., Ltd., Guangdong Academy of Sciences Engineering
Industry Analysis and Testing Center, Kunming Metallurgical Research Institute Materials Research Institute, Guangdong Hesheng Industrial Aluminum Co., Ltd., Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this document. Gao Xinyu, Cong Fuguan, Peng Zhujun, Li Qirong, Ge Lixin, Li Zhihui, Hu Tianlong, Yan Lizhen, Zhu Kai, Gao Baoting,
Sun Di, Yang Fengqi, Xiao Xinrui, Man Zhengliang, Li Yu, Yue Youcheng, Yang Ruiqing, Zhou Wang, Cao Shanpeng.
This document was first published in 1986, revised for the first time in.2000, and revised for the second time in.2010, this time being the third revision.
Aluminum and aluminum alloy drawn (rolled) pipes
1 Scope
This document specifies the classification, quality assurance, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings of aluminum and aluminum alloy drawn (rolled) pipes,
Packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate and order (or contract) content.
This document applies to aluminum and aluminum alloy drawn (rolled) seamless and seamed pipes (hereinafter referred to as "pipes").
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, dated citations
documents, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to
this document.
GB/T 242 Metal Pipe Flaring Test Method
GB/T 244 Bending test method for metal pipes
GB/T 246 Test method for flattening of metal pipes
GB/T 467 Cathode Copper
GB/T 470 Zinc Ingot
GB/T 3190 Chemical Composition of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
GB/T 3199 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of aluminum and aluminum alloy processed products
GB/T 3246.1 Microstructure test method for deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 1.Microstructure test method
GB/T 3246.2 Microstructure inspection method of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy products-Part 2.Low magnification microstructure inspection method
GB/T 3251 Compression test method for aluminum and aluminum alloy pipes
GB/T 3499 Primary Magnesium Ingot
GB/T 4436-2012 Overall dimensions and allowable deviations of aluminum and aluminum alloy pipes
GB/T 5126 Aluminum and aluminum alloy cold-drawn thin-walled pipe eddy current flaw detection method
GB/T 7998 Determination of Intergranular Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys
GB/T 7999 Aluminum and aluminum alloy photoelectric direct reading emission spectrometry analysis method
GB/T 8005.1 Terms of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Part 1.Products and Processing Technology
GB/T 8170 Numerical Rounding Rules and Representation and Judgment of Limit Values
GB/T 12967.3 Test methods for anodic oxide films and organic polymer films of aluminum and aluminum alloys - Part 3.Salt spray test
GB/T 16865 Specimens and methods for tensile testing of deformed aluminum, magnesium and their alloy processed products
GB/T 17432 Sampling method for chemical composition analysis of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys
GB/T 20975 (all parts) Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys
GB/T 27677 Aluminum master alloy
GB/T 32790 Test method for welding performance of aluminum and aluminum alloy extrusion welds
YS/T 447.1 Alloy wires for grain refinement of aluminum and aluminum alloys - Part 1.Aluminum-titanium-boron alloy wires
YS/T 591 Deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy heat treatment
YS/T 665 Refined aluminum ingot for remelting

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