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GB/T 889.2-2016 English PDF (GB/T889.2-2016)

GB/T 889.2-2016 English PDF (GB/T889.2-2016)

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GB/T 889.2-2016: Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style1 -- Fine pitch thread
GB/T 889.2-2016
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style1 - Fine pitch thread
ICS 21.060.20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB/T 889.2-2000
1 type of non-metallic insert hexagon nuts with fine pitch thread
Prevailingtorquetypehexagonnuts (withnon-metalicinsert), style1-
[ISO 10512.2012, Prevailingtorquetypehexagonregularnuts
(Withnon-metalicinsert) withmetricfinepitchthread-
Propertyclasses6,8and10, MOD]
Issued on. 2016-02-24
2016-06-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
GB/T 889 is part of the "hexagon nuts," one national standard series, the series includes.
--- GB/T 889.1 type 1 metallic insert hexagon nuts;
--- GB/T 889.2 type 1 metallic insert hexagon nuts with fine pitch thread;
--- GB/T 6172.2 metallic insert hexagon thin nuts;
--- GB/T 61822 metallic insert type hexagon nuts;
--- GB/T 6183.1 Type 2 metallic insert hex nuts with flange;
--- GB/T 6183.2 Type 2 metallic insert hex flange nuts with fine teeth;
--- GB/T 61841-type all-metal hexagon nuts;
--- GB/T 6185.1 Type 2 all-metal hexagon nuts;
--- GB/T 6185.2 Type 2 all-metal hexagon nuts, fine pitch;
--- GB/T 6187.1 Type 2 all-metal hexagon nuts with flange;
--- GB/T 6187.2 Type 2 all-metal hexagon nuts with flange with fine teeth.
This section is GB/T 889 Part 2.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This Part replaces GB/T 889.2-2000 "1 type of metallic insert hexagon nuts with fine pitch thread", and GB/T 889.2-2000 phase
Ratio, the main technical changes are as follows.
--- Delete "For other technical requirements, GB/T 3098.9 and GB/T 3103.1) Select." (Chapter 1 of the 2000 edition);
--- Add. "NOTE 2. Due to the highly inadequate fine thread nuts, nut thread tripping high probability, therefore, you can choose GB/T 6182."
(Chapter 1);
--- Reference standard unified thread GB/T 193, GB/T 9145 (Chapter 2);
--- Mechanical performance rating is amended as. 8mm≤D≤16mm. 6,8 (QT), 10 (QT); 16mm \u003cD≤36mm.6(QT)、
8 (QT), 10 (QT) (Table 2);
--- Mechanical properties increase. QT --- quenched and tempered (Table 2);
--- Provisions of the mechanical properties of reference standard GB/T 3098.2, GB/T 3098.9 (Table 2);
--- Increase in non-electrolytic zinc flake coating technology required by the GB/T 5267.2 (Table 2);
--- Marking surface treatment allows only omission. the surface is not treated, replace galvanized surface purification (5.2).
This section uses redrafted Law Amendment uses ISO 10512.2012 "Standard torque type hexagon nuts (non-metallic insert) with metric fine
Thread Property classes 6,8 and 10 "(in English).
This part of ISO 10512.2012 technical differences and their reasons are as follows.
--- Delete ISO 10512 states. "For other technical requirements, ISO 4759-1, select" (Chapter 1), does not belong in this section
Content provisions;
--- Normative reference document, instead of using our standards with international standards (Chapter 2), increase the reference GB/T 6171 (Chapter 1),
GB/T 6182 (Chapter 1), GB/T 90.2 (Table 2) and GB/T 1237 (5.1), delete the reference to ISO 724 to meet me
State fasteners basic standards;
--- ISO 10512 regulations "M36 × 2" for the printing errors, keep the old standard "M36 × 3" (Table 1);
--- Mechanical performance rating is amended as. 8mm≤D≤16mm. 6,8 (QT), 10 (QT); 16mm \u003cD≤36mm.6(QT)、
8 (QT), 10 (QT) (Table 2), the expansion of the scope of the standard;
--- For the implementation of basic standards, to increase the mechanical properties. QT --- quenched and tempered (Table 2);
--- According to our practice, insert material recommended nylon 66 (Table 2);
--- Increase in packaging technology requirements (Table 2), in order to comply with our basic standard fasteners;
--- Modify tag example is a simplified markup example (5.2), to comply with the provisions of GB/T 1237's.
This standard also made the following editorial changes.
--- To modify the standard name;
--- Delete ISO 10512 reference.
This part is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee fasteners (SAC/TC85) centralized.
This section is responsible for drafting unit. Productivity Promotion Center in the machine.
Participated in the drafting of this section. Zhoushan Zhengyuan Standard Parts Co., Ltd., general industrial machinery parts and components product quality supervision and inspection center,
Ningbo machine mechanical parts detection Limited.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee Secretariat responsible for the interpretation of fasteners.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB/T 889-1980, GB/T 889-1986;
--- GB/T 890-1980;
--- GB/T 889.2-2000.
1 type of non-metallic insert hexagon nuts with fine pitch thread
1 Scope
This section GB/T 889 provides for a fine tooth type 1 metallic insert hexagon nut type size, technical requirements and marking.
This section applies to nominal thread diameter D = 8mm ~ 36mm, fine thread, the performance rating of 6, 8 and 10, products, etc.
Level for the Class A and Class B non-metallic insert type 1 hexagon nuts. A class for D≤16mm nut; Class B for D> 16mm
Note 1. This nut is equivalent to GB/T 6171 plus effective torque section.
Note 2. Due to the highly inadequate fine thread nuts, nut thread tripping high probability, therefore, you can choose GB/T 6182.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 90.1 fasteners acceptance inspection (GB/T 90.1-2002, ISO 3269.2000, IDT)
GB/T 90.2 Fasteners marking and packaging
GB/T 193 series ordinary thread diameter and pitch (GB/T 193-2003, ISO 261.1998, MOD)
GB/T 1237 fasteners labeling method (GB/T 1237-2000, eqvISO 8991. 1986)
GB/T 3098.2 Mechanical properties of fasteners (GB/T 3098.2-2015, ISO 898-2.2012, MOD)
GB/T 3098.9 Mechanical properties of fasteners torque type steel locking nut (GB/T 3098.9-2010, ISO 2320.2008,
GB/T 3103.1 Tolerances for fasteners - Bolts, screws, studs and nuts (GB/T 3103.1-2002, idtISO 4759-1.2000)
GB/T 5267.1 fasteners plating layer (GB/T 5267.1-2002, ISO 4042.1999, IDT)
GB/T 5267.2 fasteners non-electrolytic zinc flake coating (GB/T 5267.2-2002, ISO 10683.2000, IDT)
GB/T 5276 Fasteners Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - Symbols and designations size (GB/T 5276-2015, ISO 225.
2010, MOD)
GB/T 5779.2 nut fastener surface defects (GB/T 5779.2-2000, idtISO 6157-2.1995)
GB/T 61711 type hexagon nuts fine pitch (GB/T 6171-2016, ISO 8673.2012, MOD)
GB/T 61822 metallic insert type hexagon nuts (GB/T 6182-2016, ISO 7041.2012, MOD)
GB/T 9145 common thread moderate accuracy, preferably series limit size (GB/T 9145-2003, ISO 965-2.1998,
GB/T 16938 Fasteners Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - General technical conditions (GB/T 16938-2008, ISO 8992.
2005, IDT)
3 Dimensions
Nut pattern dimensions shown in Figure 1 and Table 1.
Size code and labeling should be consistent with GB/T 5276.
a part of the effective torque shape managed by the manufacturer;
bβ = 15 ° ~ 30 °;
cθ = 90 ° ~ 120 °.
figure 1
Table 1 Dimensions are in millimeters
Thread Size
(D × Pa)
M8 × 1
M10 × 1
M10 × 1.25
M12 × 1.25
M12 × 1.5
(M14 ×
1.5) b
M16 × 1.5 M20 × 1.5 M24 × 2 M30 × 2 M36 × 3
max 8.75 10.80 13 15.10 17.30 21.60 25.90 32.40 38.90
min 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 30.00 36.00
dw min 11.63 14.63 16.63 19.64 22.49 27.70 33.25 42.75 51.11
e min 14.38 17.77 20.03 23.36 26.75 32.95 39.55 50.85 60.79
max 9.50 11.90 14.90 17.00 19.10 22.80 27.10 32.60 38.90
min 8.92 11.20 14.20 15.90 17.80 20.70 25.00 30.10 36.40
m min 6.44 8.04 10.37 12.10 14.10 16.90 20.20 24.30 29.40
mw min 5.15 6.43 8.30 9.68 11.28 13.52 16.16 19.44 23.52
max 13.00 16.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 46.00 55.00
min 12.73 15.73 17.73 20.67 23.67 29.16 35.00 45.00 53.80
aP --- pitch.
b as much as possible the use of standard brackets.
4 Technical conditions and reference standards
Technical conditions and standards referenced in Table 2.
Table 2 Technical conditions and reference standards
Steel nut body
Recommended nylon insert 66
General technical conditions GB/T 16938
Screw thread
Tolerance 6H
Standard GB/T 193, GB/T 9145
Mechanical behavior
8mm≤D≤16mm. 6,8 (QT), 10 (QT)
16mm \u003cD≤36mm.6(QT)、8(QT)、10(QT)
Standard GB/T 3098.2, GB/T 3098.9
Product grades D≤16mm. A grade; D> 16mm. B grade
Standard GB/T 3103.1
Surface treatment
Without treatment;
Electroplating technology required by the GB/T 5267.1;
Non-electrolytic zinc flake coating technology required by the GB/T 5267.2;
For additional technical requirements or surface treatment, supply and demand should Agreement
Surface defects GB/T 5779.2
Acceptance and packaging GB/T 90.1, GB/T 90.2
QT --- quenching and tempering.
5 Mark
5.1 labeling method
Marking method according to GB/T 1237 regulations.
5.2 tag example
Thread size is M12 × 1.5, fine thread, the performance rating of 8, the surface is not treated, the product grade A level 1 Non-Metallic
Insert hexagon nuts tags.
Nut GB/T 889.2 M12 × 1.5

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