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GB/T 9750-1998 English PDF (GBT9750-1998)

GB/T 9750-1998 English PDF (GBT9750-1998)

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GB/T 9750-1998: Marks for package of coating products
GB/T 9750-1998
Replacing GB/T 9750-1988
Marks for package of coating products
Issued by. State Quality Technical Supervision Bureau
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Definitions ... 5 
4 Marks ... 6 
This Standard is the revision to the previous version GB/T 9750-1988 “Marks
for package of coating products” (first edition). It added technical content, made
partial changes and comprehensively editorial changes according to GB/T 1.1-
1993. Compared with the previous version, the main technical changes are as
- Added provisions on marks requirements for coating product outer package;
- Added requirements for method, position and character of marks;
- Added provisions on certification, executive standards, effective storage
period (shelf life) requirements in “Marks”.
Since the implementation of this Standard, it replaces GB/T 9750-1988.
This Standard was proposed by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Paints and Pigments of Standardization Administration of China.
Responsible drafting organizations of this Standard. former Changzhou Coating
Research Institute of Ministry of Chemistry and Tianjin Beacon Paint and Coatings
Co,. Ltd..
Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Paint Factory of Dalian
Chemical Industry Company, Shijiazhuang Golden Fish Paint Group, Heibei
Zhangguang Paint Factory, Zhengzhou Paint Factory, Wuhan Double Tiger
Coatings Ltd., Qingdao Haijian Coating Company, Hangzhou Paint Factory,
Wuxi Paint Factory, Chongqing Sanxia Paints Co., Ltd., Xi’an Paint Factory,
Guangzhou Paint Chemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai Paint Factory, Guangdong
Huarun Paints Co., Ltd, Zhejiang Global Paint Co., Ltd., Wuxi Barun Paint
Chemical Co., Ltd., Guangdong Golden Crown Coating Factory, and
Changzhou Paint Factory.
Main drafters of this Standard. Wu Liangjun, and Lu Xiumin.
This Standard (the previous version) was issued on August 1, 1988 for the first
Marks for package of coating products
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the main content and basic requirements of marks for
package of coating products. Marks for package of coating products, which are
used to represent product model, name, net weight, quality grade for package,
consist of texts, letters, graphics and Arabic numerals.
This Standard is applicable to marks for inner packaging container and outer
packaging box which directly hold coatings or diluents and other auxiliary
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated are valid. All standards are subject to revision. The parties
who are using this Standard shall explore the possibility of using the latest
version of the following standards.
GB 190-1990 Labels for Packages of Dangerous Goods
GB 191-1990 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 2705-1992 Classification and nomenclature for coating products
GB/T 4122.1-1996 Packaging terms - Part 1. Basic
GB/T 5296.1-1997 Consumer product instructions for use - General
GB/T 6388-1986 Transport package shipping mark
GB 6944-1986 Classification and code of dangerous goods
GB 9969.1-1998 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of
Industrial Products
GB/T 13491-1992 General rule for packing of coatings
Q ≥ 1000 mL L (liter)
Note 2. For example, if the net weight of a product is 800 g, the measurement unit
shall be g (gram) because its mass is less than 1000 g, i.e., it shall be represented
as 800 g instead of 0.8 kg.
e) Manufacturer’s name and address;
f) Production date and batch;
g) Effective storage period (shelf life), in years or months, with instructions of
“It can still be used after it is inspected as qualified if it exceeds this period”;
h) Product certificate. Certificate, a mark of qualified product after inspection,
shall at least include eye-catching characters as "qualified" or
"certification", inspector code or inspection seal;
i) It shall have brief instructions and notices, or attached instructions for use
on package container (refer to GB 5296.1 and GB 9969.1);
j) In coating products, warning marks (flammable liquids) stipulated in GB
190 or warning instructions in Chinese must be indicated for national
regulated inflammable substances (refer to GB 6944);
k) All products recognized by certain organizations are allowed to use
corresponding certification marks, well-known brand marks (national,
ministry prized, provincial and municipal quality product), universal
product code (barcode) or false-proof seal. Products with production
license are allowed to use production license logo and number.
4.4.2 Outer packaging box
On outer packaging box for coating products, in addition to items of a)~c), e)~h)
in 4.4.1, it shall be also marked with the following information.
a) The total number of items contained in the outer packaging box;
b) Net weight of single piece of inner package;
c) The total mass of outer package (gross weight) in kg, and dimensions in
m or mm;
d) Transport warning marks; marks such as “up”, “keep from wet”, and “no
hand hook” shall be marked according to the provisions in GB 191.
e) Shipping mark. According to GB/T 6388 and relevant provisions of
shipping department, it shall be marked with product category (chemical

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