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T/CSAE 159-2020: LTE-based vehicular communication - Direct communication system roadside unit technical requirements
T/CASE 159-2020
ICS 35.100
CCS L 79
ITE-based vehicular communication - Direct communication
system roadside unit technical requirements
Issued by: China Society of Automotive Engineers
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 5
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions... 7
4 Abbreviations ... 7
5 General requirements ... 8
5.1 Standards to be followed by each layer ... 8
5.2 Access layer/PC5 ... 9
5.3 Network layer ... 10
5.4 Roadside message sending cycle and PDB requirements ... 10
5.5 Priority setting of roadside messages ... 11
6 Requirements of MAP message ... 11
6.1 Requirements of application layer ... 11
6.2 Message content ... 14
6.3 Minimum sending criteria ... 16
6.4 Requirements of data element ... 18
7 SPAT message sending requirements ... 22
7.1 Requirements of application layer ... 22
7.2 Message content ... 24
7.3 Minimum sending criteria ... 25
7.4 Requirements of data element ... 26
8 RSM message sending requirements ... 33
8.1 Requirements of application layer ... 33
8.2 Message content ... 35
8.3 Minimum sending criteira ... 36
8.4 Requirements of data element ... 38
9 RSI message sending requirements ... 41
9.1 Requirements of application layer ... 41
9.2 Message content ... 42
9.3 Classification of RSI messages ... 43
9.4 Minimum sending criteria ... 44
9.5 Requirements of data element ... 45
10 Message scheduling and congestion control ... 51
11 Requirements of RF performance ... 51
11.1 Transmitter indicators ... 51
11.2 Receiver indicators ... 51
12 Security requirements ... 51
12.1 Requirements of data format ... 51
12.2 Sending requirements of security layer message ... 52
12.3 Requirements of system security ... 53
Appendix A (Informative) System overview ... 54
Appendix B (Informative) Application description ... 55
Appendix C (Normative) Type and value of DE_EventType (traffic event index),
DF_Description (additional description) ... 56
Appendix D (Normative) Selection requirements of road abstraction point ... 60
Appendix E (Normative) Extended indication maneuver in DF_MovementList ... 62
ITE-based vehicular communication - Direct communication
system roadside unit technical requirements
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements for direct communication roadside
units, which is supported by the ITE-based vehicular communication (LTE-V2X).
This document applies to roadside units, which adopts the LTE-V2X-based direct
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB 5768.2-2009 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 2: Road traffic signs
GB 14886 Specifications for road traffic signal setting and installation
GB/T 27957-2011 Grade of hail
GB/T 27967-2011 Format of weather forecast on highway traffic
GB/T 29100-2012 Road traffic information service - Traffic event classification and
GB/T 30699-2014 Road traffic signs code
YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3707-2020 Technical requirements of network layer of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3709-2020 Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3755-2020 Technical requirements for roadside unit supporting direct
well as the expansion parts such as bus stops), as the road segment width. Width
changes, which are caused by lane extensions or bus stops, etc., are reflected in lane-
level information. The accuracy of road segment width shall be accurate to 0.1 m. points
A column of road segment center points. It needs to meet the requirements of Appendix
D, where ActualError is not greater than 2 m.
6.4.4 DF_Movement remoteIntersection
It consists of a globally unique region ID and a unique node ID within a region, refer
to 6.2. phaseId
Signal light's phase ID, where the value 0 means invalid ID. The phaseId shall be
consistent with the situation that the road segment is controlled by the actual signal
lights. Refer to
6.4.5 DF_RegulatorySpeedLimit
speed: The size of the speed limit value, which has an accuracy of 0.02 m/s.
6.4.6 DF_RoadPoint
Indicates the deviation value of the road's abstract location point, which is selected
according to Appendix D, as relative to the reference coordinates, including the
latitude and longitude deviation and the altitude deviation. It should adopt the
principle of cost saving, to select an appropriate encoding method.
offsetLL PositionOffsetLL:
The horizontal deviation, BETWEEN the position point as determined by the
latitude and longitude deviation AND the actual position, which is corresponding to
the point, shall not exceed 0.5 m.
offsetV VerticalOffset:
The vertical deviation, BETWEEN the position point as determined by the height
deviation AND the actual position corresponding to the point, shall not exceed 0.5
6.4.7 DF_Lane laneID
Within a road segment, each lane has a unique ID, which uses the direction of the lane
as a reference; the numbering starts from 1 from left to right; the maximum valid value
is 254. 0 means invalid ID or unknown ID. 255 is a reserved value. laneWidth
Indicates the average width of this lane. The accuracy is 0.1 m. laneAttributes
Define lane attributes, including lane sharing (shareWith) and the class characteristic
(laneType) to which the lane itself belongs. If it wants to represent a crosswalk, it can
set the laneType to crosswalk; meanwhile set its ID, width, center point column and
other attributes. maneuvers
Indicates all steering behaviors, which are permitted in this lane. If, in practice, this lane
is allowed to connect to the downstream segment, at least one accessible connection
shall be expressed, in the maneuvers. Refer to for the expression of steering-
allowing behavior of the lane. connectsTo
Indicates the connection information of this lane to the downstream road segment. If
the actual lane is allowed to be connected to the downstream road segment, at least one
accessible connection shall be expressed as connectionsTo. The principle of geometric
maximization connection shall be adopted, between lanes and lanes. points
Represents a column of road segment center points. It needs to meet the requirements
of Appendix D, where ActualError is not greater than 0.5 m.
6.4.8 DF_Connection remoteIntersection
It consists of a globally unique region ID and a unique node ID within a region, refer
to 6.2. ConnectingLane
Indicates the lane number of the downstream road segment, which is connected to this
lane, as well as the corresponding steering.
was sent, the system shall reinitialize the msgCount to a random value, which ranges
from 0 to 127, before sending the next SPAT (see YD/T 3709-2020).
When the certificate, which is used to sign the SPAT, has not changed, since the last
SPAT was sent, the system shall set the m...
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T/CSAE 159-2020: LTE-based vehicular communication - Direct communication system roadside unit technical requirements
T/CASE 159-2020
ICS 35.100
CCS L 79
ITE-based vehicular communication - Direct communication
system roadside unit technical requirements
Issued by: China Society of Automotive Engineers
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 5
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions... 7
4 Abbreviations ... 7
5 General requirements ... 8
5.1 Standards to be followed by each layer ... 8
5.2 Access layer/PC5 ... 9
5.3 Network layer ... 10
5.4 Roadside message sending cycle and PDB requirements ... 10
5.5 Priority setting of roadside messages ... 11
6 Requirements of MAP message ... 11
6.1 Requirements of application layer ... 11
6.2 Message content ... 14
6.3 Minimum sending criteria ... 16
6.4 Requirements of data element ... 18
7 SPAT message sending requirements ... 22
7.1 Requirements of application layer ... 22
7.2 Message content ... 24
7.3 Minimum sending criteria ... 25
7.4 Requirements of data element ... 26
8 RSM message sending requirements ... 33
8.1 Requirements of application layer ... 33
8.2 Message content ... 35
8.3 Minimum sending criteira ... 36
8.4 Requirements of data element ... 38
9 RSI message sending requirements ... 41
9.1 Requirements of application layer ... 41
9.2 Message content ... 42
9.3 Classification of RSI messages ... 43
9.4 Minimum sending criteria ... 44
9.5 Requirements of data element ... 45
10 Message scheduling and congestion control ... 51
11 Requirements of RF performance ... 51
11.1 Transmitter indicators ... 51
11.2 Receiver indicators ... 51
12 Security requirements ... 51
12.1 Requirements of data format ... 51
12.2 Sending requirements of security layer message ... 52
12.3 Requirements of system security ... 53
Appendix A (Informative) System overview ... 54
Appendix B (Informative) Application description ... 55
Appendix C (Normative) Type and value of DE_EventType (traffic event index),
DF_Description (additional description) ... 56
Appendix D (Normative) Selection requirements of road abstraction point ... 60
Appendix E (Normative) Extended indication maneuver in DF_MovementList ... 62
ITE-based vehicular communication - Direct communication
system roadside unit technical requirements
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements for direct communication roadside
units, which is supported by the ITE-based vehicular communication (LTE-V2X).
This document applies to roadside units, which adopts the LTE-V2X-based direct
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB 5768.2-2009 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 2: Road traffic signs
GB 14886 Specifications for road traffic signal setting and installation
GB/T 27957-2011 Grade of hail
GB/T 27967-2011 Format of weather forecast on highway traffic
GB/T 29100-2012 Road traffic information service - Traffic event classification and
GB/T 30699-2014 Road traffic signs code
YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3707-2020 Technical requirements of network layer of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3709-2020 Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3755-2020 Technical requirements for roadside unit supporting direct
well as the expansion parts such as bus stops), as the road segment width. Width
changes, which are caused by lane extensions or bus stops, etc., are reflected in lane-
level information. The accuracy of road segment width shall be accurate to 0.1 m. points
A column of road segment center points. It needs to meet the requirements of Appendix
D, where ActualError is not greater than 2 m.
6.4.4 DF_Movement remoteIntersection
It consists of a globally unique region ID and a unique node ID within a region, refer
to 6.2. phaseId
Signal light's phase ID, where the value 0 means invalid ID. The phaseId shall be
consistent with the situation that the road segment is controlled by the actual signal
lights. Refer to
6.4.5 DF_RegulatorySpeedLimit
speed: The size of the speed limit value, which has an accuracy of 0.02 m/s.
6.4.6 DF_RoadPoint
Indicates the deviation value of the road's abstract location point, which is selected
according to Appendix D, as relative to the reference coordinates, including the
latitude and longitude deviation and the altitude deviation. It should adopt the
principle of cost saving, to select an appropriate encoding method.
offsetLL PositionOffsetLL:
The horizontal deviation, BETWEEN the position point as determined by the
latitude and longitude deviation AND the actual position, which is corresponding to
the point, shall not exceed 0.5 m.
offsetV VerticalOffset:
The vertical deviation, BETWEEN the position point as determined by the height
deviation AND the actual position corresponding to the point, shall not exceed 0.5
6.4.7 DF_Lane laneID
Within a road segment, each lane has a unique ID, which uses the direction of the lane
as a reference; the numbering starts from 1 from left to right; the maximum valid value
is 254. 0 means invalid ID or unknown ID. 255 is a reserved value. laneWidth
Indicates the average width of this lane. The accuracy is 0.1 m. laneAttributes
Define lane attributes, including lane sharing (shareWith) and the class characteristic
(laneType) to which the lane itself belongs. If it wants to represent a crosswalk, it can
set the laneType to crosswalk; meanwhile set its ID, width, center point column and
other attributes. maneuvers
Indicates all steering behaviors, which are permitted in this lane. If, in practice, this lane
is allowed to connect to the downstream segment, at least one accessible connection
shall be expressed, in the maneuvers. Refer to for the expression of steering-
allowing behavior of the lane. connectsTo
Indicates the connection information of this lane to the downstream road segment. If
the actual lane is allowed to be connected to the downstream road segment, at least one
accessible connection shall be expressed as connectionsTo. The principle of geometric
maximization connection shall be adopted, between lanes and lanes. points
Represents a column of road segment center points. It needs to meet the requirements
of Appendix D, where ActualError is not greater than 0.5 m.
6.4.8 DF_Connection remoteIntersection
It consists of a globally unique region ID and a unique node ID within a region, refer
to 6.2. ConnectingLane
Indicates the lane number of the downstream road segment, which is connected to this
lane, as well as the corresponding steering.
was sent, the system shall reinitialize the msgCount to a random value, which ranges
from 0 to 127, before sending the next SPAT (see YD/T 3709-2020).
When the certificate, which is used to sign the SPAT, has not changed, since the last
SPAT was sent, the system shall set the m...