GB/T 9780-2013 English PDF (GBT9780-2013)
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GB/T 9780-2013: Test method for dirt pickup resistance and stain removal of film of architectural coatings and paint
GB/T 9780-2013
ICS 87.040
Q 18
Replacing GB/T 9780-2005
Test method for dirt pickup resistance and stain
removal of film of architectural coatings and paint
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Principles ... 6
4 General rules ... 6
5 Exterior wall coating and paint dirt pickup resistance test methods ... 7
6 Interior wall coating and paint dirt pickup resistance test methods ... 11
7 Test report ... 19
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
This standard replaces GB/T 9780-2005 “Test method for dirt pickup
resistance and stain removal of film of architectural coatings and paint”. As
compared with GB/T 9780-2005, the main technical changes are as follows.
- ADD the test methods for dirt pickup resistance of interior wall coatings
and paints (SEE Chapter 6);
- ADD the drying oven fast methods for dirt pickup resistance of interior wall
coatings and paints (SEE 5.4.3, 5.5.3);
- As for the contamination source for the test, USE the national standard
sample of Ash reference sample for dirt pickup resistance test of building
coating to replace the prepared ash which is used in the original standard
(SEE 5.2; Chapter 5 of 2005 version);
- CHANGE the test substrate asbestos cement sheet into the non-asbestos
fiber cement flat sheet (SEE 5.1.9; 7.2.1 of 2005 version).
This standard was proposed by the China Building Materials Federation.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Light and
Decoration Materials Standardization Committee (S AC/TC 195).
The responsible drafting organizations of this standard. Shanghai Institute of
Building Science (Group) Co., Ltd., Dow Chemical (China) Co., Ltd.,
Guangzhou Building Materials Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nippon
Paint (China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Paint Research Institute, PPG Paint
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Celanese (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jianke
Technical Assessment of Construction Co., Ltd.
The participating drafting organizations of this standard. BASF (China) Co.,
Ltd., Jiangsu Testing Center for Quality of Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Guangdong Longhu Technology Co., Ltd., DuPont (China) R and D Management
Co., Ltd., Asia Paint (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Dove Paint (Shanghai) Limited,
Shanghai Caoyang Building Adhesive Factory, Akzo Nobel Swire Paint
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd., BASF Application Chemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai
Zhongnan Building Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Jinyu Paint Co., Ltd., CNOOC
Changzhou Paint Chemical Research Institute, China Building Materials
Inspection and Certification Group Co., Ltd., China Academy of Building
Research, 3TREES Paints Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Biuget Laboratory Equipment
Test method for dirt pickup resistance and stain
removal of film of architectural coatings and paint
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test method for the dirt pickup resistance of the
coating of the interior wall and exterior wall of building.
This standard applies to the determination of the dirt pickup resistance of the
decorations and protective coatings on the surface of the interior wall, exterior
wall, and roof of the buildings and structures.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing
change in color
GB 1790 Medical vaseline
GB/T 3186 Paints varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes -
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use- Specification and test
GB/T 7044 Color carbon black
GB/T 9266 Determination of scrub resistance of film of architectural paints
and coatings
GB/T 9271-2008 Paints and varnishes - Standard panels for testing
GB/T 9761-2008 Paints and varnishes - Visual comparison of the color of
GB/T 13171.2 Laundry powder (phosphate free)
GB/T 18623 Product of geographical indication - Zhenjiang vinegar
GB/T 23981-2009 Determination of contrast ratio of white and light colored
GB/T 24690 Teabag
JC/T 412.1-2006 Fiber cement flat sheets - Part 1. Non-asbestos fiber
cement flat sheets
QB/T 1745.1 Fountain pen inks - Part 1. Non-pigment inks
YY 0331 Performance requirements and test methods for absorbent cotton
gauze, absorbent cotton and viscose gauze
3 Principles
The exterior wall coating and paint dirt pickup test uses the test purpose
standard sample as the contamination source, which is prepared into a
suspension AND attached to the coating sample plate through brushing or
dipping method, AND the dirt pickup resistance of the coating sample plate is
assessed by determining the reflection coefficient change before and after the
test OR otherwise based on the color difference rating of the basic grey scale.
The dirt pickup resistance test method of the exterior wall coating is divided
into brushing method and dipping method. The brushing method is applicable
to the flat coating whilst the dipping method is applicable to the concave or
convex coating or coating of rough surface.
The interior wall coating and paint dirt pickup test uses the commonly used
domestic dirt as the contamination source, which is attached to the coating
sample plate by dipping method or scratching and coating method for the test.
AND the comprehensive dirt pickup resistance of the coating sample plate is
assessed by weighting the dirt pickup resistance of different domestic dirt.
4 General rules
4.1 Standard test conditions
The standard test conditions are temperature (23 ± 2) °C AND relative humidity
(50 ± 5) %.
4.2 Sampling
The products are sampled in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 3186.
5.1.2 Reflectance meter. in accordance with the requirements of 4.1 in GB/T
5.1.3 Electronic balance. sensitivity of not more than 0.1 g.
5.1.4 Electric blast oven. accuracy ± 2 °C.
5.1.5 Wire rod coater. specifications of 80 μm and 120 μm.
5.1.6 Basic gray scale. complies with GB/T 250.
5.1.7 Flat bottom tray. the size of not less than 200 mm × 120 mm, the depth of
not less than 10 mm.
5.1.8 Soft brush. width of 25 mm ~ 50 mm.
5.1.9 Test substrate. Non-asbestos fiber cement flat sheet in accordance with
the NAF HV level requirements of JC/T 412.1-2006, with the dimension in 150
mm x 70 mm x 4 mm ~ 150 mm x 70 mm × 6 mm.
5.2 Test contamination sources
5.2.1 Contamination source
USE the national standard sample of Ash reference sample for dirt pickup
resistance test of building coating.
5.2.2 Preparation of contamination source suspension
WEIGH appropriate amount of test ash standard sample, the mass ratio of
which to water is 1.1; fully STIR it uniformly to prepare it into suspension;
PREPARE it before each test.
5.3 Preparation and curing of sample plate
5.3.1 TREAT the surface of the substrate complying with the requirements of
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GB/T 9780-2013: Test method for dirt pickup resistance and stain removal of film of architectural coatings and paint
GB/T 9780-2013
ICS 87.040
Q 18
Replacing GB/T 9780-2005
Test method for dirt pickup resistance and stain
removal of film of architectural coatings and paint
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Principles ... 6
4 General rules ... 6
5 Exterior wall coating and paint dirt pickup resistance test methods ... 7
6 Interior wall coating and paint dirt pickup resistance test methods ... 11
7 Test report ... 19
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
This standard replaces GB/T 9780-2005 “Test method for dirt pickup
resistance and stain removal of film of architectural coatings and paint”. As
compared with GB/T 9780-2005, the main technical changes are as follows.
- ADD the test methods for dirt pickup resistance of interior wall coatings
and paints (SEE Chapter 6);
- ADD the drying oven fast methods for dirt pickup resistance of interior wall
coatings and paints (SEE 5.4.3, 5.5.3);
- As for the contamination source for the test, USE the national standard
sample of Ash reference sample for dirt pickup resistance test of building
coating to replace the prepared ash which is used in the original standard
(SEE 5.2; Chapter 5 of 2005 version);
- CHANGE the test substrate asbestos cement sheet into the non-asbestos
fiber cement flat sheet (SEE 5.1.9; 7.2.1 of 2005 version).
This standard was proposed by the China Building Materials Federation.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Light and
Decoration Materials Standardization Committee (S AC/TC 195).
The responsible drafting organizations of this standard. Shanghai Institute of
Building Science (Group) Co., Ltd., Dow Chemical (China) Co., Ltd.,
Guangzhou Building Materials Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nippon
Paint (China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Paint Research Institute, PPG Paint
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Celanese (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jianke
Technical Assessment of Construction Co., Ltd.
The participating drafting organizations of this standard. BASF (China) Co.,
Ltd., Jiangsu Testing Center for Quality of Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Guangdong Longhu Technology Co., Ltd., DuPont (China) R and D Management
Co., Ltd., Asia Paint (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Dove Paint (Shanghai) Limited,
Shanghai Caoyang Building Adhesive Factory, Akzo Nobel Swire Paint
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd., BASF Application Chemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai
Zhongnan Building Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Jinyu Paint Co., Ltd., CNOOC
Changzhou Paint Chemical Research Institute, China Building Materials
Inspection and Certification Group Co., Ltd., China Academy of Building
Research, 3TREES Paints Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Biuget Laboratory Equipment
Test method for dirt pickup resistance and stain
removal of film of architectural coatings and paint
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test method for the dirt pickup resistance of the
coating of the interior wall and exterior wall of building.
This standard applies to the determination of the dirt pickup resistance of the
decorations and protective coatings on the surface of the interior wall, exterior
wall, and roof of the buildings and structures.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing
change in color
GB 1790 Medical vaseline
GB/T 3186 Paints varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes -
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use- Specification and test
GB/T 7044 Color carbon black
GB/T 9266 Determination of scrub resistance of film of architectural paints
and coatings
GB/T 9271-2008 Paints and varnishes - Standard panels for testing
GB/T 9761-2008 Paints and varnishes - Visual comparison of the color of
GB/T 13171.2 Laundry powder (phosphate free)
GB/T 18623 Product of geographical indication - Zhenjiang vinegar
GB/T 23981-2009 Determination of contrast ratio of white and light colored
GB/T 24690 Teabag
JC/T 412.1-2006 Fiber cement flat sheets - Part 1. Non-asbestos fiber
cement flat sheets
QB/T 1745.1 Fountain pen inks - Part 1. Non-pigment inks
YY 0331 Performance requirements and test methods for absorbent cotton
gauze, absorbent cotton and viscose gauze
3 Principles
The exterior wall coating and paint dirt pickup test uses the test purpose
standard sample as the contamination source, which is prepared into a
suspension AND attached to the coating sample plate through brushing or
dipping method, AND the dirt pickup resistance of the coating sample plate is
assessed by determining the reflection coefficient change before and after the
test OR otherwise based on the color difference rating of the basic grey scale.
The dirt pickup resistance test method of the exterior wall coating is divided
into brushing method and dipping method. The brushing method is applicable
to the flat coating whilst the dipping method is applicable to the concave or
convex coating or coating of rough surface.
The interior wall coating and paint dirt pickup test uses the commonly used
domestic dirt as the contamination source, which is attached to the coating
sample plate by dipping method or scratching and coating method for the test.
AND the comprehensive dirt pickup resistance of the coating sample plate is
assessed by weighting the dirt pickup resistance of different domestic dirt.
4 General rules
4.1 Standard test conditions
The standard test conditions are temperature (23 ± 2) °C AND relative humidity
(50 ± 5) %.
4.2 Sampling
The products are sampled in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 3186.
5.1.2 Reflectance meter. in accordance with the requirements of 4.1 in GB/T
5.1.3 Electronic balance. sensitivity of not more than 0.1 g.
5.1.4 Electric blast oven. accuracy ± 2 °C.
5.1.5 Wire rod coater. specifications of 80 μm and 120 μm.
5.1.6 Basic gray scale. complies with GB/T 250.
5.1.7 Flat bottom tray. the size of not less than 200 mm × 120 mm, the depth of
not less than 10 mm.
5.1.8 Soft brush. width of 25 mm ~ 50 mm.
5.1.9 Test substrate. Non-asbestos fiber cement flat sheet in accordance with
the NAF HV level requirements of JC/T 412.1-2006, with the dimension in 150
mm x 70 mm x 4 mm ~ 150 mm x 70 mm × 6 mm.
5.2 Test contamination sources
5.2.1 Contamination source
USE the national standard sample of Ash reference sample for dirt pickup
resistance test of building coating.
5.2.2 Preparation of contamination source suspension
WEIGH appropriate amount of test ash standard sample, the mass ratio of
which to water is 1.1; fully STIR it uniformly to prepare it into suspension;
PREPARE it before each test.
5.3 Preparation and curing of sample plate
5.3.1 TREAT the surface of the substrate complying with the requirements of