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NY/T 909-2004: Animal health inspection code for swine slaughter
NY/T 909-2004
ICS 65.020.30
B 41
Animal health inspection code for swine slaughter
Issued by: Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Epidemic prevention requirements for slaughterhouses (sites) ... 5
5 Requirements for quarantine facilities and quarantine officers ... 6
6 Pre-slaughter quarantine ... 7
7 Processing of ante-slaughter quarantine results ... 7
8 Post-slaughter quarantine ... 9
9 Post-slaughter quarantine results processing ... 11
10 Epidemic report ... 12
Animal health inspection code for swine slaughter
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the technical requirements for swine slaughter epidemic
prevention, ante-slaughter quarantine, post-slaughter quarantine and the handling of
quarantine results.
This Standard applies to epidemic prevention and quarantine activities in all designated
swine slaughterhouses.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, become the provisions of this Standard. For dated references, their
subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this
Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this Standard.
GB 16548, Biosafety specification on sick animal and animal product disposal
GB 16549, Quarantine requirement for livestock and poultry at the places of
GB 16569, Disinfection requirement for livestock and poultry products
Ministry of Agriculture "List of Category I, II and III Animal Epidemic Diseases"
"Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China"
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 swine carcass
The body of a swine after being slaughtered, bled, and having its hair, head, tail, hooves,
and internal organs removed.
3.2 emergency slaughter
Emergency slaughter of swine in the emergency slaughter room carried out for swine
showing clinical symptoms of common diseases, physical injuries, and diseases other
than those of Category I and Category II.
3.3 synchronous inspection
Corresponding to the slaughtering operation, on-site quarantine carried out on the head,
hooves, internal organs, carcass, etc. of the same swine.
3.4 bio-safety disposal
Diseased swine carcasses and diseased swine products or accessories shall be disposed
of by destruction or harmless treatment to completely eliminate the pathogens they carry.
3.5 flock
It refers to live swine in the same environment as infected swine, such as in the same
litter, pen, vehicle, or slaughtering or processing production line.
3.6 a batch of production
Products that are slaughtered online at the same time as infected swine in the same
slaughterhouse and may be contaminated.
4 Epidemic prevention requirements for slaughterhouses (sites)
4.1 Meet the animal epidemic prevention conditions and obtain the "Animal Epidemic
Prevention Certificate" in accordance with the law.
4.2 The site selection and layout shall comply with animal epidemic prevention
requirements. The site shall be more than 500 m away from residential areas, surface
water sources, transportation arteries and live swine trading markets. The production
area and living area shall be separated. The entrances and exits for live swine and
products shall be separate. Clean roads and sewage roads shall be separated and not
intersected. The roads in the factory (field) area shall be hardened.
4.3 The design and construction meet the requirements of animal epidemic prevention.
4.3.1 Set up an entry quarantine duty room and quarantine room. The slaughter process
shall be designed to arrange quarantine locations according to the requirements of
synchronous quarantine. Ensure that there is enough time and space for post-slaughter
4.3.2 There are waiting pens, emergency slaughter rooms and isolation pens that are
suitable for the scale of slaughter. Disinfection pools are set up at the entrances and
exits of the slaughterhouse.
4.3.3 The slaughterhouse has good lighting and ventilation, and is equipped with
complete facilities for the discharge of waste and sewage.
4.4 There are equipment for destroying diseased swine and their products, as well as
(fever thermometers), stethoscopes and special waste containers.
5.5 Animal epidemic prevention supervision agencies shall send agencies or personnel
to implement on-site quarantine at the slaughterhouse (site). The number of quarantine
officers shall be consistent with the workload of epidemic prevention and quarantine at
the slaughterhouse (site). Quarantine posts shall be set up at the pre-slaughter, head and
hoof, viscera, carcass, laboratory inspection, and re-inspection stages.
5.6 Animal epidemic prevention and quarantine regulations, systems, operating
procedures, charging basis, and supervision telephone number are posted on the wall
for public display.
6 Pre-slaughter quarantine
6.1 Verification and inspection
6.1.1 Verification. Check and collect the "Animal Origin Quarantine Certificate" or
"County-Leaving Animal Quarantine Certificate" and "Animal and Animal Product
Transport Vehicle Disinfection Certificate". Check the immunization ear tags.
6.1.2 Inspection. Check the number of live swine, conduct clinical inspections, and
carry out necessary epidemiological investigations.
6.2 Quarantine for slaughter
6.2.1 Carry out group and individual inspections according to GB 16549. Transfer
suspected sick swine to isolation pens. Conduct laboratory tests when necessary.
7 Processing of ante-slaughter quarantine results
7.1 Live swine that have passed the house (site) quarantine are allowed to enter.
7.2 Anyone suspected of being infected with the virus during house (site) quarantine,
whose evidence is inconsistent, who does not have an immunization ear tag, whose
quarantine certificate is expired, or whose quarantine certificate has been altered or
forged, will be prohibited from entering the house (site) and will be dealt with according
to law.
7.3 Swine that have passed the quarantine for slaughter can enter the slaughtering line
only after the quarantine officer issues a notice of approval for slaughter.
7.4 If swine are found to have used banned drugs or inputs, or have been injected with
water or poisoned during pre-slaughter quarantine, they shall be prohibited from
entering the house or being slaughtered, and the animal husbandry and veterinary
administrative department shall be notified.
7.5 According to the Ministry of Agriculture's "List of Category I, II and III Animal
Diseases", if Category I infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, swine
vesicular disease and swine fever are found during pre-slaughter quarantine, the
following measures shall be taken.
7.5.1 Immediately order to stop slaughtering. Take emergency epidemic prevention
measures. Control the flow of live swine, their products and people. At the same time,
report to the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department for handling
in accordance with the law.
7.5.2 In accordance with the provisions of the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law and
relevant regulations, epidemic sites and areas shall be delineated and blocked.
Appropriate animal epidemic prevention measures shall be taken.
7.5.3 Sick swine and flocks shall be transported by closed transportation vehicles to the
location designated by the animal epidemic prevention and supervision agency for
culling and destruction in accordance with the provisions of GB 16548.
7.5.4 Implement comprehensive and strict disinfection of the entire factory (site).
7.5.5 After the blockade is lifted, resumption of slaughter must be approved by the
animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department.
7.6 If anthrax is found during pre-slaughter inspection, the sick swine and flocks in the
same group will be destroyed without bleeding. The contaminated places will be strictly
disinfected in accordance with regulations.
7.7 When Category II animal epidemic diseases such as rabies, tetanus, brucellosis,
swine erysipelas, toxoplasmosis, and streptococcal disease are discovered during pre-
slaughter quarantine, the following preventive measures shall be taken.
7.7.1 Sick swine shall be handled according to GB 16548.
7.7.2 Flocks shall be quarantined according to regulations. Those confirmed to be
disease-free can be slaughtered normally. Those showing clinical symptoms shall be
treated as sick swine.
7.7.3 Strict disinfection is carried out on places such as swine slaughter pens,
emergency slaughter rooms, isolation pens, and slaughter rooms.
7.3 Swine found to have other diseases or physical injuries other than those listed in 7.5,
7.6 and 7.7 of this specification during pre-slaughter quarantine shall be urgently
slaughtered in the emergency slaughter room and handled in accordance with the
provisions of GB 16548.
7.9 For sick swine detected during pre-slaughter quarantine, the animal epidemic
prevention and control supervision agency at the place of origin shall be notified based
on the ear tag code and quarantine certificate to trace the source of the disease.
changes, and gelatinous exudate. Pay attention to the presence of swine fever, swine
erysipelas, septicemic anthrax, and paratyphoid.
8.3.4 Spleen inspection. Visually inspect the shape, size, and color. Check for swelling,
congestion, and infarction. Palpate the capsule and parenchymal elasticity. If necessary,
dissect the spleen and marrow. Pay attention to the presence of swine fever, swine
erysipelas, and septicemic anthrax.
8.3.5 Lung inspection. Visually inspect the shape, size, and color. Touch and check for
elasticity. Dissect the bronchial lymph nodes. If necessary, dissect the lungs. Check for
exudate in the bronchi, and for collapse, emphysema, edema, congestion, abscesses,
calcifications, parasites, etc. in the lung parenchyma.
8.3.6 Heart inspection. Visually inspect the pericardium and epicardium. Palpate the
myocardial elasticity. Open the ventricle longitudinally at the atrioventricular division
at the posterior edge of the heart parallel to the left longitudinal groove. Observe the
mitral valve, myocardium, endocardium and blood coagulation status. Check for
degeneration, exudation, hemorrhage, necrosis, cauliflower-like growths, villous heart,
tiger-striped heart, cysticercosis, etc.
8.3.7 Liver inspection. Visually inspect the shape, size, and color. Touch the capsule
and parenchyma for elasticity. Dissect the hepatic portal lymph nodes. If necessary,
dissect the liver parenchyma and gallbladder. Check for congestion, edema,
degeneration, jaundice, necrosis, sclerosis, tumors, nodules, parasites, and other lesions.
8.3.8 Gastrointestinal inspection. Observe the gastrointestinal serosa for abnormalities.
Dissect the gastrointestinal tract if necessary. Inspect the mucosa. Observe the mucosa
for congestion, edema, bleeding, necrosis, ulcers, ileocecal valve button swelling,
nodules, parasites and other lesions.
8.3.9 Kidney inspection (conducted together with carcass inspection). Remove the renal
capsule. Visually inspect the shape, size, color and surface condition. Touch the texture.
If necessary, longitudinally dissect the renal parenchyma. Check for congestion,
bleeding, swelling and other lesions, as well as for exudates, stones, etc. in the renal
8.3.10 If necessary, the bladder shall be dissected for abnormalities. The mucosa shall
be observed for congestion and bleeding.
8.4 Carcass quarantine
8.4.1 The focus of the inspection is to check for diseases such as swine fever, swine
plague, anthrax, swine erysipelas, streptococcus, pleuropneumonia, tuberculosis,
trichinosis, cysticercosis, sarcoma, and leptospira.
8.4.2 Appearance inspection. Visually inspect the skin before opening the body.
Visually inspect the subcutaneous tissue, fat, muscle, and thorax and abdominal serosa
after opening the body. Check for congestion, bleeding, rash, jaundice, abscesses, and
other abnormalities.
8.4.3 Lymph node inspection. Open and inspect the anterior shoulder lymph nodes,
superficial inguinal lymph nodes, internal iliac lymph nodes, and anterior thigh lymph
nodes. If necessary, dissect and examine the extrailiac lymph nodes and deep inguinal
(or subiliac) lymph nodes. Check for congestion, edema, hemorrhage, necrosis,
hyperplasia and other lesions. Pay attention to swine fever marble lesions.
8.4.4 Muscle inspection Dissect the deep psoas and vastus medialis muscles on both sides. If necessary,
check the lateral scapularis muscle. Check for cystocele and white muscle (PSE meat).
Cut the deep psoas muscles on both sides along the direction of the muscle fibers. The
knife mark is 20 cm long and about 3 cm deep. Cut the vastus medialis muscle
longitudinally, with a knife mark of 15 cm long and 8 cm deep. Cut the lateral scapularis
muscle longitudinally along the inner side of the scapula. The knife mark is about 15
cm long and 8 cm deep. Check the diaphragm. Mainly check for Trichinella spiralis, Sarcosporida, and
Cysticercus. Trichinella spiralis and Sarcosporida are checked by naked eye inspection
and laboratory testing. Take a piece of meat sample of no less than 30 g from each
diaphragm leg of each swine and assign the same number as the carcass. Tear off the
fascia. Observe with the naked eye for the presence of needle-tip-sized white dot-
shaped Trichinella body or cysts, and willow-leaf-shaped Sarcosporida.
Laboratory test for Trichinella spiralis: Cut 24 meat pieces from the above samples (12
pieces per piece of meat sample) and make...
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