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Q/BQB 150-2018 English PDF

Q/BQB 150-2018 English PDF

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Q/BQB 150-2018: Rolled round billets for tubes
Q/BQB 150-2018
Replacing Q/BQB 150-2014
Rolled Round Billets for Tubes
Issued by. Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative References ... 5 
3 Information Needed for Ordering ... 5 
4 Dimension, Appearance, Weight and Allowable Deviation ... 6 
5 Technical Requirements ... 8 
6 Test and Inspection ... 10 
7 Packaging, Marking and Inspection Documents (quality certificate) ... 10 
This Standard is drafted in accordance with the requirements and format of GB/T 1.1-
2009 Directives for Standardization - Part 1. Structure and Drafting of Standards.
This Standard is drafted in accordance with the characteristics of products and
techniques of this enterprise.
Please be noted that certain content in this Standard might involve patents. The issuing
institution of this Standard does not undertake the responsibility of identifying these
This Standard serves as a replacement of Q/BQB 150-2014. In comparison with
Q/BQB 150-2014, there are several main changes as follows.
---Normative reference. chemical composition analysis and test method is deleted;
GB/T 2101 is updated to Version 2017;
---Diameter specification 165 mm and 380 mm, and corresponding technical
requirements are added;
---The requirement of curvature of 230 mm billet becomes more rigorous;
---The requirement of the end. “in terms of billet whose nominal diameter is more
than 230 mm, tube end oblique shall be not more than 10 mm” is modified into
“in terms of billet whose nominal diameter is more than 230 mm and not more
than 300 mm, tube end oblique shall be not more than 10 mm; in terms of billet
whose nominal diameter is more than 300 mm, tube end oblique shall be not
more than 15 mm.”;
---Macrostructure test. “the depth of subcutaneous inclusion and subcutaneous
bubble shall not exceed 2 mm” is deleted;
---4.3.3 is modified;
---The surface quality requirement of billet that is delivered in the non-peeling state
is refined in accordance with the diameter range of billet;
---Chemical composition analysis and test method in Table 2 in GB/T 223 is
modified into “comply with the analysis method stipulated in relevant product
---Packaging. the requirement “billet whose nominal diameter is more than 180
mm shall not be bundled” is newly added; “3 information needed for ordering”
is correspondingly modified;
---“Billets shall be delivered in bundles; the weight of each bundle shall be
Rolled Round Billets for Tubes
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the dimension, appearance, weight, allowable deviation,
technical requirements, inspection and test, packaging, marking and inspection
documents of rolled round billets for tubes.
This Standard is applicable to rolled round billets for tubes manufactured by Baoshan
Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., such as seamless steel tube for the purpose of manufacturing
structure, seamless steel tube for the purpose of boiler and tube for the petroleum and
natural gas industry, etc.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms
of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable
to this Standard. The latest version (including all the modifications) of references
without a specified date is also applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 226-1991 Etch Test for Macrostructure and Defect of Steels
GB/T 1979-2001 Standard Diagrams for Macrostructure and Defect of Structural
GB/T 2101-2017 General Requirement of Acceptance, Packaging, Marking and
Certification for Section Steel
GB/T 10561-2005 Steel - Determination of Content of Nonmetallic Inclusions -
Micrographic Method Using Standards Diagrams
GB/T 20066-2006 Steel and Iron - Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the
Determination of Chemical Composition
3 Information Needed for Ordering
During ordering, users need to provide the following information.
a) Standard number of this enterprise;
b) Nameplate;
c) Specification;
4.2 Length
Based on users’ option, and it shall be indicated in the contract, round steel shall be
delivered in accordance with one of the three length-types as follows.
4.2.1 Delivery by range-length
Generally speaking, the length of ordering shall be 4 m ~ 10 m. Based on the
negotiation of the supply side and the demand side, and the short-length ratio is
indicated in the contract, THEN, it is allowed that the length is not less than 2 m, but
not more than the short-length of the lower limit of the ordering length.
4.2.2 Delivery by fixed-length
Fixed-length shall be 4 m ~ 10 m. The allowable tolerance of fixed-length shall be
4.2.3 Delivery by multiple-length
Multiple-length shall be not more than 10 m. Round steel that does not comply with the
multiple-length stipulated by the users is allowed to be delivered in accordance with
the integral-multiples of single-multiple-length, and it shall comply with the stipulated
multiplication requirements of the minimum single-multiple-length. The allowable
tolerance of multiple-length shall be .
4.3 Appearance
4.3.1 Curvature
In principle, billet shall be able to roll.
In terms of billet whose nominal diameter is not more than 230 mm, the partial
curvature shall be not more than 4 mm/m; the total curvature shall be not more than
0.4% of the total length.
In terms of billet whose nominal diameter is more than 230 mm, the partial curvature
shall be not more than 8 mm/m; the total curvature shall be not more than 0.6% of the
total length.
4.3.2 End
Billet end shall be vertical to the axis. In terms of billet whose nominal diameter is not
more than 230 mm, the tube end oblique shall be not more than 6 mm; in terms of billet
whose nominal diameter is more than 230 mm, and not more than 300 mm, the tube
end oblique shall be not more than 10 mm; in terms of billet whose nominal diameter
is more than 300 mm, the tube end oblique shall be not more than 15 mm. Burr on the
sectional billet, there shall be no visible residual shrinkage cavities, white spots,
stratification, cracks, bubbles, peeling-offs or inclusions.
5.4.2 In terms of allowable macrostructural defects, general porosity, central porosity
and ingot type segregation of billets for drill pipe joint shall be respectively not more
than Level-1.5; general porosity, central porosity and ingot type segregation of other
types of billet shall be not more than Level-2.5.
5.5 Nonmetallic Inclusions
High-pressure boiler tube, oil well pipe and billet for drill pipe joint shall receive
nonmetallic inclusion grading in accordance with Method A in GB/T 10561-2005.
Various inclusions in high-pressure boiler tube and oil well pipe billet shall be
respectively not more than Level-2.5 in the grading diagram; various inclusions in billet
for drill pipe joint shall be respectively not more than Level-2.0.
5.6 Surface Quality
5.6.1 Billet surface quality in non-peeling delivery state
In terms of billet whose nominal diameter is not more than 230 mm, on the surface of
billet, there shall be no visible cracks, crusts, folding, pinholes or slag inclusions.
Scratches, concave surfaces, pitted surfaces and indentations whose depth is not
more than the negative diameter deviation in practical dimension; cracks who...
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