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GB 20997-2024: Limits and targets of fuel consumption for light-duty commercial vehicles
GB 20997-2024
ICS 43.020
CCS T 40
Replacing GB 20997-2015
Limits and evaluation targets of fuel consumption for light-
duty commercial vehicles
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
National Standardization Administration.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Application for type certification ... 5
5 Determination of fuel consumption ... 5
6 Fuel consumption limit ... 6
6.1 General... 6
6.2 Vehicle fuel consumption limit ... 7
6.3 Description of vehicles with special structures ... 8
7 Calculation method and evaluation index of enterprise average fuel consumption ... 8
7.1 General... 9
7.2 Vehicle fuel consumption target value... 9
7.3 Enterprise average fuel consumption target value (TCAFC)... 10
7.4 Enterprise average fuel consumption (CAFC) ... 11
7.5 Requirements for enterprise average annual fuel consumption ... 12
8 Production consistency ... 13
9 Determination of the same type ... 13
10 Implementation of the standard ... 14
10.1 Fuel consumption limit ... 14
10.2 Enterprise average fuel consumption ... 15
Appendix A (Normative) Type certification report/type certification application report
for fuel consumption of gasoline, diesel, dual-fuel, bi-fuel models ) ... 16
Appendix B (Normative) Type certification report/type certification application report
for fuel consumption of non-external plug-in hybrid vehicles 3) ... 21
Appendix C (Normative) Type certification report/type certification application report
for energy consumption of plug-in hybrid vehicles ... 26
Limits and evaluation targets of fuel consumption for light-
duty commercial vehicles
1 Scope
This document specifies the limit of fuel consumption of light commercial vehicles, the
calculation method and evaluation index of enterprise average fuel consumption, the
production consistency requirements, and the determination of the same type.
This document applies to all category N1 vehicles with a maximum design speed greater
than or equal to 50 km/h and category M2 vehicles with a maximum design gross mass
not exceeding 3500 kg, including vehicles that can burn gasoline or diesel fuel, pure
electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, vehicles that burn gas fuel and alcohol ether fuel.
This document does not apply to special-purpose vehicles for work.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for referenced
documents with dates, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this
document; for referenced documents without dates, the latest version (including all
amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
GB/T 17350 Terms marks and designation for special purpose vehicles and special
GB 18352.6-2016 Limits and measurement methods for emissions from light-duty
vehicles (CHINA 6)
GB/T 18386.1-2021 Test methods for energy consumption and range of electric
vehicles - Part 1: Light-duty vehicles
GB/T 19233-2020 Measurement methods of fuel consumption for light-duty
GB 19578-2021 Fuel consumption limits for passenger cars
GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles
GB/T 19753-2021 Test methods for energy consumption of light-duty hybrid
electric vehicles
GB 27999-2019 Fuel consumption evaluation methods and targets for passenger
GB/T 29125 Test methods for fuel consumption of CNG vehicles
GB/T 34598 Plug-in hybrid electric commercial vehicles - Specifications
GB/T 37340 Conversion methods for energy consumption of electric vehicles
GB/T 43252-2023 Test methods of energy consumption and range for fuel cell
electric vehicles
QC/T 1130-2021 Measurement methods of fuel consumption for methanol vehicles
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions, which are defined in GB/T 15089, GB/T 17350, GB 18352.6-
2016, GB/T 19596, GB 27999-2019, apply to this document.
4 Application for type certification
4.1 The application for type certification of a certain model or family of fuel
consumption shall be submitted by the manufacturer or its legal representative.
4.2 The application shall be accompanied by the type certification application report of
the corresponding model specified in Appendix A ~ Appendix C; however, the contents
of A.7, B.7, C.5.3, C.6.3, C.7.3, C.7.4 shall not be filled in.
4.3 A sample vehicle representing the certified model or family shall be submitted to
the testing agency responsible for the type certification test.
5 Determination of fuel consumption
5.1 For gasoline, diesel, dual-fuel, bi-fuel models, the model fuel consumption type
certification value shall be determined, according to GB/T 19233-2020, using the
Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Cycle (WLTC).
5.2 For externally rechargeable hybrid electric vehicles (OVC-HEV), the model OVC-
HEV fuel consumption type certification value and OVC-HEV power consumption
type certification value shall be determined, according to GB/T 19753-2021 using
WLTC; for non-externally rechargeable hybrid electric vehicles (NOVC-HEV), the
model NOVC-HEV fuel consumption type certification value shall be determined,
according to GB/T 19753-2021 using WLTC. For externally rechargeable hybrid
models that use gasoline, the power consumption shall be converted into gasoline fuel
consumption according to GB/T 37340. For externally rechargeable hybrid models that
use diesel, the power consumption shall be converted into diesel fuel consumption
according to GB/T 37340. For externally rechargeable hybrid models that use other
types of fuel, the power consumption shall be converted into gasoline fuel consumption
according to GB/T 37340. Before 2030, the fuel consumption converted from the power
consumption shall be calculated as zero 1).
5.3 For pure electric models, the energy consumption type certification value shall be
determined according to GB/T 18386.1-2021, which shall be converted into the
corresponding gasoline fuel consumption according to GB/T 37340. Before 2030, its
fuel consumption shall be calculated as zero 1).
5.4 For hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the energy consumption shall be determined in
accordance with GB/T 43252-2023. Before 2030, the fuel consumption shall be
calculated as zero 1).
5.5 For CNG vehicles, the comprehensive cycle fuel consumption test shall be
simulated on the chassis dynamometer in accordance with GB/T 29125, to determine
the gas fuel consumption, then converted to gasoline fuel consumption in accordance
with GB/T 29125.
5.6 For LNG and LPG vehicles, the comprehensive cycle fuel consumption test shall
be simulated on the chassis dynamometer in accordance with GB/T 29125, to determine
the gas fuel consumption, then converted to gasoline fuel consumption in accordance
with GB/T 29125.
5.7 For methanol vehicles, the methanol fuel consumption type certification value and
equivalent gasoline or diesel fuel consumption shall be determined in accordance with
QC/T 1130-2021. For other alcohol-ether fuel models, the alcohol-ether fuel
consumption type certification value and equivalent gasoline or diesel fuel consumption
shall be determined in accordance with QC/T 1130-2021.
5.8 The CO2...
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