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GB 21260-2007: [GB/T 21260-2007] Headlamp cleaner
GB 21260-2007 (GB/T 21260-2007)
ICS 43.040.20
T 38
GB 21260-2007
Headlamp cleaner
Converted to recommended standard GB/T according to No. 7
Announcement of 2017 of the Standardization Administration
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the PRC;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 4 
4 General technical requirements ... 6 
5 Test methods ... 8 
6 Inspection rules ... 9 
Appendix A (Normative) Procedures for performance test of headlamp cleaner
... 11 
Headlamp cleaner
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and
inspection rules, etc. for headlamp cleaners related to vehicles.
This Standard applies to headlamp cleaners used in vehicles of categories M
and N.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For the dated references, their
subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest editions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
editions apply to this Standard.
GB 4599 Motor vehicle headlamps equipped with filament lamps
GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-
signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB 21259 Headlamps equipped with gas-discharge light sources for motor
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions established by GB 4599 and GB 4785 and the
following ones apply to this Standard.
Headlamp cleaner
The device which can clean all or part of the light-transmitting surface of the
It refers to the percentage of the illuminance value measured at the measuring
point after cleaning relative to the measured value on the cleaning lamp.
Cleaning period
The time required to complete the requirements specified in Clause 5 of this
Standard, including the time for any pretreatment.
4 General technical requirements
4.1 The headlamp cleaner designed and manufactured shall be able to clean
the light-emitting surface of the allocated lower-beam and the selected high-
beam of the headlamps specified in GB 4599, GB 4785, and GB 21259. The
cleaning effect shall at least meet the requirements specified in Clause 5 of this
4.2 The headlamp cleaner shall be further designed so that:
4.2.1 If the headlamp cleaner is installed, part of which is located above the
light-emitting surface of the headlamp, the headlamp submitted for the test and
the headlamp combined or hybrid luminaire shall be measured for light
distribution according to the test points listed in the corresponding standards. It
is allowed that the light distribution value measured on the light-emitting surface
is reduced due to the obstruction of the cleaner; but compared with the value
measured before the installation of the cleaner, the decrease value must not
exceed 5%. And the measured light distribution value must not be lower than
the minimum value specified in the corresponding standard.
4.2.2 When the headlamp is type-tested, when the headlamp and the headlamp
cleaner components described in 4.2.1 of this Standard form a complete
assembly, then 4.2.1 of this Standard is not applicable.
4.2.3 When the cleaner is working, except in the stationary position, the cover
of the mechanical parts on the lens must not be greater than: 20% of the lower-beam emitting surface; 10% of the light-emitting surface of the high-beam lamp which is not
hybrid with the lower-beam lamp.
4.2.4 The cleaner shall be able to work in the range of -10°C~+35°C; and, can
work normally in the speed range of 0 km/h~130 km/h (or at the maximum
speed of the vehicle; the maximum speed shall be lower than 130 km/h).
4.4.2 If the cleaner is equipped with a fluid container, the fluid container can be
combined with the fluid container of the front and rear windows. The following
requirements shall be met at the same time: The capacity of the fluid shall be large enough, with a capacity of at least
class 50, capable of cleaning headlamps at least 50 times; or a capacity of class
25, capable of cleaning headlamps at least 25 times. If the container not only
transports the fluid to the headlamp cleaner, but also transports the fluid to the
front window cleaner, and/or to the rear window cleaner, the total capacity of
the container shall be increased by 1 L. It shall be able to easily detect the level of the cleaning fluid and to easily
open for filling.
4.4.3 The cleaner and any component of the cleaner shall not hinder the
adjustment of the headlamp and the replacement of the bulb. If necessary,
simple tools shall be used to remove the cleaner and detachable components.
The operation of the cleaner or its components shall not affect the functions of
all currently installed lighting and signalling devices, except when they are being
cleaned. When the cleaner is in normal use, dirt cannot accumulate on the light-
transmitting surface of other lighting devices or signalling devices.
4.4.4 The control of the cleaning device shall be operable at the driver's seat
and can be combined with the control of other cleaning devices.
In addition, in the occasions where the cleaning device is required to be
installed and the cleaning device is not equipped with any automatic starting
device, when the headlamp has been lit, and the windshield wiper has started
to work, the cleaning device must clean at least once.
5 Test methods
5.1 The cleaning efficiency of the headlamp cleaner shall be tested in
accordance with the requirements of Appendix A of this Standard. After each
cleaning cycle, measure the cleaning efficiency of each point on the screen as
specified in Figure 1; at least reach 70% of the lower-beam lamp and optional
high-beam lamp.
required samples: A drawing with the details of the loading, including the details of the
installation between the headlamps, nozzles and/or related components of the
cleaner; the cleaning principle used; and the light-emitting surface part of the
headlamp related to the cleaner, which is indicated on the appropriate position
of the drawing; The headlamp type related to the cleaner (if only a part of the lens is
cleaned), or the diameter and radius of curvature of the lens (if the lens is
cleaned uniformly); List of the parts that make up the headlamp cleaner and related
drawings (such as water pumps, nozzles, valves and motors); A brief technical description, which states the length of the cleaning
period, the fluid consumed during the cleaning period, and the minimum
capacity of the container provided; A complete sample equipped with the relevant headlamp described in
6.3.1. The installation method can be on a suitable test rack or on a vehicle
waiting for type test. The installation method shall ensure that the cleaner and
headlamp can work normally; A single and complete headlamp...
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