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GB 23254-2009: Retro-reflective markings for trucks and trailers
GB 23254-2009
ICS 43.040.20
T 38
Retro-reflective markings for trucks and trailers
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Requirements... 5
5 Test methods ... 12
6 Inspection rules ... 17
7 Packaging and marking ... 19
Annex A (normative) Attaching examples of retro-reflective sheeting materials
of some typical vehicles ... 20
Retro-reflective markings for trucks and trailers
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements (including material requirements and
attaching requirements), test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking
and storage of retro-reflective markings of carriage.
This Standard applies to trucks and trailers and is not applicable to vehicles
that transport explosives and highly toxic chemicals on the road.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, become the provisions of this Standard. For dated references, their
subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to
this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this
Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these
documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest
versions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 2423.17 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products -
Part 2. Test method - Test Ka. Salt mist (GB/T 2423.17-2008, IEC 60068-2-
11.1981, Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2. Tests - Test Ka.
Salt mist, IDT)
GB/T 3681 Plastics - Test method of exposure to weathering (GB/T 3681-
2000, neq ISO 877.1994)
GB/T 3730.1 Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions
GB/T 3978 Standard illuminants and geometric conditions
GB/T 3979 Methods for the measurement of object color
GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-
signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB 11564 Retro-reflector device for motor vehicles
GB/T 18833-2002 Retro-reflective sheeting for road traffic signs
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T
3730.1, GB 11564 and GB/T 18833-2002 and the following apply.
retro-reflective markings of carriage
A combination of retro-reflective materials that are attached or affixed to the
surface of carriage to enhance the recognizability of the vehicle.
luminance factor
A ratio of the luminance of the sample to the luminance of the ideal diffuser
under the same illumination and viewing conditions.
4 Requirements
4.1 Material requirements
4.1.1 Classification
According to different materials of retro-reflective markings of carriage, it is
divided into retro-reflector device type retro-reflective markings of carriage
(hereinafter referred to as retro-reflector device type) and retro-reflective
sheeting type retro-reflective markings of carriage (hereinafter referred to as
retro-reflective sheeting type).
According to different coefficients of retroreflection, retro-reflective sheeting is
classified into Class I and Class II.
4.1.2 Retro-reflector device type
Retro-reflector device consists of white and red units, and all the performances
shall meet the requirements of Category IV A in GB 11564.
4.1.3 Retro-reflective sheeting type Shape and appearance requirements
Retro-reflective sheeting consists of strips of white and red units.
The white unit of retro-reflective sheeting shall be printed, watermarked, laser-
Arbitrarily select 5 red units and 5 white units, wherein the coefficient of
retroreflection R’ of any one unit of the same color shall not be greater than
120 % of the average value of the coefficient of retroreflection of all the units of
the same color, and shall not be less than 80 % of the average value of the
coefficient of retroreflection of all the units. Retroreflection in wet state
Under the condition that the observation angle is 12' and the entrance angle is
-4°, the coefficient of retroreflection R’ of retro-reflective sheeting in wet state
shall not be less than 80 % of the values specified in Table 2. Weather resistance
After the natural exposure test or the artificial climate accelerated aging test,
the surface of retro-reflective sheeting shall have no obvious cracks, nicks,
dents, bubbles, wrinkles, erosion, peeling, chalking or deformation, no
shrinkage or expansion of more than 1 mm from either side, and no degumming
from the edge of the bottom plate. Under the condition where the observation
angle is 12' and the entrance angle is -4°, the coefficient of retroreflection R’
shall not be less than 70 % of the corresponding value in Table 2, and the
chromaticity coordinates shall still be within the range specified in Table 1.
When the results of the natural exposure test conflict with the results of the
artificial climate accelerated aging test, the results of the natural exposure test
shall prevail. Adhesion performance
After the adhesion test, the 180° peel strength of retro-reflective sheeting
backing shall not be less than 25 N. Salt mist corrosion resistance
After the salt mist test, the retro-reflective sheeting shall not have signs of
softening, bubbles, wrinkles, dissolution, discoloration or erosion. Under the
condition where the observation angle is 12' and the entrance angle is -4°, the
coefficient of retroreflection R’ shall not be less than 70 % of the corresponding
value in Table 2, and the 180° peel strength of the backing measured according
to the method specified in 5.2.7 shall not be less than 20 N. Solvent resistance
After the solvent resistance test, the surface of the retro-reflective sheeting shall
not have signs of softening, wrinkles, bubbles, discoloration, cracking or
surface edge dissolution. Under the condition where the observation angle is
12' and the entrance angle is -4°, the coefficient of retroreflection R’ shall not
device for motor vehicles installed as required by GB 4785. Different types or classes of retro-reflective markings of carriage may
be installed or attached to the rear and sides of the carriage, but the rear retro-
reflective markings of carriage and side retro-reflective markings of carriage
shall be selected from the same type or class of retro-reflective markings of
carriage. When installing or attaching, the retro-reflective markings on the rear
and side of carriage shall start with a white unit and end with a white unit. After the vehicle is installed or attached with retro-reflective markings of
carriage, it shall not affect the performance of other lighting and signalling
devices of the vehicle. After the vehicle is installed or attached with retro-reflective markings of
carriage, it shall not drill or slot on the retro-reflective markings of carriage.
4.2.2 Installation and attaching requirements for rear retro-reflective
markings of carriage Basic requirements
Under the conditions allowed by the structu...
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