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GB/T 1844.1-2022 English PDF (GB/T1844.1-2022)

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GB/T 1844.1-2022: Plastics -- Symbols and abbreviated terms -- Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics
GB/T 1844.1-2022
ICS 83.080.01
CCS G 31
Replacing GB/T 1844.1-2008
Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 1.Basic
polymers and their special characteristics
(ISO 1043-1.2011, MOD)
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
Introduction... 5
1 Scope... 6
2 Normative references... 6
3 Terms and definitions... 6
4 Use of symbols and abbreviated terms... 7
5 Abbreviated terms for homopolymers, copolymers and natural polymers... 7
6 Symbols for indication of special characteristics... 15
7 Symbol for plastics recycled... 18
8 Examples of the use of symbols... 18
Annex A (informative) Guide for preparing new abbreviated terms for basic polymers,
mixtures of polymers and related terms... 20
Annex B (informative) List of symbols used for components of abbreviated terms.. 22
Annex C (informative) Abbreviated terms for plastics grouped by type... 27
Bibliography... 31
This document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020
"Directives for standardization - Part 1.Rules for the structure and drafting of
standardizing documents".
This document is Part 1 of GB/T 1844 "Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms". The
following parts of GB/T 1844 have been issued.
- Part 1.Basic polymers and their special characteristics;
- Part 2.Fillers and reinforcing materials;
- Part 3.Plasticizers;
- Part 4.Tables of hardness values.
This document replaces GB/T 1844.1-2008 "Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms
- Part 1.Basic polymers and their special characteristics". Compared with GB/T 1844.1-
2008, in addition to the structural adjustments and editorial modifications, the main
technical changes in this document are as follows.
- Add abbreviations HBV, PBS, PBSA, PCO, PES, PHA, PHB, PLA, PS-S, PS-ST
(see Clause 5 of this Edition);
- Add symbols A (adipic acid) and ST (syndiotactic) indicating characteristic
properties. Delete the symbols E (elastomer) and H (homogeneous) indicating
characteristic properties (see Clause 6 of this Edition; Clause 6 of Edition 2008);
- Add symbols for recycled plastics (see Clause 7 of this Edition).
The modification of this document uses ISO 1043-1.2011 "Plastics - Symbols and
abbreviated terms - Part 1.Basic polymers and their special characteristics".
The technical differences between this document and ISO 1043-1.2011 and their
reasons are as follows.
- In Clause 1, add the content of "applicable limits" to comply with the provisions of
GB/T 1.1-2020;
- Use normative reference GB/T 2035 to replace ISO 472 (see Clause 3) to adapt to
the technical conditions in China.
The following editorial changes have been made to this document.
- Incorporate the amendments of ISO 1043-1.2011/AMD 1.2016.The outer margins
of the clauses covered are marked with vertical double lines (ǁ);
4 Use of symbols and abbreviated terms
4.1 Abbreviated terms for homopolymers, copolymers and natural polymers are given
in Clause 5, symbols for special characteristics are given in Clause 6, the symbol for
plastics recycled is given in Clause 7, and examples of the use of symbols are given in
Clause 8.
4.2 Additional symbols and guidelines for their use are provided to distinguish the
essential molecular characteristics of a given general plastic material. If they are
difficult to distinguish, the use of such symbols describing performance shall be
avoided to avoid confusion.
4.3 The abbreviated terms are primarily intended to be a convenient shorthand for
chemical names in publications and other written matter. The abbreviated terms are also
useful for indicating the type of basic polymer in materials and products, such as ABS
moulding material, PA film, PE sheeting and PVC pipe.
4.4 Only capital letters shall be used for symbols and abbreviated terms.
4.5 When an abbreviation appears for the first time in the text, the corresponding term
shall be stated in full, followed by the corresponding abbreviation in parentheses.
4.6 When the prefix "poly" is used with the English names of multiple monomers, the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) rules for traceable naming
of polymers recommend the use of brackets.
NOTE. This document adopts this rule, but in ordinary use the parentheses are often omitted.
4.7 It is not the purpose of this document to systematize polymer abbreviations in a
formal manner. In the field of natural and synthetic polymers, terminology and formula
names for scientific literature are carefully developed by the IUPAC Macromolecular
Nomenclature Committee. In general, abbreviations used in this document are generally
consistent with abbreviations published by the committee.
5 Abbreviated terms for homopolymers, copolymers and natural
The following list gives the preferred abbreviated terms for plastics materials, using the
component symbols given in Annex B. For some established materials, the abbreviated
terms are supplemented by symbols for special characteristics as defined in Clause 6.
Other abbreviations for certain polymers often occur and are listed after the material
name for ease of reference.

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