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GB/T 220-2018 English PDF (GB/T220-2018)

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GB/T 220-2018: Determination of carboxy reactivity of coal
GB/T 220-2018
ICS 73.040
D 21
Replacing GB/T 220-2001
Determination of Carboxyreactivity of Coal
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Method Summary ... 4
4 Reagents and Materials ... 4
5 Apparatus ... 5
6 Sample ... 6
7 Test Preparation ... 6
8 Test Procedures ... 8
9 Result Expression ... 9
10 Method Precision ... 9
11 Test Report ... 9
Appendix A (Normative) Adjustment for Flow Rate of Carbon Dioxide ... 11
Appendix B (Informative) Drawing of Reactivity Curve (Example) ... 12
This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard replaced GB/T 220-2001 Determination of Carboxyreactivity of Coal.
Compared with GB/T 220-2001, this Standard has the major technical changes as
follows besides the editorial modifications.
--- Add description of the reactivity curve to the “Method Summary” (see Clause 3
of this Edition);
--- Modify the structural representation of the instrument (see Clause 5 of this
Edition; Clause 5 of Edition 2001);
--- Add the preparation requirements for the absorption and blocking solutions of
the austenitic gas analyzer (see 5.3 of this Edition);
--- Add the Clause “Sample” (see Clause 6 of this Edition);
--- Delete the relationship curve between reduction rate of carbon dioxide and the
carbon dioxide content in the gas after reaction (see 8.1 of Edition 2001);
--- Add the Clause “Test Report” (see Clause 11).
This Standard was proposed by China National Coal Association.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for
Standardization of Coal (SAC/TC 42).
Drafting organization of this Standard. Test Branch of China Coal Research Institute.
Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Yang Ni, Wu Zengli, Wang Huayang, and Li
The historical editions replaced by this Standard are as follows.
--- GB/T 220-1963, GB/T 220-1977, GB/T 220-1989, GB/T 220-2001.
Determination of Carboxyreactivity of Coal
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the method summary, reagents and materials, apparatus,
sample, test preparation, test procedures, result expression, method precision and test
report for the determination of carboxyreactivity of coal.
This Standard is applicable to the lignite, bituminous coal, anthracite, and coke.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 474 Method for the Preparation of Coal Sample
GB/T 483 General Rules for Analytical and Testing Methods of Coal
3 Method Summary
Conduct dry distillation against the coal sample firstly; remove the volatiles (if the
sample is coke, no dry distillation is required). Then sieve it, select certain particle size
of coke into the reaction tube for heating. After heating to a certain temperature,
introduce carbon dioxide with certain flow rate to react with the sample. Determine the
content of carbon dioxide in the gas after reaction in the heating process; draw the
reaction curve of the temperature – carbon dioxide reduction rate by the volume
fraction of the carbon dioxide reduced to carbon monoxide accounting for the volume
fraction of the introduced amount of carbon dioxide, namely, carbon dioxide reduction
rate α (%).
4 Reagents and Materials
4.1 Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. chemically pure.
4.2 Sulfuric acid. chemically pure with a relative density of 1.84.
temperature can be controlled at (900±20)°C.
5.4.2 Retorting tube. the porcelain tube or corundum tube with temperature
resistance no less than 1000°C; length is 550mm~660mm; inner diameter is 30mm;
outer diameter is 33mm~35mm.
5.5 Thermocouple
The platinum rhodium10 – one platinum thermocouple and one nickel chromium-nickel
silicon thermocouple.
5.6 Thermowell
Two corundum tubes with length of 500mm~600mm, inner diameter of 5mm~6mm;
outer diameter of 7mm~8mm.
5.7 Round sieve
It is equipped with sieve bottom and cover with diameter of 200mm, hole diameter of
3mm and 6mm.
5.8 Air pressure gauge
The measurement range is 799.9hPa~1066.6hPa; accuracy of 0.13hPa; minimum
division value of 1.33hPa; working temperature of -15°C~45°C.
6 Sample
Prepare about 300g of sample with particle size of 3mm~6mm as per the provisions of
GB/T 474.
7 Test Preparation
7.1 Sample processing
7.1.1 Secure the thermowell in the retorting tube with a rubber stopper; make its top
at the center of retorting tube. Straighten the retorting tube; add broken corundum
pieces or broken porcelain pieces till the top of the thermowell exposed the porcelain
pieces about 100mm; then add sample till the sample thickness reaches 200mm;
finally use the broken corundum pieces or broken porcelain pieces to fill the rest part
of the retorting tube.
7.1.2 Place the sample-filled retorting tube into the tubular retorting furnace; make
the sample part in the constant temperature zone; insert the nickel chromium-nickel
the thermowell is placed at the center of the reaction furnace constant temperature
zone against the reaction tube. Straighten the reaction tube; add broken corundum
pieces or broken porcelain pieces till the top of the thermocouple exposed about 50mm
of the broken corundum pieces or broken porcelain pieces.
8 Test Procedures
8.1 Add the sample with particle size of 3mm~6mm after retorting into the reaction
tube; the sample layer height is 100mm; place the top of the thermowell at the center
of the sample layer; then use the broken corundum pieces or broken porcelain pieces
to fill the rest parts of the reaction tube.
8.2 Insert the sample-filled reaction tube into the reaction furnace; use the rubber
stopper with discharge tube to plug the upper end of the reaction tube; insert the
platinum rhodium10-platinum thermocouple into the thermowell till its hot junction
touches the top of the thermowell.
8.3 Inject the carbon dioxide, check the air tightness of the entire reaction
measurement device; continue to inject carbon dioxide for 2min~3min if without leaking;
then stop injecting the carbon dioxide.
8.4 Turn on the power, raise the temperature at the speed of 20°Cmin~25°C/min;
raise the furnace temperature to 750°C(lignite) or 800°C(bituminous coal, anthracite
and coke) within about 30min; maintain such temperature for 5min. Observe the air
pressure gauge, record the air pressure value. When the air pressure value is
(1013.3±13.3)hPa, room temperature is 12°C~28°C, inject the carbon dioxide with the
flow rate of 500mL/min; if the air pressure value and room temperature deviate from
the above range, adjust the gas flow rate as per the Appendix A.
NTOE. (1013.3±13.3)hPa is equivalent to (760±10)mmHg.
8.5 If using the austenitic gas analyzer, when injecting gas for 2.5min, pump the
system and take the gas within 1min; stop injecting the carbon dioxide; analyze the
volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the gas sample. If using online carbon dioxide gas
analyzer, record the volume fra...
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