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GB/T 2893.5-2020 English PDF (GB/T2893.5-2020)

GB/T 2893.5-2020 English PDF (GB/T2893.5-2020)

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GB/T 2893.5-2020: Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs -- Part 5: Principles and requirements for the use of safety signs
GB/T 2893.5-2020
ICS 01.080.01
A 22
Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 5:
Principles and requirements for the use of safety signs
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions... 5 
4 Principles of use ... 5 
5 Requirements for use ... 6 
5.1 Demand analysis ... 6 
5.2 Selection and use ... 7 
5.3 Use of auxiliary text ... 8 
5.4 Effective action area ... 9 
5.5 Settings ... 13 
5.6 Durability and safety ... 14 
5.7 Installation ... 15 
6 Evaluation and maintenance ... 15 
6.1 Evaluation ... 15 
6.2 Maintenance ... 15 
Appendix A (Informative) Application example of the effective action area of safety
sign ... 16 
Appendix B (Informative) Example of setting of safety signs ... 20 
References ... 22 
Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 5:
Principles and requirements for the use of safety signs
Important note: The colors, which are presented in the electronic files of this Part
of GB/T 2893, cannot be viewed as real colors on the screen or used for printing.
Although the use of color in this Part complies with the requirements (within the
allowable deviation according to visual inspection), the printed version cannot be
used for color matching. For requirements on color matching, please refer to GB/T
2893.4. This Part gives the color reference values, which are quoted from the color
sequence system, whilst giving the chromaticity attributes and photometric
1 Scope
This Part of GB/T 2893 specifies the principles and requirements for selecting,
combining, setting safety signs in actual use.
This Part applies to safety signs, which are used in public places, workplaces or public
buildings, other than private residences.
This Part does not apply to:
- Road traffic signs;
- Public information graphic symbols;
- Dangerous goods transport signs.
This Part does not contain requirements for the use of evacuation route signs and water
safety signs.
Note 1: Evacuation route signs and their use requirements are as specified in GB/T 23809.
Note 2: The provisions of water safety signs and their usage guidelines are in GB/T 25895.1
and GB/T 25895.3, respectively.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2893.1 Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 1: Design
principles for safety signs and safety markings
GB/T 2893.3 Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 3: Design
principles for graphical symbols for use in safety signs
GB/T 2893.4 Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 4:
Colorimetric and photometric properties of safety sign materials
GB 2894 Safety signs and guideline for the use
GB 7000.1 Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests
GB 13495.1 Fire safety signs - Part 1: Signs
GB/T 15565 Graphical symbol - Terms
GB/T 20002.4 Drafting for special aspects in standards - Part 4: Safety aspects for
their inclusion in standards
GB/T 31523.1 Safety information identification systems - Part 1: Signs
GB/T 31523.2 Safety information identification systems - Part 2: Setting principles
and requirements
3 Terms and definitions
Terms and definitions, which are defined in GB/T 15565 and GB/T 20002.4, apply to
this document.
4 Principles of use
4.1 The type and function of safety signs shall comply with the provisions of GB/T
2893.1. Safety signs can be presented in a variety of forms, including but not limited to
signs, labels, or painting directly on the carrier.
4.2 The safety signs used should ensure that, the observers within the maximum
viewing distance can know the location of the hazard, the nature of the hazard, the
measures needed to control the risk to an acceptable level.
4.3 Safety signs shall also comply with the following principles when used:
a) The safety sign is easy to be noticed; there is sufficient contrast between the safety
sign and the use environment;
a) The need to implement risk controls, including:
1) Prohibit dangerous actions or behaviors;
2) Prohibit specific persons, processes or practices;
3) Perform specific action, process or practice.
b) Requirements for implementing emergency plans:
1) Determine the location of safety equipment and facilities;
2) Determine the location of firefighting equipment.
c) Requirements of health and safety laws or regulations.
d) Requirements of government administrative departments.
e) Other requirements of the site manager and person in charge, etc.
5.2 Selection and use
5.2.1 The following influencing factors shall be considered, when selecting safety signs:
a) The content of routine and non-routine activities in the assessment area;
b) The activities of all persons, who are likely to be present in the assessment area;
c) The condition of all equipment and facilities in the assessment area;
d) Whether there is a conflict with the safety management document or safety
management system in the site.
5.2.2 Safety signs shall be selected preferably from national standards, such as GB/T
31523.1, GB 2894, GB 13495.1.
5.2.3 When the required safety signs are not specified in the current national standards,
it should preferably use the general safety signs (including general warning signs,
general prohibition signs, general instruction signs, as shown in GB/T 31523.1) and
auxiliary text signs, to form a combined sign, to express the required safety information.
It may also design new safety signs, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2893.1
and GB/T 2893.3.
5.2.4 When the safety sign is in use, the distinctiveness of the sign can be increased, by
the use of a lining. A lining is a strip of a certain width, at the outer edge of the sign
frame, in a contrasting color to the frame color. When the safety sign has a lining, the
use of the lining shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 31523.2.
5.3 Use of auxiliary text
5.3.1 Auxiliary text helps to enhance the understandability of safety signs. For safety
signs, that people are more familiar with, such as "No Smoking", it should also further
enhance their comprehension, through auxiliary text, when using them.
5.3.2 If the result of the risk assessment considers that the target audience in the
assessment area may be unfamiliar with the safety sign, the safety sign used shall have
auxiliary texts, that can convey the meaning of the safety sign.
5.3.3 When using auxiliary text, it shall play the following functions:
a) Give the meaning of the safety signs;
b) Expand or elaborate in detail on the meaning of the safety sign, by providing more
5.3.4 There shall not be any conflict or contradiction, between the content of the
auxiliary text and the meaning of the safety sign in the national standard.
5.3.5 Auxiliary text shall not be used alone. When using auxiliary text:
a) The significance of the auxiliary text should not exceed the accompanying safety
signs; ...
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