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GB/T 32038-2015: Monitoring and Testing Method for Energy Saving of Illumination Engineering
GB/T 32038-2015
Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of illumination engineering
ICS 27.010
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Energy-saving lighting project monitoring methods
Issued on. 2015-09-11
2016-04-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Introduction Ⅲ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions
4 2 General requirements
5 monitoring contents 2
Condition monitoring equipment 2 and 6
7 Monitoring 3
Monitoring Report 4 8
Appendix A (informative) energy-saving lighting project Monitoring Report 5
This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Energy and management proposed.
This standard is managed by the National Standardization Technical Committee on the basis of rational use of electricity Technical Committee (SAC/TC20/SC4) and Energy
This standard drafting unit. China Academy of Building Research, Chinese Institute of Standardization, the General Logistics Department Architectural Design and Research Institute, State Grid energy services have
Limited, China Municipal Engineering Association Professional Committee of lighting, Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Building Division
Research and Design Institute, Xiamen verification test Institute, Zhejiang New Century Engineering Testing Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Qiushi Information Electronics Co., Ltd.,
Aerospace Xu Hengyuan Energy Technology Co., Beijing believed to Sunshine New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan Kingsun Optoelectronic Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
Jie Shide Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Drafters of this standard. red, Zhao Yuejin, Luo Tao, Bing tree Kui, Xu Chen, Maoyuan Sen, Wang Shuxiao, Yaomeng Ming, Pangyao Guo Kang products spring, Gu Jianying,
Fan Xiaochun, Wang Weiguo, Liangzong Xing, Yin Ruolan, Zhangyu Tao, Wang Chunlin, Chen Jianxin.
Energy-saving lighting project monitoring methods
1 Scope
This standard specifies the energy-saving lighting project to monitor the content monitoring, technical requirements, monitoring and evaluation.
This standard applies to new construction and expansion, renovation of indoor lighting, outdoor workplace lighting, urban roads and urban lighting Lighting Project
Energy monitoring. Existing lighting energy monitoring may refer to this standard.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 5700 Lighting Measurement
GB 50034 architectural lighting design standards
GB 50582 outdoor job site lighting design standards
CJJ45 city road lighting design standards
JGJ/T 163 urban landscape lighting design specifications
JJG211 luminance meter verification procedures
JJG245 light meter verification procedures
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Illumination uniformity uniformityratioofiluminance
Predetermined ratio of the minimum illuminance and the average illuminance on the surface.
Brightness uniformity uniformityratioofluminance
Predetermined ratio of minimum luminance to average luminance on the surface.
Longitudinal surface brightness uniformity longitudinaluniformityofroadsurfaceluminance
Each lane on the road center line of the minimum brightness and maximum brightness ratio of the minimum.
Lighting power density lightingpowerdensity; LPD
Lighting power per unit area (including a light source, ballast or transformer), in units of watts per square meter (W/m2).
Lamp power luminairepower
The total power consumed by the entire single lamp, includes a light source, ballast and other electrical accessories power consumed in watts (W).
4 General requirements
4.1 Monitoring energy-saving lighting in the lighting system should meet the design requirements, and in the normal condition when running.
Section 4.2, when used with the energy audit, the energy-efficient lighting project monitoring should be entrusted to third-party monitoring or testing organization having relevant qualifications were.
4.3 monitoring bodies should ensure that the monitoring fair, accurate data management system, monitoring personnel should have the necessary lighting and related professionals
Knowledge and practical experience.
5 monitors content
5.1 Check items
5.1.1 Materials used in lighting engineering, equipment, etc., shall meet the design requirements and the relevant national standards. Prohibited the use of state explicitly ban
Stop or obsolete materials and equipment.
5.1.2 Lighting should meet the electricity requirements of individual metering.
5.1.3 lighting and scene setting switch lights timetable should meet the design requirements.
5.1.4 Lighting power supply circuit access other types of electrical equipment case.
5.1.5 Three-phase lighting circuit load imbalances.
5.2 Test Item
Energy-saving lighting project electrical parameters 5.2.1 Monitoring should include voltage, current, power, power factor, power and harmonic currents and other indicators.
5.2.2 monitoring electrical parameters at the same time, deal with illuminance, luminance, illumination uniformity and brightness uniformity and other lighting indicators for testing.
5.2.3 respond to test geometry and reflectance lighting, etc. places.
6 monitoring conditions and equipment
6.1 Monitoring Conditions
6.1.1 Lighting systems are all open and running over 0.5h.
6.1.2 No other source of natural light and outside interference.
6.1.3 test area had no shelter.
6.1.4 lighting circuit voltage of not more than 105% of the rated voltage, and should not be below 90% of rated voltage.
The failure rate or failure rate 6.1.5 lighting device should not exceed 2%.
6.1.6 If the lighting system power-saving device, indicate status of their work in the measurement conditions.
6.2 Monitoring Equipment
6.2.1 monitoring instrumentation used, shall be approved by the relevant state departments test and verification within the eligibility period.
6.2.2 Light Meter should be selected in line with a light meter JJG245 predetermined minimum resolution of 0.1lx.
6.2.3 luminance meter should be selected in line with the provisions of JJG211 a luminance meter, a minimum resolution of 0.01cd/m2.
6.2.4 road lighting requirements only measure the average surface brightness, use the integral luminance meter; in addition to measuring the average luminance, but also requires the measurement again
The total brightness uniformity and longitudinal surface brightness uniformity, luminance meter should be used with a telescopic lens, viewing angle in the vertical direction should be less than or equal
In 2 ', viewing angle in the horizontal direction should be 2' to 20 '.
6.2.5 Detection of electrical instrumentation used shall meet the following requirements.
a) the accuracy of not less than 1.5;
b) automatically records voltage, current, power, power and power factor and other data;
c) can be tested and recorded harmonic data.
7 Monitoring
7.1 Sampling
7.1.1 indoor lighting and outdoor lighting energy-saving workplace monitoring should be divided, respectively, according to GB 50034 and GB 50582 in place
Type, typical places to sample measurement, measurement of the number of similar establishments should not be less than 5%, and a minimum of not less than two.
7.1.2 urban road lighting energy monitoring project should meet the following requirements.
Number a) shall be within the monitored area on the road to sample measurement, the same lighting conditions similar path measuring not less than 10%, and
It should at least contain a typical road;
b) of each road should be selected in conformity fixture spacing, height, cantilever, elevation and other aspects of the light source can represent the typical road test
Type road monitoring.
Energy monitoring 7.1.3 Lighting Project shall meet the following requirements.
a) a monomer built structures should choose whole monitoring group should choose a typical building area monitoring;
b) open space should choose a typical area monitoring.
7.2 Lighting indicator measures
Uniformity test room (place) of the illuminance or luminance and illuminance calculations or measuring brightness uniformity should be consistent with GB/T 5700 in
7.3 measurement of electrical parameters
7.3.1 electrical parameter measurement should be performed at the switch power supply circuit.
7.3.2 Total lighting power or electric energy measurement according to the following methods.
a) power supply circuit when mixed with other electrical equipment, measurement should disconnect other electrical equipment; when other electrical equipment can not be disconnected,
Respectively measuring device and open all the power or electrical energy, open only two measurements of the non-lighting device is the difference between the measured
Power or electrical energy room or place lighting system;
b) When the power supply circuit for multiple rooms or places of lighting system power supply, electric power or energy of each room or place of the illumination system can
According to the lighting installation power lines accounted for the proportion of the total power, power or electrical energy obtained by multiplying circuit;
c) When the above measurement is not possible, use a single lamp method individually tested at room or place a single or a group of lighting power, then
Cumulative total lighting power or electrical energy room or place.
7.4 Calculation lighting power density
A lighting power density (LPD) of available places or regions of Formula (1), the formula (2).
LPD = k ·
k =
LPD --- lighting power density in watts per square meter (W/m2);
P --- measured lighting places of lighting total power in watts (W);
k --- voltage correction coefficient;
A --- measured lighting places the area in square meters (m2);
U0 --- rated voltage, in volts (V);
U1 --- voltage measured in volts (V).
7.5 Measurement and Calculation of electric energy
7.5.1 Architectural lighting indoor lighting electric energy according to the following steps for testing.
a) at least two weeks of continuous monitoring and the cumulative lighting electrical energy;
b) statistics accumulated lighting hours;
c) according to equation (3) calculation of electric energy lighting.
We = (Wt × t0)/t (3)
We --- electric energy in lighting units of kilowatt-hours (kW · h);
Wt --- Found lighting electrical energy, in units of kilowatt-hours (kW · h);
Lighting hours t --- measured in hours (h);
t0 --- when the cumulative lighting, in units of hours (h).
7.5.2 road lighting or outdoor workplace lighting electrical energy according to the following steps for testing.
a) continuous monitoring of not less than 24h lighting electrical energy;
b) recording switch lights, turn on the lights when the total number of statistics;
c) when the cumulative number of lighting (t0) values according to local conditions;
(3) calculate d) by lighting electrical energy.
Lighting electrical energy according to the following steps 7.5.3 Night lighting tested.
a) respectively of the total power of each mode of lights for testing;
b) When the lights of records and statistics for each mode number of lights;
c) according to equation (4) Calculation of electric lighting energy.
We = ΣPi × ti (4)
We --- electric energy in lighting units of kilowatt-hours (kW · h);
Pi --- i th mode lights lighting measured total power in kilowatts (kW);
Hours illumination lights ti --- i-th mode, in hours (h).
8 Monitoring Report
8.1 should meet the GB 50034, illuminance GB 50582, CJJ45 and JGJ/T 163 provisions, brightness, uniform illumination and brightness uniformity
And other lighting under the premise of indicators, determination of energy conservation.
Data a) new projects should be monitored and the resulting design value;
b) reconstruction project monitoring response data obtained before and after the transformation were compared.
8.2 monitoring bodies should be issued by energy-saving lighting project monitoring reports, see Appendix A, and according to GB 50034, GB 50582, CJJ45 and
JGJ/T 163 pass or fail determination is made.
8.3 When monitoring reports for savings audit, the reporting shall comply with relevant regulations.
8.4 multi-functional integrated construction, should be the standard for determining the applicable zone, respectively.

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