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GB/T 32437-2015 English PDF (GBT32437-2015)

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GB/T 32437-2015: Testing methods for harmful substances of furniture -- General guidelines
GB/T 32437-2015
Testing methods for harmful substances of furniture - General guidelines
ICS 97.140
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Detection of harmful substances furniture General
Issued on. 2015-12-31
2016-07-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
Please note that some of the content of this document may involve patents. Distribution of this document
Institutions do not assume the responsibility to identify these patents.
The standard proposed by China National Light Industry Council.
This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee furniture (SAC/TC480) centralized.
This standard is drafted by. Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection, Shenzhen-ho Furniture Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai quality supervision
Governor Inspection Technology Research Institute, the National Furniture Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Guangdong), Guizhou Nature Technology Co., Ltd., Xiamen tripod standard
Enterprise Management Services Ltd., Beijing Hua Di UNITA Furniture Co., Ltd. Anji County Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection Center.
Participated in the drafting of this standard. Man Wah Furniture Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Dongguan City or MEMS Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen
Colorful Life Furniture Co., Ltd., Shenzhen City Industrial Development Co., Ltd. round side garden, Goodbaby Child Products Co., Ltd.
The main drafters. Zhang Shuyan, Wu Haitao, Liwei Heng, Luo Jufen, Liu Zhaofeng, Hailing super, You Guozhong, PENG, Huang Wei, Zhuangwei Park,
Xia Yu, Chen Zongyong, Chen Zhiyong, Sun Chao, talk Tateyama, Zou Yu.
Detection of harmful substances furniture General
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions furniture harmful substances detection methods, the type of hazardous substances, the identification of harmful substances, samples
Pretreatment choice of packaging, transport and storage, detection methods, the preparation of reagents and solutions, equipment, samples, testing, data processing and sub
Analysis of the results presentation.
This standard applies to furniture Detection of harmful substances.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
Preparation of GB/T 601 chemical reagent standard titration solution
GB/T 603 chemical reagent in test methods - Preparations with
Laboratory use specifications and test methods GB/T 6682 Analysis
GB/T 8170 repair value expressed about the rules and limit values and judgment
JJF1027 measurement error and data processing
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Hazardous substances harmfulsubstances
Furniture product contains can cause disease or make declining health substances.
Volatile hazardous substances volatileharmfulsubstances
Furniture products released into the air of harmful substances.
Contact hazardous substances contactharmfulsubstances
Direct contact with human furniture and the harmful substances.
4 types of hazardous substances
Furniture kind of harmful substances include.
a) harmful elements;
b) harmful compounds;
c) radionuclides;
d) other hazardous substances.
Identifying harmful substances
Furniture of harmful substances, mainly from furniture, raw and auxiliary materials and furniture production process, therefore, the identification of harmful substances furniture should
According furniture raw materials used in its production process categories to be judged. Furniture type and source of harmful substances in Table 1.
Table 1 furniture type and source of harmful substances
Source kinds of harmful substances and hazardous substances
Harmful elements paint, wood, plywood, plastic, textile, leather, metal plating, printing ink, etc.
Volatile organic compounds (formaldehyde, TVOC) paint, wood, plywood, plastic, textile, leather, printing ink, etc.
Preservatives (pentachlorophenol, 16 PAHs, etc.) wood, textiles, leather, adhesives, rubber, etc.
Aromatic amines (4-aminobiphenyl, benzidine other 24 kinds) textiles, leather, etc.
Fungicides (dimethyl fumarate, etc.) textiles, leather, etc.
Flame retardants (PBBs, PentaBDE octa Union
Benzene, ether, etc.)
Textiles, plastics, leather, etc.
Plasticizers (phthalates) paints, plastics, textiles, etc.
Radionuclides (radon, radium, potassium, thorium) of natural stone, artificial stone, ceramic components, etc.
Other harmful substances can be referred to the above-described method for identifying
6 samples of packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Samples containing organic volatile harmful substances testing program, should be packaged.
6.2 sample transport and storage process should avoid chemical contamination and minimize storage time prior to the test sample.
6.3 samples before testing should be stored properly.
Select 7 detection method
7.1 detection method detection method if there are two or more of the same project, according to the equipment and technical conditions, choose to use.
7.2 If the same detection method according to the scope of a project set up several parallel method, should select the appropriate method based on detection range.
8 formulated reagents and solutions
8.1 Water detection method used, it does not indicate when additional requirements should be consistent with the three water GB/T 6682 regulations. It did not specify the solution
When formulated solvents, refers to water as the solvent.
Reagents 8.2 detection method used, it does not indicate when additional requirements were of analytical grade reagents.
Standard Solution 8.3 detection method used, should be GB/T 601 provisions of formulation and calibration.
8.4 preparations and products used in the detection method, preparation should be GB/T 603's.
8.5 Calibration Standards Standard should be used with the certificate, or the certificate with the use of standard reference material prepared according to standard methods.
9 Equipment
9.1 Equipment used in the detection method, there is traceability requirements according to relevant national regulations for checking and calibration.
9.2 Glass Container detection method used should be based on precision detection method requires a reasonable choice.
9.3 detection method when collecting gas samples in parallel, use the same model specifications of the sampling tube.
Pretreatment of the sample 10
10.1 volatile hazardous substances before the test project, should be pretreated samples, sample preparation methods should be standard products into
Row. Product standards are not prescribed, after unpacking the sample should be temperature (20 ± 5) ℃, relative humidity (50 ± 10)% of the environment, quenched and tempered at
Li least 72h.
10.2 pretreatment ambient air samples of volatile background concentrations of harmful substances shall not affect the measurement results of the sample principle.
11 test
11.1 should be strictly in accordance with the analysis step detection method prescribed inspection, the inspection process insecurity (poisoning, corrosion, burns
Etc.) should be protective measures.
11.2 of the same sample, volatile hazardous substances should be given priority item test.
11.3 sample contact hazardous substances in the product programs should use the human body can reach the site of sampling. In normal use of furniture products,
The reach or infrequent contact with the site, do not test.
The amount of the sample does not satisfy the amount of the sample 11.4 sample detection method requirements, do not test.
12 Data processing and analysis of results presentation
Operations and significant figures rounded 12.1 measured values should be consistent with GB T 8170, JJF1027 provisions /.
12.2 Expression of results. the results of the report of parallel determination of the arithmetic mean, calculated results are expressed to one decimal digit or digits shall be valid
Specified test methods of execution.
12.3 If the analysis results in a detection limit or less, you can use "not detected" expression analysis, but it should indicate the detection limit value.

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