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GB/T 36943-2018: Designation and Marking Requirements of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Bicycle
GB/T 36943-2018
Designation and marking requirements of lithium--exchange batteries for electric bicycle
ICS 43.140
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Lithium ion battery for electric bicycle
Model naming and marking requirements
Published on.2018-12-28
2019-07-01 implementation
State market supervision and administration
China National Standardization Administration issued
Foreword III
1 range 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 single battery model naming and preparation method 1
5 battery pack model naming and preparation method 3
6 logo 4
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document is not responsible for identifying these patents.
This standard was proposed by the China Light Industry Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Bicycle Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC155).
This standard was drafted. National Light Electric Vehicle and Battery Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Zhejiang Chaowei Chuangyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.,
Heidelangen Power Battery Co., Ltd., Youke Energy (Zhangzhou) Co., Ltd., Yadi Technology Group Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard. Gu Zhengjian, Kirk, Liang Zheng, Huang Xiaodong, Gao Xuefeng, Zhang Guiping, Zhang Jing, Chen Yao, Ren Ning.
Lithium ion battery for electric bicycle
Model naming and marking requirements
1 Scope
This standard specifies the naming method and marking requirements for lithium ion battery models for electric bicycles.
This standard applies to lithium ion batteries for electric bicycles.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article.
Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 36945-2018 Lithium-ion battery vocabulary for electric bicycles
QB/T 4428-2012 Lithium-ion battery for electric bicycles
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 36945-2018 apply to this document.
Mid-cell battery middle-instaledbattery
Use the battery compartment and place the battery in the middle of the electric bike.
Rear battery back-instaledbattery
Use the battery compartment and place the battery on the back of the electric bike.
Built-in battery built-inbattery
A battery that is placed directly inside the structure of the electric bicycle body.
4 single battery model naming and compilation method
4.1 Model composition
4.1.1 General
The single battery model consists of positive and negative system code, battery shape code and external size code.
4.1.2 Positive and negative system code
The positive and negative system codes are indicated by a capital letter in English, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1 positive and negative system code
Cathode system negative electrode system which occupies the largest specific gravity of electrode active material
Category system code category system code
Manganese-based positive electrode M has embedded characteristics of negative electrode I
Lithium iron phosphate cathode T other anode Q
Ternary positive S - -
Other positive Q - -
4.1.3 battery shape code
The battery shape code is indicated by a capital letter.
R--- indicates that the shape of the battery is cylindrical;
P--- indicates that the battery shape is square.
4.1.4 Dimension code
The form factor code is represented by several sets of Arabic numerals separated by a slash separator.
For cylindrical batteries, the set of numbers before the slash separator indicates the diameter of the battery, and a set of numbers between the two slash separators
The height of the battery, not listed after the slash separator.
For a square battery, the set of numbers in front of the slash separator indicates the thickness of the battery, and a set of numbers between the two diagonal separators indicates electricity.
The width of the pool, a set of numbers after the slash separator indicates the height of the battery.
The unit of each group of numbers indicating the size of the battery is millimeter (mm), and the value is rounded. If there is a size less than 1mm, use ten
A number in millimeters is used to represent the size, the value is rounded, and the letter t is added before the set of numbers.
For a square polymer battery, the thickness can also be expressed in units of one tenth of a millimeter.
Mother t.
4.2 Model preparation method
4.2.1 Model composition
The model of the single battery is composed of the code specified in 4.1.1, and its composition is shown in Figure 1, in which the dimensions are in the size code.
The inches are separated by a "/" symbol.
□ □ □ □/□/□
Dimensions code - square battery height
Dimension code - cylindrical battery height or square battery width
Dimensions - Cylindrical battery diameter or square battery thickness
Battery shape code
Positive system code
Negative electrode system code
Figure 1 Single battery model form
4.2.2 Model preparation example
The battery type is compiled according to the requirements of 4.2.1.
Example 1.
A cylindrical lithium ion battery with a diameter of about 18mm and a height of about 65mm, with a built-in negative electrode system and a ternary positive electrode, the model number is.
Example 2.
a square lithium ion battery having a thickness of about 8 mm, a width of about 34 mm, and a height of about 150 mm, and having a built-in negative electrode system and a ternary positive electrode.
Model number is. ISP8/34/150.
Example 3.
a square lithium ion battery having a thickness of about 7 mm, a width of about 34 mm, and a height of about 48 mm, and having a built-in negative electrode system and a lithium iron phosphate positive electrode.
Its model number is. ITP7/34/48.
Example 4.
Square polymer lithium ion storage with a thickness of about 2.4mm, a width of about 68mm and a height of about 70mm, with a built-in negative electrode system and a manganese-based positive electrode
The pool is modeled as. IMPt24/68/70.
5 battery pack model naming and compilation method
5.1 Model composition
5.1.1 General
The battery pack model consists of the battery pack's usage code, nominal voltage code, rated capacity code, installation method (position) code, and size additional code.
The code and the positive system code are composed.
5.1.2 Use code
The purpose code of the battery pack is to use the two uppercase English letters DZ for electric bicycles.
5.1.3 Nominal voltage code and rated capacity code
The nominal voltage and rated capacity code of the battery pack are composed of two Arabic numerals, and the integer less than 10 is complemented by "0" in ten.
For example, the battery pack has a nominal voltage of 24V and its code name is 24; the battery pack has a rated capacity of 9Ah, its code is 09, and so on.
5.1.4 Installation Method (Location) Code
The battery pack is installed in different parts of the electric bicycle, and its installation size and method are different. The battery pack installation method code is in uppercase
The English alphabet indicates that it is shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Lithium battery pack installation method code
Resettlement category placement code
External mid-mounted battery pack Z
External rear battery pack H
External other battery pack Q
Built-in battery N
5.1.5 size additional code code
The battery pack size code is indicated by an uppercase English letter.
The size code of the external battery pack is corresponding to Table 1 and Table 2 of QB/T 4428-2012. See Table 3 for details.
The size additional code code is E, the specific size can be found in the product manual.
Table 3 Battery Pack Size Additional Code Number
Battery pack form QB/T 4428-2012 size additional code number
External battery pack
Table 1 A
Table 2 B
5.1.6 Positive system code
The positive system code of the maximum specific gravity of the electrode active material of the battery pack is represented by a capital letter in English, as shown in Table 1.
5.2 Model preparation method
5.2.1 Model composition
The model of the battery pack is a combination of the codes specified in 5.1.1, and its composition is shown in Figure 2.
□ □ □ □ □ □
Positive system code
Size additional code number
Rated capacity code
Installation method code
Nominal voltage code
Use code
Figure 2 battery pack model form
5.2.2 Model preparation example
Carry out the battery model number according to the requirements of 5.2.1.
Example 1.
The center-mounted installation method of the external battery, the nominal voltage is 36V, the rated capacity is 10Ah, lithium iron phosphate is used as the positive electrode material, and the battery dimensions are
The 375mm × 135mm × 90mm lithium-ion battery model is modeled as DZ36Z-10AT.
Example 2.
The rear-mounted installation method of the external battery has a nominal voltage of 48V and a rated capacity of 12Ah. The ternary material is used as the positive electrode material, and the battery dimensions are
The 390mm×170mm×80mm lithium-ion battery is modeled as DZ48H-12BS.
6 signs
6.1 General
The outer surface of each unit cell and battery pack should have a clear, long-lasting, non-shedding sign.
6.2 Single battery mark
The marking of the single battery should have the following information.
a) product name;
b) specifications and models;
c) nominal voltage;
d) rated capacity;
e) polarity;
f) date of manufacture or batch number;
g) The name of the manufacturer or manufacturer.
6.3 Battery pack logo
The battery pack logo should have the following Chinese information.
a) product name;
b) specifications and models;
c) the name of the manufacturer or manufacturer;
d) nominal voltage;
e) rated capacity;
f) polarity;
g) maximum operating current;
h) date of manufacture or batch number;
i) Environmental protection mark (recycling mark);
j) Required safety warning instructions.

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