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GB/T 40271-2021: Test method for identification of textile fibers - Differential scanningcalorimetry(DSC)
GB/T 40271-2021
ICS 59.080.01
CCS W 04
Test Method for Identification of Textile Fibers -
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
ISSUED ON: MAY 21, 2021
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative References ... 4 
3 Terms and Definitions ... 4 
4 Test Principle ... 5 
5 Equipment and Materials ... 6 
6 Sample ... 7 
7 Test Procedures ... 7 
8 Result Expression ... 8 
9 Test Report ... 9 
Appendix A (informative) Calibration Method ... 10 
Appendix B (informative) Standard Samples ... 11 
Appendix C (informative) Melting Peak Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion of
Synthetic Fibers ... 12 
Bibliography ... 13 
Test Method for Identification of Textile Fibers -
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
1 Scope
This Standard describes a test method for the identification of textile fibers through a
differential scanning calorimeter.
This Standard is applicable to textile fibers with an obvious melting peak temperature,
which is lower than decomposition temperature.
NOTE: the differential scanning calorimetry is generally not used alone, but by determining
the melting peak temperature and enthalpy of fusion of fibers to assist in the
identification of the fibers.
2 Normative References
The content of the following documents constitutes indispensable clauses of this
document through normative references in the text. In terms of references with a
specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In
terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the
modifications) is applicable to this document.
FZ/T 01057.1 Test Method for Identification of Textile Fibers - Part 1: General
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Melting
Melting refers to the transition from a solid state of a completely crystalline or partially
crystalline substance to a liquid state with different viscosities.
[source: GB/T 6425-2008,]
3.2 Enthalpy of Fusion
Enthalpy of fusion refers to the quantity of heat required for material melting under a
constant pressure.
NOTE: it is expressed in kJ/kg or J/g.
[source: GB/T 19466.3-2004, 3.3, modified]
3.3 Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Differential scanning calorimetry refers to a technique of determining the relationship
between the heat flow rate or heating power (difference) delivered to the specimen and
the reference substance, and temperature or time under program control temperature
and certain atmosphere.
[source: GB/T 6425-2008, 3.2.9]
3.4 Differential Scanning Calorimetry Curve (DSC curve)
Differential scanning calorimetry curve (DSC curve) refers to a graphical
representation of the relationship curve between the heat flow rate or heating power
(difference) delivered to the specimen and the reference substance measured by the
differential scanning calorimeter, and temperature or time.
NOTE: the y-coordinate of the curve is heat flow rate, which is also known as heat flow
and expressed in mW (mJ  s-1); the x-coordinate is temperature or time.
[source: GB/T 6425-2008, 3.2.10, modified]
3.5 Calibration
Calibration refers to a set of operations of determining the relationship between the
indicated value of the measuring instrument or measuring system and the already-
known value corresponding to the measured value under specified conditions.
3.6 Instrument Baseline
Instrument baseline refers to a thermal analysis curve measured with empty sample
cuvettes of the same mass and material, and without the use of specimen.
[source: GB/T 6425-2008, a), modified]
4 Test Principle
Under certain conditions, adopt the differential scanning calorimetry to determine and
obtain the DSC curve of the fiber, as it is shown in Figure 1. In this Figure, Tpm is the
melting peak temperature of the fiber; the connection points Tim and Tfm are used to
draw a baseline; the area between it and the melting peak is the enthalpy of fusion of
the fiber. Different types of synthetic fibers have different melting peak temperatures,
based on which, the category of fibers can be identified.
the sealed empty sample cuvettes into the sample holder. In accordance with the
actual test conditions, test the instrument baseline.
7.4 Take another sample cuvette (see 5.2); use the balance (see 5.4) to weigh its mass,
accurate to 0.01 mg. Put the specimen into the sample cuvette; put on the cap and
tightly seal it. Then, re-weigh the sample cuvette which holds the specimen, accurate
to 0.01 mg.
7.5 Put the sample cuvette which holds the specimen into the sample holder at the
designated position of the instrument; put the sealed empty sample cuvette into the
other position as a reference.
7.6 Set the program of the instrument; deduct the instrument baseline. Under the
condition of at least 50 °C lower than the melting peak temperature, at a rate of
10 °C/min, start to raise the temperature, until it is at least 30 °C higher than the
extrapolated final temperature (Tefm), or 20 °C ~ 30 °C lower than the thermal
decomposition temperature; record the DSC curve. For some new types of fibers and
some fibers obtained through certain special processing, they may be heated up for
the first time to eliminate the thermal history of the fiber processing process, then,
heated up again for the observation of the DSC curve.
NOTE: other temperature-raising rates may also be adopted; the temperature-raising rate
should not exceed 20 °C/min.
7.7 Cool down the instrument to room temperature; take out the sample cuvette;
observe whether the sample cuvette is deformed, or whether the specimen overflows.
If it is found that the sample cuvette is deformed or the specimen overflows, then, the
test shall be invalidated and re-conducted.
7.8 Repeat steps 7.4 ~ 7.7 to test the other two specimens.
8 Result Expression
8.1 Melting Peak Temperature
The test curve of the melting peak temperature is shown in Figure 1. From the Figure,
respectively read the melting peak temperature (Tpm) of each specimen; the result shall
be accurate to 0.1 °C. Take the average value of all specimens as the melting peak
temperature of the sample; the result shall be rounded off to an integer. If the second
temperature-raising is performed, take the value measured after the second
temperature-raising as the test result. The melting peak temperature of synthetic fibers
is shown in Appendix C.
8.2 Enthalpy of Fusion
The test curve of the enthalpy of fusion is shown in Figure 1. Take the area between
Appendix A
Calibration Method
A.1 General Rules of Calibration
The differential scanning calorimeter is a sensitive thermal analysis instrument, which
requires regular temperature and heat calibration. Under the circumstances of
changing test temperature range, changing air source and flow rate, changing
refrigeration system or being idle for a long time, before use, at least two standard
samples shall be used for the calibration of temperature and heat. See Appendix B for
commonly used standard samples.
NOTE: other calibration requirements of the instrument may comply with the
recommendations by ...
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