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GB/T 469-2023: Lead ingots
GB/T 469-2023
ICS 77.150.60
CCS H 62
Replacing GB/T 469-2013
Lead ingots
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Categories ... 5
5 Technical requirements ... 5
6 Test methods ... 6
7 Inspection rules ... 7
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage, accompanying documents ... 9
9 Contents of order form ... 10
Lead ingots
1 Scope
This document stipulates the classification, technical requirements, test methods,
inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, accompanying
documents, order form content of lead ingots.
This document applies to lead ingots, which are produced by electrolytic refining.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference
documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for
undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
this document.
GB/T 4103 (all parts) Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and
judgement of limiting values
3 Terms and definitions
There are no terms or definitions to be defined in this document.
4 Categories
Lead ingots are divided into 2 designations according to their chemical composition:
Pb99.996 and Pb99.994.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Chemical composition
5.1.1 The chemical composition of lead ingots shall comply with the requirements in
Table 1.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection and acceptance
7.1.1 Lead ingots shall be inspected by the supplier or a third-party quality supervision
department, to ensure that the product quality complies with the provisions of this
document; meanwhile the accompanying documents shall be filled in.
7.1.2 The purchaser may inspect the received products, in accordance with the
provisions of this document. If the inspection results are inconsistent with the
provisions of this document or the requirements of the order form, it shall be submitted
to the supplier, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the product, to be settled
through negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. If arbitration is required,
arbitration sampling will be carried out jointly by the supplier and the buyer, at the
buyer's premises.
7.2 Group batching
7.2.1 Lead ingots shall be submitted for inspection in batches. Each batch shall be
composed of products of the same designation and furnace number; the weight of each
batch shall not exceed 150 t.
7.2.2 According to the requirements of the buyer, multiple production batches of the
same designation are allowed to form an inspection batch. The batch size is as required
by the buyer.
7.3 Inspection items
Each batch of lead ingots shall be inspected for chemical composition analysis, physical
specifications, surface quality.
7.4 Sampling and specimen preparation
7.4.1 Production sampling
The specimens, which are used by the supplier for chemical composition analysis, can
be taken from the liquid metal during casting or can be taken by other methods.
7.4.2 Product sampling and specimen preparation Collection and preparation of chemical composition specimens of lead
ingots Sampling quantity: Randomly select 2% of the number of lead ingots as
sample ingots. The total number of sample ingots shall be a multiple of 6, to facilitate
grouping. If there are less than 6 ingots after grouping, they shall be made up from lead
ingots and shall not be discarded.
judgment of the rounded values shall be carried out, in accordance with the provisions
of GB/T 8170.
7.5.2 If the chemical composition analysis results of lead ingots are inconsistent with
the provisions of this document or the requirements of the order form, they will be
deemed unqualified.
7.5.3 If the physical specifications and surface quality of the lead ingot are inconsistent
with the provisions of this document or the requirements of the order form, the ingot
will be deemed to be unqualified.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage,
accompanying documents
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 The trademark and batch number shall be cast or printed on each lead ingot.
8.1.2 Each bundle of lead ingots shall have an eye-catching mark, that is not easy to fall
off, indicating the name of the manufacturer, product name, designation, batch number,
net weight.
8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 Small lead ingots shall be bundled and packed with packaging tapes of
corresponding strength and not easy to rust. Large lead ingots are supplied as bare ingots.
8.2.2 If the buyer has special requirements for the packaging of lead ingots, they can be
negotiated by the supplier and the buyer.
8.3 Transport and storage
8.3.1 Lead ingots shall be transported by means of transportation without corrosive
substances, to prevent them from being exposed to rain.
8.3.2 Lead ingots shall be stored in a ventilated, dry, corrosive-free warehouse.
8.3.3 During the transportation and storage process of lead ingots, the white, gray-white
or yellow-white film formed on the surface due to natural oxidation shall not be used
as a basis for scrapping.
8.4 Accompanying documents
Each batch of lead ingots shall be accompanied by accompanying documents stating:
a) Supplier’s name and trademark, address, telephone number or fax;

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