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GB/T 5838.45-2015 English PDF (GB/T5838.45-2015)

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GB/T 5838.45-2015: Phosphors -- Part 4-5: Phosphor for color display tubes
GB/T 5838.45-2015
ICS 31-030
L 90
Replacing GB/T 11496.1 ~ 11496.3-1989
Phosphors - Part 4-5.Phosphor for Color Display Tubes
ISSUED ON. MAY 15, 2015
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative References... 5
3 Terms and Definitions... 5
4 Requirements... 5
5 Test Methods... 8
6 Inspection Rules... 10
7 Markings... 10
8 Packaging, Transportation and Storage... 10
The GB/T 5838 Phosphors series of national standards includes the following parts.
---Part 1.Terminology;
---Part 2.Types;
---Part 3.Test Methods for Properties;
---Part 4-1.Phosphor for Black-white Picture Tubes;
---Part 4-2.Phosphor for Indicator Tubes;
---Part 4-3.Phosphor for Oscilloscope Tubes and Display Tubes;
---Part 4-4.Phosphor for Color Picture Tubes;
---Part 4-5.Phosphor for Color Display Tubes.
This Part is Part 4-5 of GB/T 5838.
This Part was drafted in accordance with the rules provided in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part serves as a replacement of GB/T 11496.1-1989 Phosphor Y30-G1 for Color Display
Tubes, GB/T 11496.2-1989 Phosphor Y30-B1 for Color Display Tubes and GB/T 11496.3-1989
Phosphor Y30-R1 for Color Display Tubes.
In comparison with GB/T 11496.1 ~ 11496.3-1989, this Part has the following main changes.
---The three standards GB/T 11496.1 ~ 11496.3 were integrated into one standard;
---The medium particle is deleted from Chapter 1;
---Chapter 3 - Terms and Definitions is added;
---The test of luminous efficiency is modified into the test of relative brightness (see 4.5
and 5.4; 4.4 of Version 1989);
---The composition, crystallographic form, appearance and luminous color in Chapter 3,
and the technical indicators in Chapter 2 of the original standards GB/T 11496.1 ~
11496.3-1989 are merged into the requirements of Chapter 4 in this Part. In addition,
the three phosphors Y30-G1, Y30-B1 and Y30-R1 are integrated;
---The indicator of density is adjusted (see 4.8; 4.8.1 or 4.9.1 of Version 1989);
---“Chrominance coordinates” is modified into “chromaticity coordinates”, and the
excitation voltage in the test methods is modified (see 5.3; 4.3 of Version 1989);
Phosphors - Part 4-5.Phosphor for Color Display Tubes
1 Scope
This Part specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging,
transportation and storage of Y30-G1, Y30-B1 and Y30-R1 phosphors.
This Part is applicable to phosphors for color display tubes.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In terms of
references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this
document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the
modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods
GB/T 31418.3-2015 Phosphors - Part 3.Test Methods for Properties
GB/T 5838 Terms for Phosphors
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 5838 are applicable to this document.
4 Requirements
4.1 Composition, Crystallographic Form, Appearance and Luminous Color
The composition, crystallographic form, appearance and luminous color shall comply with the
stipulations of Table 1.
4.2 Mechanical Impurities
Contain no mechanical impurities.
4.3 Particle Size
4.3.1 Volume center particle size
The volume center particle size shall satisfy the following requirements.
a) Y30-G1.(6.0  1.0) m;
b) Y30-B1.(6.0  1.0) m;
c) Y30-R1.(6.0  1.0) m.
4.3.2 Logarithmic standard deviation
The logarithmic standard deviation shall satisfy the following requirements.
a) Y30-G1.0.30  0.12;
b) Y30-B1.0.35  0.10;
c) Y30-R1.0.35  0.08.
4.4 Chromaticity Coordinates
The chromaticity coordinates shall satisfy the following requirements.
a) Y30-G1.x = 0.291  0.015; y = 0.624  0.020;
b) Y30-B1.x = 0.148  0.010; y = 0.058  0.010;
c) Y30-R1.x = 0.646  0.010; y = 0.350  0.010.
4.5 Relative Brightness
The relative brightness is not lower than 95% of the standard sample.
4.6 Afterglow Time
Short to medium afterglow.
4.7 Relative Spectral Power Distributions
4.7.1 Indicators
5.3 Chromaticity Coordinates
In accordance with the stipulations of Chapter 9 in GB/T 31418.3-2015, carry out the test. For
Y30-G1 and Y30-B1, the excitation voltage is 10 kV; for Y30-R1, the excitation voltage is 6
kV. The current density is 1 A/cm2.
5.4 Relative Brightness
In accordance with the stipulations of Chapter 7 in GB/T 31418.3-2015, carry out the test. For
Y30-G1 and Y30-B1, the excitation voltage is 10 kV; for Y30-R1, the excitation voltage is 6
kV. The current density is 1 A/cm2.
5.5 Afterglow Time
In accordance with the stipulations of Chapter 17 in GB/T 31418.3-2015, carry out the test. The
excitation voltage is 20 kV, and the current density is 1 A/cm2.
5.6 Relative Spectral Power Distribution
In accordance with the stipulations of Chapter 8 in GB/T 31418.3-2015, carry out the test. For
Y30-G1 and Y30-B1, the excitation voltage is 10 kV; for Y30-R1, the excitation voltage is 6
kV. The current density is 1 A/cm2.
5.7 Spectral Reflectance of Y30-B1 and Y30-R1
5.7.1 Main equipment
Double beam spectrophotometer.
5.7.2 Test steps Sample preparation
Respectively put the sample to be tested and the standard magnesium oxide powder into two
sample boxes, use a flat glass to press them flat, and use an optical glass sheet to cover them. Test
Respectively place the prepared sample to be tested and the standard magnesium oxide power
into the sample window and reference window of the integrating sphere of the double beam
spectrophotometer. For Y30-B1 phosphor, test the spectral reflectance at a wavelength of 600
nm; for Y30-R1 phosphor, test the spectral reflectance at a wavelength of 500 nm.
5.8 Density
In accordance with the stipulations of Chapter 5 in GB/T 31418.3-2015, carry out the test.
6 Inspection Rules
6.1 The manufacturer’s inspection department shall inspect each batch of products in
accordance with the stipulations of 5.1 ~ 5.5.Only products that pass the inspection can be
allowed to exit the factory.
6.2 Within three months from the date of receipt, the manufacturer shall randomly take 200 g
of sample from each batch of phosphors and conduct a re-inspection in accordance with the
stipulations of 5.1 ~ 5.5.If it is disqualified, then, it will be handled through negotiation between
the demand-side and the supply-side, and when necessary, arbitration can be conducted by a
third party.
6.3 The phosphor products of the same designation and produced from the same raw materials
and under the same process conditions, and submitted for inspection at one time are considered
to be one batch. Each batch of products shall be no less than 5 kg. Under special circumstances,
the batch size shall be determined through negotiation between the demand-side and the supply-
7 Markings
A label with the trademark shall be attached to the packaging container of the phosphors...
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