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HJ 2025-2012: Technical specifications for collection, storage, transportation of hazardous waste
HJ 2025-2012
Technical specifications for collection, storage,
transportation of hazardous waste
Issued by: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Table of Contents
1 Scope of application ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 6 
4 General requirements for the collection, storage, and transportation of
hazardous waste ... 6 
5 Collection of hazardous waste ... 8 
6 Storage of hazardous waste ... 11 
7 Transportation of hazardous waste ... 12 
8 Supervision and implementation ... 13 
Appendix A (Normative) Record form for collection of hazardous waste ... 14 
Appendix B (Normative) Record form for transfer inside hazardous waste
generating organization ... 15 
Appendix C (Normative) Record form for in-out stock transfer of hazardous
waste ... 16 
For the purpose of implementing “Environmental Protection Law of the People’s
Republic of China” and “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the
Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste”, regulating
the collection, storage, and transportation process of hazardous waste,
protecting the environment, and safeguarding human health, this Standard is
This Standard specifies the technical requirements for the collection, storage,
and transportation process of hazardous waste.
This Standard is a guiding standard.
This Standard is first issued.
This Standard was developed by Department of Science, Technology and
Standards of Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Main drafting organizations of this Standard: Shenyang Academy of
Environmental Sciences (National Environmental Protection Hazardous Waste
Disposal Engineering Technology (Shenyang) Center), Institute of High Energy
Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This Standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on
December 24, 2012.
This Standard is implemented since March 1, 2013.
This Standard is interpreted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Technical specifications for collection, storage,
transportation of hazardous waste
1 Scope of application
This Standard specifies the technical requirements for the collection, storage,
and transportation process of hazardous waste.
This Standard applies to the collection, storage, and transportation of
hazardous wastes from hazardous waste generating organizations and
operating organizations.
2 Normative references
The contents of this Standard refer to the provisions in the following documents.
For the undated references, the valid edition applies to this Standard.
GB190 Packing symbol of dangerous goods
GB5085.1-7 Identification standards for hazardous wastes
GB6944 Classification and code of dangerous goods
GB8978 Integrated wastewater discharge standard
GB12463 General specifications for transport packages of dangerous goods
GB13015 Standard for pollution control on Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(PCBs)-contaminated wastes
GB13392 The vehicle mark for road transportation dangerous goods
GB15603 Rule for storage of chemical dangers
GB15562.2 Graphical signs for environmental protection - Solid waste
storage (disposal) site
GB16297 Integrated emission standard of air pollutants
GB18597 Standard for pollution control on hazardous waste storage
GB19217 Technical standard for medical waste transport vehicle
GBZ1 Hygienic standards for the design of industrial enterprises
GBZ2 Occupational Exposure Limit for Hazardous Agents in the Workplace
HJ/T177 Technical specifications for centralized Incineration facility
construction on medical waste
HJ/T228 Technical specification for chemical disinfection centralized
treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
HJ/T229 Technical specification for microwave disinfection centralized
treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
HJ/T276 Technical specifications for steam-based centralized treatment
engineering in medical waste (on trial)
HJ/T298 Technical specifications on identification for hazardous waste
HJ421 Standard of packaging bags, containers and warning symbols
specific to medical waste
HJ519 Technical specifications of pollution control for treatment of Lead-acid
JT617 The regulation of automobile transportation of dangerous goods
JT618 Rules of transportation, loading and unloading of dangerous goods by
“Regulations on the Control over Safety of Dangerous Chemicals” (Decree
No. 519 of the State Council, 2011)
“The Measures for the Administration of Permit for Operation of Dangerous
Wastes” (Decree No. 408 of the State Council, 2004)
“Management Regulation on Hazardous Wastes Manifests” (Decree No. 5 of
the Ministry of Environmental Protection, 1999)
“Technical Codes of Medical Wastes Centralized Disposal” (No. 206 [2003],
issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection)
“Measures for the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by
Discarded Dangerous Chemicals” (Decree No. 27 of the Ministry of
Environmental Protection, 2005)
“Measures for Information Reporting on Emergent Environmental Incident of
Environmental Protection Administrative Authorities (Trial)” (No. 50 [2006],
generating organizations themselves shall, in accordance with the relevant
national management regulations, establish and improve the rules and
regulations and operating procedures, to ensure the safety and reliability of this
4.2 The transfer process of hazardous waste shall be carried out in accordance
with “Management Regulation on Hazardous Wastes Manifests”.
4.3 The organization for collection, storage, and transportation of hazardous
waste shall establish a standardized training system for management and
technical personnel and conduct regular training for management and technical
personnel. The training content shall at least include requirements for
identification of hazardous waste, administration of permit for operation of
hazardous waste, management of hazardous wastes manifests, packaging and
identification of hazardous waste, requirements for transportation of hazardous
waste, and emergency methods for hazardous waste accidents, etc.
4.4 The organization for collection, storage, and transportation of hazardous
waste shall prepare an emergency plan. The preparation of the emergency plan
may refer to “Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Plans for Hazardous
Waste Operating Organizations”. The contents related to transportation shall
also comply with the relevant provisions of the competent department of
transportation administration. For accident-prone links during the collection,
storage, and transportation of hazardous waste, it shall regularly organize
emergency drills.
4.5 In the event of an accident during the collection, storage, and transportation
of hazardous waste, the organization for the collection, storage, and
transportation and relevant departments shall, according to the degree of risk,
take the following measures:
(1) SET up an accident warning line; INITIATE an emergency plan; REPORT
according to the requirements of “Measures for Information Reporting on
Emergent Environmental Incident of Environmental Protection
Administrative Authorities (Trial)” (No. 50 [2006], issued by the Ministry of
Environmental Protection).
(2) If the hazardous waste causing th...
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