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HJ 629-2011: Stationary source emission - Determination of sulphur dioxide - Non-dispersive infrared absorption method
HJ 629-2011
Stationary source emission
– Determination of sulphur dioxide
– Non-dispersive infrared absorption method
Issued by. State Environmental Protection Administration
State Environmental Protection Administration
of People's Republic of China
No. 65 2011
In order to implement “Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic
of China”, protect the environment, safeguard human health and standardize
environmental monitoring, three standards including “Determination of
atmospheric articles PM10 and PM2.5 in ambient air by gravimetric method”
are hereby approved as national environmental protection standards, and to be
The names and numbers of standards are as follows.
HJ 618-2011 Determination of atmospheric articles PM10 and PM2.5 in
ambient air by gravimetric method;
HJ 629-2011 Stationary source emission - determination of sulphur dioxide -
Non-dispersive infrared absorption method;
HJ 630-2011 Technical guideline on environmental monitoring quality
The above standards shall be implemented since November 1, 2011 and
published by China Environmental Science Press. The contents of standards
may be found at the website of State Environmental Protection Administration
Since the date of implementation of the above standards, the following national
environmental protection standard shall be abolished; the name and number
are as follows.
GB 6921-86 Air quality - Determination of the concentration of airborne
particulate matters
Notice is hereby given.
September 8, 2011
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative references ... 5 
3 Method-principle ... 5 
4 Interference and elimination ... 6 
5 Reagents and materials ... 6 
6 Apparatus and equipment ... 6 
7 Analysis step ... 7 
8 Result calculation and representation ... 8 
9 Precision and accuracy ... 9 
10 Quality control and quality assurance ... 10 
11 Precautions ... 10 
This Standard was formulated in order to implement “Environmental Protection
Law of the People's Republic of China” and “Law of the People's Republic of
China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution”, protect the
environment, safeguard human health and standardize the determination of
sulfur dioxide from exhausted gas of stationary source.
This Standard specifies the non-dispersive infrared absorption method in the
determination of sulfur dioxide from exhausted gas of stationary source.
This Standard was formulated for the first time.
The formulation of this Standard was organized by Department of Science,
Technology and Standards of State Environmental Protection Administration.
Main drafting organization of this Standard. Sino-Japan Friendship Center for
Environmental Protection.
The verification organizations of this Standard. National Research Center for
Environmental Analysis and Measurement, Beijing Municipal Environmental
Protection Monitoring Center, Shenyang Environmental Monitoring Central
Station, Shanghai Baoshan District Environmental Monitoring Station, and
Beijing University of Chemical Technology.
This Standard was approved by State Environmental Protection Administration
on September 8, 2011.
This Standard shall be implemented since November 1, 2011.
This Standard shall be interpreted by State Environmental Protection
Stationary source emission
- determination of sulphur dioxide
- Non-dispersive infrared absorption method
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the non-dispersive infrared absorption method that is
to determine the sulphur dioxide from organized exhausted gas of stationary
This Standard is applicable to instantaneous monitoring and continuous
monitoring on sulphur dioxide from organized exhausted gas of stationary
source. The detection limit of this method is 3 mg/m3; the lower limit of
determination is 10 mg/m3.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute the provisions of this Standard. For undated references,
the effective edition of the referenced document applies.
GB/T 16157 The determination of particulates and sampling methods of
gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
HJ/T 47 Technical conditions of sampler for stack gas
HJ/T 75 Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas
emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
HJ/T 76 Specification and test procedures for continuous emission
monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
HJ/T 397 Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary
3 Method-principle
Sulfur dioxide gas is selectively absorbable in infrared spectrum of which the
wavelength is 6.82 ~ 9 μm. When a beam of infrared light of which the constant
x(SO2) - sulfur dioxide of mole fraction in determined gas, µmol/mol;
2.86 - conversion factor for converting sulfur dioxide’s mass concentration
TO the mass concentration under standard conditions.
8.1.3 Calculation of sulfur dioxide’s emission rate
G - sulfur dioxide’s emission rate, kg/h;
ρ – mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in dry exhaust gas, (mg/m3);
Qsn - dry exhaust gas flow under standard conditions (273K, 101.325 kPa),
8.2 Result representation
The calculation results of sulfur dioxide’s concentration and emission rate shall
be rounded off to three significant digits.
9 Precision and accuracy
9.1 Precision
Six laboratories have determined the unified simulated gas samples of which
the sulfur dioxide concentrations are 64 mg/m3, 116 mg/m3, and 268 mg/m3
Relative standard deviations in laboratories are respectively. 0.4%~3.4%,
0.3%~1.8%, 0.1%~0.8%;
Relative standard deviations among laboratories are respectively. 3.0%,
1.0%, 0.3%;
Repeatability limits are. 2.7 mg/m3, 2.8 mg/m3, 3.0 mg/m3;
Reproducibility limits are. 5.9 mg/m3, 4.1 mg/m3, 3.5 mg/m3.
9.2 Accuracy
Six laboratories have determined the certified reference gases of which the
sulfur dioxide concentrations are 146 mg/m3, 636 mg/m3, and 1403 mg/m3
Relative errors are respectively. 0~1.5%, 0.1%~0.9%, 0.1%~0.7%;
Final values of relative errors are. 0.5%±1.1%, 0.4%±0.6%, 0.3%±0.4%.
10 Quality control and quality assurance
10.1 The dew-point temperature of the sample gas must be lower than ambient
temperature. When sample gas has moisture, it shall use dehumidifier to
reduce the dew-point temperature to 5°C. The dehumidifier shall make the
determined sulfur dioxide’s loss in the dehumidified gas not to be greater than
10.2 When determining sulfur dioxide, it shall choose the instrument of which
the ability of resisting negative pressure is better than negative pressure of gas
duct, so as to avoid the instrument’s sampling flow reduces and causes the
determination result lower or unable to be determined.
10.3 When sample gas has sulfur dioxide or other aerial fog, it shall use mist
filter or condenser to filter.
10.4 Before and after determination each time, it shall check the tightness of
determination system, and use standard gas to calibrate.
10.5 The sample gas temperature that is directly imported in...
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