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HJ 636-2012: Water quality. Determination of total nitrogen. Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion UV spectrophotometric method
HJ 636-2012
Replacing GB 11894-89
Water quality - Determination of total nitrogen -
Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion UV
spectrophotometric method
Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection
Ministry of Environmental Protection of PRC
No. 16, 2012
In order to implement Environmental Protection Law of the People 's Republic of
China, to protect environment, to protect human health, to standardize
environmental monitoring, it hereby approves that five standards - Determination
of soil, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen Extraction of
potassium chloride solution - Spectrophotometric method, as national
environmental protection standards and to be issued.
The names and numbers of standards are as follows.
1. Soil-Determination of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate by extraction with
potassium chloride solution -spectrophotometric methods (HJ 634-2012);
2. Soil - Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate - Gravimetric
method (HJ 635-2012);
3. Water quality. Determination of total nitrogen. Alkaline potassium persulfate
digestion UV spectrophotometric method (HJ 636-2012);
4. Water quality- Determination of petroleum oils and animal and vegetable
oils- Infrared spectrophotometry (HJ 637-2012);
5. Ambient air-Determination of phenolic compounds by high performance
liquid chromatography (HJ 638-2012).
The abovementioned standards shall be implemented since June 1, 2012 and
inquired at the website of China Ministry of Environmental Protection
Since the date of implementation of the abovementioned standards, the following
two national environmental protection standards shall be abolished. The
standard names and number are as follows.
1. Water quality - Determination of total nitrogen - Alkaline potassium
persulfate digestion - UV spectro photometric method (GB 11894-89)
2. Water quality - Determination of petroleum oil, animal and vegetable oils -
Infrared photometric method (GB/T 16488-1996)
It hereby announces.
February 29, 2012
Table of Contents
ANNOUNCEMENT Ministry of Environmental Protection of PRC ... 2
Foreword ... 4
1 Application scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Method and principle ... 7
5 Interference and elimination ... 7
6 Reagents and materials ... 7
7 Apparatus ... 8
8 Sample ... 9
9 Sample ... 9
10 Results calculation and representation ... 10
11 Precision and accuracy ... 11
12 Quality assurance and quality control ... 11
13 Notices ... 12
Annex A (Informative) Method for determination of nitrogen content in sodium
hydroxide and potassium persulfate ... 13
This Standard is specified so as to implement Environmental Protection Law of
the People 's Republic of China, Water Pollution Control Act of the People 's
Republic of China, to protect environment, to protect human health, to
standardize the determination method for total nitrogen in water.
This Standard specifies determination of total nitrogen in surface water,
groundwater, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage - Alkaline potassium
persulfate digestion UV spectrophotometric method.
This Standard is the modification of Water quality - Determination of total
nitrogen - Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion - UV spectro photometric
method (GB 11894-89).
This Standard was issued in 1989 for the first time. The original drafting
organization was Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center. This is the first
revision. The main content of revision is as follows.
- expanded the scope of standard application;
- added nitrogen content requirements of sodium hydroxide and potassium
persulfate and method for determination of nitrogen content;
- added quality assurance and quality control provisions;
- added terms and conditions on precautions.
Since the date of implementation of this Standard, the national environmental
protection standard. Water quality - Determination of total nitrogen - Alkaline
potassium persulfate digestion - UV spectro photometric method (GB 11894-
89) approved and issued by former China State Environmental Protection
Administration on December 25, 1989 shall be abolished.
Annex A of this Standard is informative.
This Standard is organized and made by Department of Science and
Technology Standards, Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Main drafting organization of this Standard. Dalian Environmental Monitoring
The verification organizations of this Standard. Tianjin Environmental
Monitoring Center, Liaoning Provincial Environmental Monitoring Experimental
Center, Shenyang Environmental Monitoring Center Station, Anshan
Environmental Monitoring Center Station, Jinzhou Environmental Monitoring
Center Station, Yingkou Environmental Monitoring Center Station.
Water quality - Determination of total nitrogen -
Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion UV
spectrophotometric method
1 Application scope
This Standard specifies water quality - determination of total nitrogen - alkaline
potassium persulfate digestion UV spectrophotometric method.
This Standard is applicable to the determination of total nitrogen in surface
water, groundwater, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage.
When the amount of sample is 10 ml, the detection limit of this method shall be
0.05 mg/L; the measuring range shall be 0.20 ~ 7.00 mg/L.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, constitute the provisions of this Standard. For undated reference
documents, the latest versions apply to this Standard.
HJ/T 91 Technical specifications requirements for monitoring of surface
water and waste water
HJ/T 164 Technical specifications for environmental monitoring
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
total nitrogen (TN)
under the conditions specified by this Standard, total nitrogen in dissolved
nitrogen and suspended solids of samples which can be determined, including
nitrogen in nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, inorganic ammonium salt, dissolved
ammonia and most of the organic nitrogen compounds
Dry it at 105 ~ 110°C for 2h. Cool it to room temperature in dryer.
6.5 Concentrated hydrochloric acid. ρ (HCI) = 1.19 g/ml
6.6 Concentrated sulfuric acid. ρ (H2SO4) = 1.84 g/ml
6.7 Hydrochloric acid solution. 1+9
6.8 Sulfuric acid solution. 1+35
6.9 Sodium hydroxide solution. ρ (NaOH) = 200 g/L
Weigh 20.0 g of sodium hydroxide (6.2) and make it dissolved in a small amount
of water. Dilute to 100 ml.
6.10 Sodium hydroxide solution. ρ (NaOH) = 20 g/L
Weigh 10.0 ml of sodium hydroxide solution (6.9). Use water to dilute to 100 ml.
6.11 Alkaline potassium persulfate solution
Weigh 40.0 g of potassium persulfate (6.3) and make it dissolved in 600 ml of
water (it may heat in 50°C water bath till all is dissolved). Weigh 15.0 g of
sodium hydroxide (6.2) in 300 ml of water. When sodium oxide solution is
cooled to room temperature, mix these two solutions and set volume to 1000
ml. Store in polyethylene bottle, which can be stored for one week.
6.12 Potassium nitrate standard stock solution. ρ (N) = 100 mg/L
Weigh 0.7218 g of potassium nitrate (6.4) and make it dissolved in appr...
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