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JB/T 8583-2008: Resin coated sand for foundry
JB/T 8583-2008
ICS 91.100.15
J 31
File No.: 23276-2008
Replacing JB/T 8583-1997
Resin coated sand for foundry
Issued by: National Development and Reform Commission
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 4 
4 Grading and designation ... 5 
5 Technical requirements ... 6 
6 Test methods ... 6 
7 Inspection rules ... 6 
8 Labeling, packaging and storage ... 7 
Appendix A (normative) Test methods for required performance indicators of resin
coated sand for foundry ... 9 
Appendix B (informative) Test methods for other performance indicators of resin
coated sand for foundry ... 12 
Resin coated sand for foundry
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, grading and
designation, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labeling and
packaging of resin coated sand for foundry.
This Standard applies to mold (core) resin coated sand produced with raw sand
(regenerated sand) for foundry and phenolic resin for shell mold (core) as the main raw
2 Normative references
The following documents contain the provisions which, through reference in this
Standard, become the provisions of this Standard. For dated references, their
subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this
Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 2684 Test methods for foundry sands and molding mixtures
GB/T 5611 Foundry terminology
GB/T 9442 Foundry silica sand
JB/T 8834 Phenolic resin of mould (core) for foundry
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions established in GB/T 5611
and the following apply.
hot bending strength
The sample is heated to 232 °C ± 5 °C, and the bending strength is measured within 10
s after taken out from the mold.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Required performance indicators
The performance indicators that must be tested for resin coated sand for foundry include
room temperature bending strength, hot bending strength, loss on ignition, average
fineness and melting point.
5.1.1 The room temperature bending strength shall comply with the provisions of Table
5.1.2 The loss on ignition shall comply with the provisions of Table 2.
5.1.3 The melting point is 85 °C ~ 110 °C.
5.1.4 The hot bending strength is 1.5 MPa ~ 5.0 MPa.
5.1.5 The determination and calculation method of the average fineness shall be carried
out according to the provisions of GB/T 9442.
5.2 Optional performance indicators
5.2.1 The optional performance indicators of resin coated sand for foundry include
room temperature tensile strength, hot tensile strength, gas evolution volume, fluidity
and hardening rate.
5.2.2 If the buyer has special requirements for the performance indicators in 5.2.1 and
other performance indicators, both the supplier and the buyer shall specify in the order
6 Test methods
6.1 See Appendix A for the test methods for room temperature bending strength, hot
bending strength, loss on ignition, average fineness and melting point of resin coated
sand for casting.
6.2 See Appendix B for the test methods for room temperature bending strength, hot
tensile strength, gas evolution volume, fluidity and hardening rate of resin coated sand
for foundry.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Sampling
7.1.1 Division of batches
It is divided by tonnage; each continuous production of 10 t is a batch.
7.1.2 Sampling method
When sampling the resin coated sand in each batch, it can select the average sample
from the same batch of well-packaged resin coated sand. The average sample of the
bagged resin coated sand is selected from 1 % of the same batch, but it shall not less
than 3 bags at least and shall not be less than 5 kg in weight. The sample required for
the inspection are selected from the total sample using the “quarter method” or riffle
sampler. If there is any doubt about the quality of a certain part of the resin coated sand,
it shall be sampled and inspected separately.
7.2 Inspection
The inspection method for resin coated sand shall be carried out according to the
provisions of Clause 6. The optional performance indicators or other special
performance requirements specified in this Standard shall be determined through
negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. Each batch of resin coated sand from
the supplier shall be inspected according to the required performance indicators
specified in this Standard, and the inspection results and designation shall be written
into the quality report and delivered to the buyer with the product. The buyer may carry
out the acceptance inspection according to the technical requirements of this Standard
or the provisions of the agreement.
7.3 Re-inspection
If one of the indicators fails in the inspection result, the sample shall be doubled for re-
inspection, and the re-inspection result is the final result. If the re-inspection results still
do not meet the indicators specified in this Standard, the batch of products is determined
to be unqualified.
7.4 Arbitration test
In the event of a dispute over quality between the supplier and the buyer, they may
negotiate or entrust a third party selected by both parties to conduct arbitration.
8 Labeling, packaging and storage
8.1 The packaging bag of resin coated sand for foundry shall be moisture-proof and
easy to transport.
8.2 The packaging bag shall be marked with:
a) The words “resin coated sand”;
b) Designation;
The determination of the room temperature bending strength value of the sample is
carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 2684. The bending strength value is 16
times the tensile scale value in the pressure gauge.
NOTE: See Appendix B for another test method for room temperature bending strength of resin coated
sand for foundry.
A.2 Hot bending strength
The preparation of the sample for hot bending strength shall be carried out according to
the provisions of A.1.
For the determination of hot bending strength, the sample is prepared according to the
provisions of A.1.After the sample is taken out, it is placed on the testing machine
immediately; gradually load until the sample breaks. It is required that the test is
completed within 10 s after the sample is taken out. The bending strength value is 16
times the tensile scale value in the pressure gauge.
A.3 Loss on ignition
A.3.1 Device
a) High-temperature box-type resistance furnace;
b) Balance (sensitivity 0.001 g);
c) Porcelain boat.
A.3.2 Procedure
Firstly, PLACE the porcelain boat that has been roasted to constant weight at 1000 °C
± 5 °C for 30 min IN a desiccator; COOL to room temperature for later use; WEIGH
the porcelain boat. WEIGH 2 g (accurate to 0.001 g) of resin coated sand sample to be
tested and PLACE it in the roasted porcelain boat; WEIGH them. Then PUT them
together in a high-temperature box-type resistance furnace that has been heated to
1000 °C ± 5 °C to ROAST for 30 min. TAKE OUT the porcelain boat and PLA...
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