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JC 936-2004: [JC/T 936-2004] One-component polyurethane foam
JC 936-2004
ICS 91.100.50
Q 24
Registration number. 14592-2004
One-component polyurethane foam
Issued by. National Development and Reform Commission of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Classification ... 5 
4 Raw materials ... 5 
5 Technical requirements ... 5 
6 Preparation of specimen and test piece ... 6 
7 Test methods ... 11 
8 Inspection rules ... 13 
9 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 15 
Appendix A (Informative) Method for detecting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in
one-component polyurethane foam sealant ... 17 
One-component polyurethane foam
1 Scope
This standard specifies the classification, raw materials, technical requirements,
preparation of specimens and test pieces, test methods, inspection rules,
marking, packaging, transportation and storage of single-component
polyurethane foam sealants.
This standard applies to aerosol-filled one-component polyurethane foam
sealant which uses the polyol and polyisocyanate as main raw materials
(hereinafter referred to as PU sealant).
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this standard
through reference in this standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB/T 6343 Cellular plastics and rubbers - Determination of apparent (bulk)
density (GB/T 6343-1995, neq ISO 845.1988)
GB 8624-1997 Classification on burning behavior for building materials
GB/T 8626 Test method of flammability for building materials
GB/T 8811 Test method for dimensional stability of rigid cellular plastics
(GB/T 8811-1988, idt ISO 2796.1980)
GB/T 10294 Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal
resistance and related properties - Guard hot board apparatus (GB/T 10294-
1988, eqv ISO/DIS 8302)
GB 13042 Packing containers - Aerosol cans
GB/T 13520 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride extruded boards
State Environmental Protection Administration (former), etc. HK [1997]
No.366 Notice on the prohibition of the use of chlorofluorocarbons in the
aerosol industry
3 Classification
3.1 PU sealants are classified into grades B2 and B3 according to the
combustion performance grade, as shown in clauses 5.2 and 5.3 of GB 8624-
3.2 PU sealants are divided into gun type (Q) and tube type (G) according to
the packaging structure.
3.3 Product’s marking
The product is marked in the following order. name, combustion performance
grade, packaging structure, standard number.
Example. A grade B2 gun-type one-component polyurethane foam sealant is
marked as. one-component polyurethane foam sealant B2 Q JC 936-2004.
4 Raw materials
The raw materials of PU sealant shall comply with the provisions of the HK
[1997] No.366 from the Environmental Protection Administration (former). It is
prohibited to use CFCs1.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Appearance
The PU sealant is a liquid in the aerosol can, the ejected material is a foam of
uniform color, without undispersed particles and impurities. It is a rigid foam-
plastic having uniform cells after curing.
5.2 Physical properties
The physical properties of PU sealant shall be in accordance with the provisions
of Table 1.
1 Note. CFCs. It refers to foaming agent monofluoromethylene chloride (F-11), difluoromethylene chloride (F-12)
trifluorotrichloroethane (F-113) which may be used in PU sealant.
7 Test methods
7.1 Appearance
Perform visual inspection at the time of preparation of the test piece.
7.2 Density
It is performed according to the provisions of GB/T 6343.
7.3 Dimensional stability
It is performed according to the provisions of GB/T 8811. The test conditions
are (23 ± 2) °C. Perform test 72 h after preparing test piece.
7.4 Thermal conductivity
It is performed according to the provisions of GB/T 10294. The average
temperature at the test point is 35 °C.
7.5 Flammability
It is performed according to the provisions of GB/T 8626. Use edge ignition.
7.6 Tensile bond strength
It may select one or more substrates in
7.6.1 Test equipment Tensile testing machine. The accuracy is not more than 2 N, the load
ranges (0 ~ 1000) N, it is equipped with a dedicated tensile fixture, the tensile
speed can be adjusted to 5 mm/min. Vernier caliper. The accuracy is 0.02 mm. Constant-temperature bath. The volume can accommodate the test
piece, the controllable temperature is (23 ± 1) °C.
7.6.2 Test procedures Tensile bond strength under standard conditions
Remove the pad from the test piece which has been prepared and cured
according to Use the vernier caliper to measure the size of the bonded
part. Load it into the tensile machine, stretch the fixture until it is damaged.
Record the damage load (N) and the state of destruction.
τ - Shear strength, in kilocalories (kPa);
F - Damage load, in Newtons (N);
L - Length of the bonded part of the test piece, in millimeters (mm);
b - Width of the bonded part of the test piece, in millimeters (mm).
The test results take the arithmetic mean of the five test pieces, accurate to the
integer position.
7.8 Foaming multiple
According to the provisions of 6.2.2, inject in layers the sample materials from
an aerosol can into the formwork which has an inner size of 400 mm x 400 mm
x 600 mm. Empty the aerosol can. After 72 h, use a balance which has an
accuracy of 0.1 g to weigh the mass (M) of the foam block. Then, respectively
from the upper, middle, lower parts of the foam block, take 5 specimens in total.
Follow the provisions of 7.2 to determine the density of the foam specimen (ρ).
Use its average value to calculate the volume of the foam block (Vf). Use the
formula (3) to calculate the foaming multiple, accurate to the integer position.
f - Foaming multiple;
Vf - The volume of the foam block, in liters (L);
M - The mass of the foam block, in grams (g);
ρ - The density of the foam block, in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3);
V0 - The indicated capacity of aerosol can, in liters (L).
8 Inspection rules
8.1 Classification of inspections
8.1.1 Exit-factory inspection
The manufacturer shall, according to the provisions of this standard, perform
exit-factory inspection for each batch of products. The exit-factory inspection
When the appearance quality does not meet the requirements of 5.1, the batch
of products is judged to be unqualified.
In the inspection results, if two or more items fail, the batch of products is judged
to be unqualified. If one item fails, it is allowed to double the specimen from the
same batch of products for single item re-inspection. If it still fails, the batch of
products is judged as unqualified.
9 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
9.1 Marking
The outer packaging of each product shall be marked with the following.
a) Name of product;
b) Label of product;
c) Net capacity and foaming multiple;
d) Date of manufacture, s...
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