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JC/T 858-2000: Specification for Cast Acrylic Sheet for Baths and Shower Trays for Domestic Purposes
JC/T 858-2000
Specification for Cast Acrylic Sheet for
Baths and Shower Trays for Domestic Purposes
Issued by: State Bureau of Building Materials Industry
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Product Classification ... 4
4 Technical Requirements ... 5
5 Test Methods ... 6
6 Inspection Rules ... 10
7 Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage ... 11
Specification for Cast Acrylic Sheet for
Baths and Shower Trays for Domestic Purposes
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test
methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation and storage of cast
acrylic sheet (hereinafter referred to as acrylic sheet) for baths and shower trays for
domestic purposes.
This Standard is applicable to the cast acrylic sheet for baths and shower trays for
domestic purposes; other acrylic sheets can also use it for reference.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard,
constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
are valid. All standards are subject to revision. The parties who are using this Standard
shall explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards.
GB 250-1995 Gray Scale for Assessing Change in Color
GB/T 1034-1986 Plastics – Determination of Water Absorption
GB/T 1040-1992 Plastics – Determination of Tensile Properties
GB 1633-1979 Plastics – Thermoplastic Materials – Softening Point (Vicat) Test
GB/T 9344-1988 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources
(Xenon Arc Lamp)
3 Product Classification
3.1 Product specification
The thickness of the acrylic sheet shall be no less than 2.7mm; other dimensions shall
be agreed between the supplier and the purchaser.
3.2 Product marking
4.7 Color fastness
4.7.1 Color fastness of resistance to UV light: it shall be tested as per 5.7.1; the color
change (color fastness) of the acrylic sheet must not be lower than Level-3.
4.7.2 Color fastness of resistance to hot water: it shall be tested as per 5.7.2; the color
change (color fastness) of the acrylic sheet must not be lower than Level-3.
4.8 Resistance to chemicals and stains
It shall be tested as per 5.8, the acrylic sheet shall be free of any permanent
contamination or damage.
4.9 Resistance to hot water
It shall be tested as per 5.9; the acrylic sheet shall be free of any changes that affect
the appearance, such as blistering, chaps, cracks and damages.
5 Test Methods
5.1 Appearance
Visual examination.
5.2 Thickness and size deviation
Use Vernier Caliper with accuracy of 0.02mm; separately measure the center points
on four sides of the sheet; and take their average value.
5.3 Vicat softening point
The Vicat softening point shall be determined as per the provisions of GB/T 1633. Use
the counterweight with temperature-rise speed of A: (5±0.5) °C/6min; static load of
5.4 Water absorption
The water absorption shall be determined as per the provisions of Method-1 in 4.2 of
GB/T 1034. The size of the specimen is the square with side-length of (50±1) mm.
5.5 Tensile strength
The tensile strength shall be determined according to the provisions of GB/T 1040. The
specimen is Type-I; the load speed is 5mm/min±20%,
5.6 Thermal stability Acetic acid: 10% (volume ratio) Ethanol: 70% (volume ratio) Methylene blue: 1% (weight ratio) NaOH: 10% (weight ratio) Sodium hypochlorite: 15% (weight ratio) Saturated NaCl: saturated solution Hot soapy water: 5% (weight ratio) Detergent: general detergent containing borate
5.8.3 Apparatus Borosilicate watch glasses: φ40mm Pipette Cleaning tester: as shown in Figure 1. It comprises a synthetic flexible open
cell foam disc of 75mm diameter and 15mm thick, which is fixed to a floater with the
mass of 500g; such device is driven by a square shaft. Test procedures
Each test can use one kind of reagent; before and after each test, the hot soapy water
in must be used to thoroughly wash the sample surface and wipe it.
On each sample with an equivalent diameter greater than 75mm, titrate about 1mL of
reagent by a pipette in; use the watch glass in to cover the droplet;
maintain for 2h at (23±2) °C. Pay attention the specimen surface shall not be exposed
to sunlight.
Immerse the foam disc in into the distilled water; move it to the surface to be
cleaned; and rotate it for 30 laps at the speed of 60r/min.
Observe the specimen surface after washing with clean water; if there is still damage
and corrosion; clean it with the detergent in If the damage and corrosion still
can’t be removed; then use the abrasive detergent (add 100g12h of aluminum powder
into the 100g of detergent) to wash.
Pay attention to whether the chemicals are contaminated and whether the
contamination can be removed; if the contamination has been removed; use water,
detergent, or abrasive detergent to wash. If the contamination can’t be removed by the
abrasive detergent, then it shall be recorded as the permanent contamination.
use a soft cloth to wipe; then place it into the (50±2) °C oven to dry for 16h; repeat
such procedures for 20 times against the same sample.
Place the sample through the repeated test into the eosin solution in; add the
detergent in at the ratio of 1cm3 per liter of solution. Maintain for 40h at
(50±2) °C; take the sample out of the solution. Use soft cloth to wipe the eosin solution
off the sample surface; visually examine whether the surface has been changed (foam,
chap, crack, etc.) through the residual situation of the eosin solution.
6 Inspection Rules
6.1 Inspection classification
The product inspection can be divided into type inspection and exit-factory inspection.
6.2 Type Inspection
6.2.1 Inspection conditions
Type inspection shall be carried out in one of the following cases of the acrylic sheet:
a) When taking trial-production of new products or the trail-production-type
appraisal for the old products transferring the factory;
b) When it is for 6 months after the normal production;
c) When there are major changes in the raw materials, formulas, and processes of
the product, which may affect the product quality;
d) When there is a significant difference between the exit-factory inspection results
and the previous type inspection;
e) When the national quality supervisions agency proposes to carry out the type
6.2.2 Inspection items
The inspection items of type inspection include all technical requirements specified in
Clause 4.
6.2.3 Judgment rules
If each index meets the corresponding technical requirements, it is judged to be
qualified; otherwise, it is judged to be unqualified.
6.3 Exit-factory inspection

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