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JG/T 157-2009: Putty for exterior wall
JG/T 157-2009
ICS 91.100.99
Q 10
Replacing JG/T 157-2004
Putty for exterior wall
ISSUED ON. MAY 18, 2009
Issued by. Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative references ... 5 
3 Terms and definitions ... 6 
4 Classification and marking ... 7 
5 Requirements ... 7 
6 Test methods ... 8 
7 Inspection rules ... 13 
8 Marking, packaging and storage ... 14 
Appendix A (Normative) Test method of water absorption ... 15 
Appendix B (Normative) Test methods of dynamic resistance to cracking ... 17 
This standard replaces JG/T 157-2004 “Putty for exterior wall”.
This standard is a revision of JG/T 157-2004 “Putty for exterior wall”. As
compared with JG/T 157-2004, the main changes are as follows.
- For the scope of application of this standard, EXTEND the ordinary leveling
putty for exterior wall to the putty used as the coating’s bottom layer of
ordinary exterior wall and exterior wall thermal insulation.
- CHANGE the asbestos-cement board for testing purposes to non-asbestos
fiber-cement board.
- CHANGE the classification from the original ordinary type (P type), flexible
(R type) to three categories. ordinary type (P), flexible type (R), elastic type
- CHANGE the putty flexible test method from the original single dynamic
resistance to cracking to two types. the putty film flexibility and the dynamic
resistance to cracking.
- CHANGE the initial resistance to dry-cracking to two types. thick-applied
putty (product which has a single-pass thickness of more than 1.5 mm) and
thinly-applied putty (product which has a single-pass thickness of not more
than 1.5 mm).
- For the elastic (T) putty, CANCEL the technical indicators of rubbing
- CHANGE the accuracy of the balance for water absorption test from 0.1 g
to 0.01 g.
- IMPROVE the test method for the dynamic resistance to cracking.
- CHANGE the low-temperature stability method to “PLACE it at -5 °C for 18
h, PLACE it at standard conditions for 6 h, three cycles”.
Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are normative appendixes.
This standard was proposed by the Institute of Standardization of the Ministry
of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the Technical Jurisdiction
Organization of Building Engineering Standard of the Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development.
Putty for exterior wall
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and
markings, packaging and storage of putty for exterior walls of buildings.
This standard is applicable to the putty for exterior wall made of cement,
polymer powder, synthetic resin emulsion and other materials as the main
binder, added with fillers, additives, etc., for the paint’s bottom layer of the
ordinary exterior wall and exterior wall thermal insulation.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this standard
through reference in this standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB 175 Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement
GB/T 1728 Methods of test for drying time of coatings of paints and putties
GB/T 1733 Determination of resistance to water of films
GB/T 1748 Method of test for flexibility of putty coatings
GB/T 3186 Paints varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes -
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB/T 9265 Determination for alkali resistance of film of - Architectural paints
and coatings
GB/T 9268-2008 Determination of freeze-thaw resistance of latex and
emulsion paints
GB/T 9271 Paints and varnishes standard panels for testing
GB/T 9278 Temperature and humidity for conditioning and testing of paint
GB/T 9750 Marks for package of coating products
GB/T 13491 General rule for packing of coatings
JC/T 412.1-2006 Fiber cement flat sheets - Part 1. Non-asbestos fiber
cement flat sheets
JG/T 24-2001 Sand textured building coating based on synthetic resin
JG/T 25-1999 Determination for freeze-thaw resistance of film of building
JGJ 52 Standard for technical requirements and test method of sand and
crushed stone (or gravel) for ordinary concrete
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Putty for exterior wall
Before the finishing work, the surface treatment material of the base layer
which is applied to the exterior wall of the building, for the main purposes of
leveling and cracking resistance.
Dynamic resistance to cracking
The ability of the surface material to resist crack propagation in the base
Thinly-applied putty
An exterior wall putty which has a single-pass thickness of less than or equal
to 1.5 mm.
Thick-applied putty
An exterior wall putty which has a single-pass thickness of more than 1.5
4 Classification and marking
4.1 Category
It is classified into three categories by the putty film flexibility or the dynamic
resistance to cracking.
Ordinary type - Ordinary putty for exterior wall of building, which is suitable for
the finishing work for the exterior wall of ordinary building (not suitable for the
finishing work for the external thermal insulation of exterior wall).
Flexible type - Flexible putty for exterior wall of building, which is suitable for
the finishing work for the ordinary exterior wall and the external thermal
insulation of exterior wall of building which has the requirements for resistance
to cracking.
Elastic type - Elastic putty for the exterior wall of building, which is suitable for
the finishing work for the exterior wall of building which has higher requirements
for resistance to cracking.
4.2 Marking
The model of putty for the exterior wall consists of the name code and the
characteristic code.
4.3 Examples of marking
Example 1. Ordinary putty for exterior wall, WNZ P
Example 2. Flexible putty for exterior wall, WNZ R
Example 3. Elastic putty for exterior wall, WNZ T
5 Requirements
Technical indicators shall meet the requirements of Table 1.
Characteristic type. ordinary type P; flexible type R; elastic type T
Name code. WNZ, putty for exterior wall
same method to apply the second pass of specimen, about 1 mm thickness,
check again whether there is barrier during coating work. When all the coating
is flat and free from pinholes or curling, it is considered to be “barrier-free during
6.7 Drying time
It is performed in accordance with the provisions of the method B in GB/T 1728.
6.8 Initial resistance to dry cracking
It is performed in accordance with the method in clause 6.8 of JG/T 24-2001.
6.9 Rubbing property
After the board is dried in the standard environment for 1 d, use the No.0 (120
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