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JJF 1363-2012: Program of Pattern Evaluation of Sulfur Hydrogen Gas Analyzers
JJF 1363‐2012 
Program of Pattern Evaluation of Sulfur
Hydrogen Gas Instruments
Issued by. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine (AQSIQ) of The People's Republic of China
Program of Pattern Evaluation of Sulfur Hydrogen
Gas Instruments
Administrative organization. National Metrology Technical Committee of Environmental
Drafting organizations. National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology
Shanghai Institute of Metrology Test
China National Analytical Center, Guangzhou
The National Technical Committee of Environmental Chemistry is entrusted to explain this
Drafting staffs of this specification.
Liu Qing (National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology)
Cai Jianhua (Shanghai Institute of Metrology Testing)
Luo Jun (China National Analytical Center, Guangzhou)
Table of Contents
Introduction ... 4 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative References ... 5 
3 General ... 6 
4 Technical Data and Experimental Prototype Submitted by Application Organization ... 6 
4.1 Technical Data ... 6 
4.2 Experimental Prototype ... 6 
5 Legal Management Requirements ... 7 
5.1 Requirements for Measurement Unit ... 7 
5.2 Requirements for Accuracy (Maximum Permissible Error) ... 7 
5.3 Requirements for Legal Measurement Marking and Measuring Devices
Identification ... 7 
5.4 Requirements for Installation Marking ... 8 
5.5 Other Requirements ... 8 
6 Measuring Requirements ... 8 
6.1 Indicated error ... 8 
6.2 Repeatability ... 8 
6.3 Alarm Setting Error ... 8 
6.4 Response Time ... 8 
6.5 Drift ... 8 
7 General Technical Requirements ... 8 
7.1 Appearance ... 8 
7.2 Functions ... 9 
7.3 Long Term Stability ... 9 
7.4 Adaptability of Supply Voltage ... 9 
7.5 Requirements for Secure Environment ... 10 
7.6 Requirements for Climatic Environment ... 10 
7.7 Requirements for Mechanical Environment ... 12 
7.8 Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility ... 12 
8 Lists of Pattern Evaluation Items ... 13 
9 Test Methods and Conditions for Test Items ... 14 
9.1 Measuring Requirements ... 14 
9.2 General Technical Requirements ... 20 
10 Judgment of Pattern Evaluation Result ... 29 
11 Original Records Form for Pattern Evaluation ... 29 
Appendix A Original Records Form for Pattern Evaluation of Sulfur Hydrogen Gas
Instruments ... 31 
References and Original Chinese Documents ... 54 
This program of pattern evaluation is prepared according to JJF 1016 "The Rules for Drafting
Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments", JJF 1015 "General Norm for
Pattern Evaluation and Pattern Approval of Measuring Instruments" and JJF 1001 "General
Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions".
Technical regulations such as JJG 695-2003 "Verification Regulation of Sulfur Hydrogen Gas
Detectors", GB 12358-2006 "Gas Monitors and Alarms for Workplace-General Technical
Requirements" and GB/T 11606-2007 "Methods of Environmental Test for Analytical
Instruments" are referenced by the technical index of this program of pattern evaluation.
This program of pattern evaluation is issued for the first time.
Program of Pattern Evaluation of Sulfur Hydrogen
Gas Instruments
1 Scope
This program of pattern evaluation is applicable to the pattern evaluation of sulfur
hydrogen gas instruments (which consists of sulfur hydrogen gas detection alarm instrument
and sulfur hydrogen gas detector, hereinafter referred to as "instrument").
2 Normative References
JJG 695-2003 “Verification Regulation of Sulfur Hydrogen Gas Detectors"
GB/T 11606-2007 “Methods of Environmental Test for Analytical Instruments"
GB 12358-2006 “Gas Monitors and Alarms for Workplace-General Technical
GB/T 17626.2-2006 “Electromagnetic Compatibility - Testing and Measurement
Techniques-Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test"
GB/T 17626.3-2006 “Electromagnetic Compatibility - Testing and Measurement
Techniques-Radiated Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test"
GB/T 17626.4-2008 “Electromagnetic Compatibility - Testing and Measurement
Techniques-Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test"
The provisions of above normative documents, through reference in this program,
constitute provisions of this program. For dated references, subsequent amendments to
(excluding any correction) or revisions are not applicable to this program. However, parties
who mutually agree to this program are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references,
the latest edition of the respective normative document is applicable to this program.
3 General
Testing principle of instrument mainly consists of electrochemical profile and optical
profile. The instrument mainly consists of transducer, amplifying circuit and display unit. It
may be classified into non-continuous measuring instrument and continuous measuring
instrument according to operating conditions; classified into diffusion type and inhalation
type according to sampling type; or classified into portable type and fixed type according to
the usage mode.
4 Technical Data and Experimental Prototype Submitted by
Application Organization
4.1 Technical Data
a) Prototype photo;
b) Product standard (including inspection method);
c) General assembly drawing, circuit diagram and drawing of key parts;
d) Instruction for use;
e) Test report by manufacturer or technical organization;
f) Explosion proof certificate shall be provided where the products are indicated with
function of explosion proof.
4.2 Experimental Prototype
The Application Organization shall provide the prototypes it manufactured and file an
application for a single product or series products. In case of application for single product,
three prototypes shall usually be provided (portable prototype); six fixed prototypes, of which
any three are used for long term stability test (fixed prototype). In case of application for
series product, one third of the products, capable of representing product specifications, are
sampled out of each series of products; the quantity of experimental prototypes of each
specification shall follow “application for ...

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