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JJG 1036-2008: Verification Regulation for Electronic Balance
JJG 1036-2008
Electronic balance
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
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Table of contents
Verification regulation for electronic balance ... 4 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 References ... 4 
3 Terms and units of measurement ... 4 
3.1 Terms ... 4 
3.2 Units of measurement ... 5 
4 Overview ... 5 
5 Measurement performance requirements... 5 
5.1 Actual interval value (d) ... 5 
5.2 Verification interval value (e) ... 5 
5.3 Verification interval number (n) ... 5 
5.4 Accuracy level ... 6 
5.5 Maximum permissible error (MPE) ... 7 
6 General technical requirements ... 8 
6.1 Appearance requirements ... 8 
6.2 General requirements of structure ... 9 
6.3 Indication of weighing results ... 11 
6.4 Level indicator ... 12 
6.5 Zero-setting device ... 12 
6.6 Zero-tracking device ... 12 
6.7 Tare device ... 12 
7 Measurement device control ... 12 
7.1 Verification conditions ... 12 
7.2 Verification items ... 14 
7.3 Verification method ... 14 
7.4 Processing of verification results ... 16 
7.5 Verification period ... 16 
Appendix A Electronic balance verification record format ... 17 
Appendix B Electronic balance verification certificate inside page format ... 19 
Appendix C Electronic balance verification result notice inside page format . 20 
Verification regulation for electronic balance
1 Scope
This regulation applies to the first verification, follow-up verification, and
verification in use of the electronic balance (hereinafter referred to as the
2 References
This regulation adopts the relevant contents of the international
recommendations R76 Non-automatic weighing instruments of the
International Organization Legal Metrology (OIML) from the aspects of
measurement performance requirements and key technical indicators.
When using this regulation, care shall be taken to use the current valid version
of the aforementioned references.
3 Terms and units of measurement
3.1 Terms
3.1.1 Zero-setting device. It refers to the device which sets the indication value
to zero when there is no load on the scale pan.
3.1.2 Zero-tracking device. It refers to the device which automatically maintain
the zero indication value within a certain limit.
3.1.3 Tare device. It refers to the device which sets the indication value to zero
when there is load on the scale pan.
3.1.4 Multiple range. There are two or more weighing ranges, which have
different maximum capacity and different actual intervals, AND each weighing
range can be from zero to the corresponding maximum capacity.
3.1.5 Multi-interval. There is only one weighing range, which is divided into
several local weighing ranges in accordance with different actual intervals. The
local weighing range is automatically determined based on the increase or
decrease in the load applied.
3.1.6 Maximum capacity. It refers to the maximum weighing capacity excluding
the added tare weight.
3.1.7 Minimum capacity. It refers to the load value below which an excessive
relative error may be caused.
3.1.8 Weighing range. It refers to the range between the minimum capacity
and the maximum capacity.
3.2 Units of measurement
The units of measurement are kilograms (kg), grams (g), milligrams (mg),
micrograms (μg), and tons (t).
4 Overview
The electronic balance is a metering device which determines the mass of the
object by the gravity acting on the object, AND indicates the output result by
the use of numerical values. It is used for weight mass value transfer, object
mass measurement, volume measurement, and magnetic measurement. It
can also be used to determine other magnitudes, quantity, parameters, or
characteristics related to mass.
5 Measurement performance requirements
5.1 Actual interval value (d)
It refers to the difference between the two adjacent indication values.
5.2 Verification interval value (e)
It refers to the value which is used for balance grade division and metrological
verification AND expressed in mass unit. The verification interval value e is
selected by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of Table 1.
5.2.1 Verification interval value e may be in the form as followings.
1 × 10k OR 2 × 10k OR 5 × 10k
Wherein k is a positive integer, a negative integer or zero.
5.2.2 Verification interval value e is defined by.
d ≤ e ≤ 10d
In general, the verification interval value e shall also be subject to e = 10k kg,
where k is a positive integer, a negative integer or zero.
5.3 Verification interval number (n)
The ratio of the maximum capacity to the verification interval value, n = Max/e.
f) Marking of the certificate for measurement instrument manufacture;
g) Maximum capacity. expressed as Max;
h) Minimum capacity. expressed as Min;
i) Actual interval value. d;
j) Verification interval value. e;
k) Exit-factory number;
l) Exit-factory date (or given in some form). Necessary markings at the appropriate time
a) Power supply voltage ... V;
b) Power frequency ... Hz;
c) As for the balance which is composed by several independent but
mutually related modules, each module shall have identification marking;
d) Special temperature limits when complying with normal working
6.1.2 Requirements for marking Handwriting size and shape must be clear and standardized; Signage with illustrative markings must be firm and reliable, AND it
must be difficult to rub, destroy or disassemble; Signs shall be installed (placed) in a clearly readable position on the
6.2 General requirements of structure
6.2.1 Applicability The design of the balance shall be suitable for the intended use. The structure of the balance shall be fine and strong, AND to maintain
good measurement performance in its service period; It shall be able to place the load easily and safely on the weighing pan
of the balance. As for the balance equipped with the hanging pans, it must
ensure that the hanging system is firm and reliable, AND it shall not produce
6.2.2 Reliability The balance may be provided with an interface to connect it to an
external device. The measurement function and measurement data of the
balance shall not be affected by the peripheral equipment, other receiving
instruments, OR the interface acting on the interface. Under the normal use conditions, the balance shall have good pressure
resistance and insulation performance.
6.3 Indication of weighing results
6.3.1 Reading device Under normal conditions of use, the reading of the weighing results
must be accurate, reliable and clear. When the maximum capacity + 9e is exceeded, the balance shall have
no numerical indication, OR otherwise indicate the overload overflow symbol.
6.3.2 Indication form Weighing results must contain the units of measurement of mass or
other symbols; For the indication of any one of the weighing results, only one unit of
measurement as selected shall be used;
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