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QB/T 2711-2005: Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Determination of tear load. Double edge tear
QB/T 2711-2005
ICS 59.140
Classification number. Y45
Filing number. 15763-2005
Replacing QB/T 3812.6-1999
Leather - Physical and mechanical tests -
Determination of tear load - Double edge tear
(ISO 3377-2.2002, Leather - Physical and mechanical tests -
Determination of tear load - Double tear, MOD)
Issued by. National Development and Reform Commission
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3 
1 Scope... 5 
2 Normative references... 5 
3 Principle... 5 
4 Device... 5 
5 Sampling and specimen preparation... 7 
6 Procedure... 7 
7 Test report... 7 
This standard is a revision of QB/T 3812.6-1999 "Leather - Determination of
tear force".
This standard modifies and adopts ISO 3377-2.2002 "Leather - Physical and
mechanical tests - Determination of tear load - Double tear". This international
standard is based on the International Federation of Leather Craftsmen and
Chemists (IULTCS) standard IUP 8.
QB/T 3812.6-1999 equivalently adopts ISO 3377.1975.ISO 3377 has been
revised, which was replaced by ISO 3377.2002.
This standard was redrafted in accordance with ISO 3377-2.2002.
According to the actual situation in our country, this standard has undergone
the following technical changes when adopting ISO 3377-2.2002.
- In the "Normative references", RE-WRITE the originally cited ISO standard
to relevant Chinese standards;
- SIMPLIFY the requirements for tensile testing machines; REMOVE the
requirements for quoting ISO 7500-1;
- According to the custom in our country, DIVIDE the sampling and specimen
preparation in 5.1 into two clauses; the subsequent clause numbers are
changed accordingly;
- In order to prevent incorrect understanding of the standard in use, DELETE
the reference “note” in 5.1.
This standard has also undergone the following editorial changes.
- DELETE the foreword of the ISO standard;
- CHANGE the term “this international standard” with “this standard”;
- USE the decimal point “.” to replace the comma "," which was used as a
decimal point.
Compared with QB/T 3812.6-1999, the main changes of this standard are as
- ADD 2 "Normative references", 5 "Sampling and specimen preparation";
- CANCEL the contents of chapter 5 of the original standard.
Leather - Physical and mechanical tests -
Determination of tear load - Double edge tear
1 Scope
This standard specifies the method for measuring the tear force of leather - the
double edge tear method (Baumann tear).
This standard applies to all types of leather.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
QB/T 2706 Leather - Chemical physical and mechanical and fastness tests
- Sampling location (ISO 2418.2002, MOD)
QB/T 2707 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Sample preparation
and conditioning (ISO 2419.2006, MOD)
QB/T 2709 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of
thickness (ISO 2589.2002, MOD)
3 Principle
The rectangular specimen of the specified shape (with a hole in the middle) is
placed on the test hooks of the upper and lower fixtures of the tensile testing
machine. The maximum force reached when the tensile testing machine is
running is the tear force of the specimen.
4 Device
4.1 Tensile testing machine
Figure 2 -- Shape of specimen
5 Sampling and specimen preparation
5.1 Sampling
It is performed according to the provisions of QB/T 2706-2005.
5.2 Preparation of specimen
According to the provisions of QB/T 2707-2005, use a die knife (4.4) to cut 6
specimens from the grain surface, wherein the long sides of 3 specimens are
parallel to the ridge line, the long sides of the other 3 specimens are
perpendicular to the ridge line.
5.3 Air conditioning of specimen
It is performed according to the provisions of QB/T 2707-2005.
5.4 Determination of specimen thickness
Measure the thickness of the specimen according to the provisions of QB/T
6 Procedure
6.1 Adjust the tensile testing machine so that the hooks of the two test hooks
lightly touch. Put the hole of the specimen into the hook part of the two test
hooks. The wide side of the test hook is parallel to the straight side of the
specimen hole, so that the specimen cannot fall off.
6.2 Start the tensile testing machine until the specimen tears. Record the
maximum force value.
6.3 Repeat 6.1 ~ 6.2 to test other specimens.
7 Test report
The test report should include the following.
a) This standard number;
b) Sample name, number and type;
c) Detailed information of the specimen, inconsistency between the sampling
and QB/T 2706-2005;
