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QC/T 1134-2020: Engine intake air water separation test procedure
QC/T 1134-2020
ICS 43.060.20
T 13
Engine intake air water separation test procedure
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Number, name and date of implementation of 8 automobile industry
No. Standard number Standard name
standard number
Date of
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hydrocarbons in automotive materials
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Measurement methods of the noise of
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168 QC/T 1134-2020
Engine intake air water separation test
169 QC/T 1133-2020
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173 QC/T 794-2020
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QC/T 794-2007 2021-01-01
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 5 
Introduction ... 6 
1 Scope ... 7 
2 Normative references ... 7 
3 Terms and definitions ... 7 
4 Test equipment ... 7 
5 Measurement accuracy ... 9 
6 Test conditions ... 10 
7 Test procedure ... 10 
8 Technical conditions ... 13 
Appendix A (Informative) Measurement method of particle size of water droplet
... 14 
References ... 17 
Engine intake air water separation test procedure
1 Scope
This document specifies the test method of air water separation performance,
of the air/water separation device in the engine air intake system, including the
technical conditions of air water separation efficiency, test equipment, test
requirements, test conditions, test procedures, calculation of water separation
This document is applicable to the device in the air intake system, which has
the water separation function, the pre-filter (coarse filter) of the air filter, the air
filtration device with the water separation requirement, the intake air filtration
system of heavy-duty engine, the automobile air intake system. Internal
combustion engine's air intake system and industrial air intake system may refer
to this document.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable clauses
of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for
dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to that date is
applicable to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest
version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 28949-2012 Inlet air cleaning equipment for internal combustion
engines and compressors - Performance testing
QC/T 32-2017 Test methods of air cleaners for automobiles
3 Terms and definitions
There are no terms and definitions, that need to be defined in this document.
4 Test equipment
4.1 Test bench
The typical layout of the test bench is as shown in Figure 1. Use the test devices,
which are specified in Figure B.7, Figure B.12, Figure B.16 of GB/T 28949-2012,
a) The accuracy of water flow measurement is ±5% of the actual value.
b) The accuracy of nozzle pressure measurement is ±1 kPa.
c) The accuracy of water temperature measurement is ±1.0 °C.
d) When measuring the mass of the water added, separated, collected, the
accuracy of the measurement shall be within ±1% of the weighing value
or 1 g, whichever is greater.
6 Test conditions
6.1 In order to reduce the maintenance of the nozzle AND avoid the impact of
performance changes, it shall, according to the nozzle manufacturer’s
specifications, select the test water OR use the water, which has a conductivity
of less than 20 µs/cm; the water temperature shall be kept within ±2 °C of the
air intake temperature of the tested system.
6.2 This document does not involve water evaporation for the time being. The
influence of water evaporation can be reduced, by controlling the water
temperature. In order to keep the consistency of the test results AND reduce
the influences, which are caused by the evaporation of water entering the tested
system, it shall control the temperature and humidity of the test air. Meanwhile,
the temperature of the air entering the air filter and separator shall be 23 °C ±
5 °C, the relative humidity shall be 55% ± 15%, the spray water temperature
shall be 20 °C ± 10 °C. It shall be confirmed that, before the start of the test OR
before the water injection spray, the conditions of the environment, air intake
and water meet the specified requirements.
7 Test procedure
7.1 The purpose of the test is mainly to install inertial separation and its
combination devices, in the air intake piping system, AND to evaluate the air
filter's air intake housing components. Normally, clean components and clean
filter elements shall be used for testing.
7.2 Install the air filter and intake system, according to the schematic diagram
in Figure 1.
7.3 According to the test air flow, follow the requirements of Table 2, to select
the water filling rate of nozzle.
water filling rate to fill water, until the specified amount of 4000 g of water is
a) It shall record the time, BETWEEN commissioning AND the start of the
test of water separation efficiency, which shall not exceed 10 min.
b) If the water spraying stops for more than 10 minutes, it shall carry out the
commissioning again, in accordance with the provisions of 7.9.
7.12 After filling at least 4000 g of water into the air/water separator, stop filling
7.12.1 After the test system continues to run for 30 s ± 2 s, close the air flow.
7.12.2 When the air flow is zero, wait for at least 5 minutes, until the drain of
the test system completely stops dripping (whichever meets the requirement
7.12.3 Determine the amount of water filled AND the amount of water, which is
separated by the tested system.
7.13 Weigh the mass of the filter element of air filter, before and after the test.
Use the weighed cloth, to collect the remaining water in the housing, from which
it may roughly estimate the water separation efficiency.
7.14 The water separation efficiency is calculated according to formula (1):
Water separation efficiency = (The amount of water collected by the separation
device + The amount of water separated by the separation device) / Water filling
amount by the water filling device x 100% …………………………… (1)
Water filling amount - The total water amount minus the mass of water, which
is collected outside the air inlet.
7.15 Repeat the steps from 7.10 to 7.13, for at least 3 times, until the
repeatability of the air flow and water filling conditions meet the requirements
each time. Follow the steps in 7.9, to repeatedly adjust the position of the
container, to ensure the consistency of the efficiency test. The entire test, which
is carried out according to the steps 7.10 ~ 7.13, shall be completed within 10
minutes; otherwise, it shall adjust the test time AND make it consistent, which
is carried out according to 7.9, before the start of test according to the steps of
7.16 The recorded test data shall include the follow...